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三起冀教版三年级上册课件Unit1 Lesson5

Lesson 2 Boy, Girl and Teacher,Lets sing a song!,This is a boy.,This is a girl.,This is a teacher.,Whats his name?,His name is Li Ming.,Her name is Je

三起冀教版三年级上册课件Unit1 Lesson5Tag内容描述:

1、Lesson 2 Boy, Girl and Teacher,Lets sing a song!,This is a boy.,This is a girl.,This is a teacher.,Whats his name?,His name is Li Ming.,Her name is Jenny.,Whats her name?,Lets play a game!,Homework1. Listen to the tape and imitate.2. Introduce your friends.,。

2、Lesson 1 Hello!,Do you know the English?,apple,banana,orange,KFC,TAXI,Li Ming,Jenny,Danny,Hello. My name is Danny. Whats your name?,My name is Li Ming.,Lets act!,Hello ,Lets sing a song!,Lets play!,Go!,Stop!,Hello. My name is ,My name is ,My name is Li Ming. Whats your name?,My name is Jenny. Whats your name?,Lets play!,Homework,Make your own name card.,。

3、Lesson 5 How Many?一、单词与图片搭配。1. pencil box 2. pen 3. pencil 4. crayon 5. rulerA. B. C. D. E.二、给下列句子选出合适的图片。( )1. Whats this? Its a pen. A. B. ( )2. How many pencil boxes do you have? I have three pencil boxes.A. B. ( )3. I have three crayons.A. B. 三、连词成句。1. is What this(?) _2. It a pencil box is(.)_3. do you How many have rulers(?)_4. one penc。

4、,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,冀教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lesson 6 Can I Help You?,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Test,Homework, Story time,sum- up,Warm-up/Revision,Who helps the rabbit?,Question:,help,救命,【拓展】 help还可以作动词,意为“帮助”。,Presentation,【例句】 Help! Help! I cant swim! 救命!救命!我不会游泳!,happen,发生,【例句】What happened yesterday?昨天发生了什么事?,stuck,动不了的,被卡住的,pull,拉;扯,ouch,(痛苦或惊讶时的叫声)哎呦,out,出来,my,我的,welcome,受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的,。

5、Unit 1 Animals on the Farm Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits,horse,1.Whats this?,Horses can run.,跑,rabbit,1.Whats this?,Rabbits can jump.,跳,Is this a _?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,cow,2. Lets do it!,Is this a _?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,chicken,Is this a _?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,rabbit,Is this a _?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,sheep,Is this a _?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,duck,3. Can a horse run?,确认动物能力也用can,一起来看看吧:Can+ a/an+动物名/it+动词原形?(能/会吗?)肯定回答:Yes, it can.。

6、Lesson 5 Where?一、看图片写短语。例:under the tree 1. _ 2. _ 3. _二、单项选择。( ) 1. _ is the cat? Its on the bed .A. What B. Where C. Wheres( ) 2. _ is in the box? Its an apple.A. What B. Where C. Whats( ) 3. Can it swim ? Yes, it _ .A. is B. can C. its三、连词成句。1. chair the under Its_。

7、,Again, Please!,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,Again, Please!,课文原文,课文原文,Again,Please!,课文原文,Again,Please!,点此播放,课文原文,Again,Please!,Thank You,。

8、,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,冀教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits,Sum-up,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Test,Homework, Lets do it!, Can a horse run?,Warm-up/Revision,What animals do you know on the farm?,【复数】 horses【例句】 This horse is brown. 这匹马是褐色的。,Presentation,This is a small horse.,Try,这是一匹小马。,Try,【复数】rabbits【例句】There are two rabbits.有两只兔子。,Try,兔子可以跳。,Rabbits can jump.,【详解】 用于回答疑问句或者陈述句,表示某事物是真的或表示同意。,。

9、,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,冀教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs,Sum-up,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Test,Homework, Is it a duck?, Lets play!, Lets sing!,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,【复数】 cats【例句】 My sister has a cat.我姐姐养了只猫。,Presentation,I like this cat.,Try,我喜欢这只猫。,Try,【复数】dogs【例句】My dog is my friend.我的狗是我的朋友。,Try,这是只小狗。,This is a dog.,【详解】 作动物时,是可数名词: a chicken 一只鸡 作鸡肉时,是不可数名词:some chicken 一些鸡肉,The c。

10、,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,冀教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lesson 3 Fish and Birds,Sum-up,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Test,Homework, Can you dance?, Lets chant!,【复数】 fishes 【详解】作为动物,鱼是可数名词;作为食物,鱼肉是不可名词。 【例句】 Fish can swim. 鱼会游泳。,Presentation,Warm-up/Revision,Try,这个湖里有很多鱼。,Try,There are some fishes in the lake.,【复数】birds【例句】There are many birds in the tree.树上有很多鸟。,This is a bird.,Try,这是只小鸟。,当气球飞过时两队的学生大声 地读出此。

11、Unit 1 Animals on the Farm Lesson 1 On the Farm,Learning aims 学习目标1.我能够听懂,会说,认读和书写单词:farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep2.我能够理解并口头运用句型 Whats this? Its a,farm,我的复数是什么?,farm,farms,Whats this? 这是什么? Its a farm. 这是一个农场。,farmer,farmer =farm+er,复数:farmers,farmer,far,car,card,dark,pig,Oink! Oink!,复数:pigs,Whats this?,Its a pig.,cow : 奶牛,母牛,Moo! Moo!,复数:cows,Whats this? Its a cow.,sheep 绵羊,Baa!Baa!,复数: sheep (注意:单复数同形),What&。

12、,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,冀教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lesson 1 On the Farm, Lets play!, Lets sing!,Sum-up,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Test,Homework, Whats this?,Whats this? 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Do you like animals?,Free talk,farm,农场,【复数】 farms【例句】 Tom has a farm.汤姆有一个农场。,Presentation,Pigs and dogs are on the farm.,Try,猪和狗在农场上。,farmer,农民,【复数】farmers【例句】He is a farmer.他是一个农民。,Try,这是一个农民。,This is a farmer.,pig,猪,【复数】 pigs,【例句】 This is。

13、,Lesson 2 Boy, Girl and Teacher,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Whats your name? Whats your name?,Lets sing!,Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My name is Danny.,Review the sentences: Teacher: Hello/Hi! Whats your name? Student: My name is ,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,通过上一课的学习,我们都会用英语问答对方和自己的名字了,那么如果我们要想向对方介绍其他的朋友,该怎么用英语表达呢?,今天让我们一起走进Lesson 2 的课堂去快乐地学习吧!,boy /b/。

14、,Lesson 6 Numbers610,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greeting:,Greet the students: Hello!boys and girls .How are you ?Nice to meet you.,课前热身,复习回顾,Lets chant! One book, two books, Three books, four. One, two, three, four, Five books more.,话题导入,Ask and answer:,T: How many pencils do you have ? S: I havepencils.,T: Today lets learn more numbers.,six/sk s/ (数词)六,eight /et/ (数词)八,1,2,3,新词展示,seven /s e v n / (数词)七,4,5,nine /n an/ (数词)九,te。

15、,Lesson 4 Numbers 15,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Do it.教师发指令,Stand up! /Sit down! ( 教师可适当辅以手势。),课前热身,运用多媒体播放歌曲 Whats your name ?,(1)师生问答方式复习所学句型 Whats your name her /his name ?,(2)运用多媒体依次展示school, desk , chair , book 的图片,提问Whats this?,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,让学生仔细观察所给教室的图片,让其对desk, chair, book 的数量进行统计,同时说出How many desks ? How many chairs ?How many books ?,How many ?,one。

16、,Unit 1 Hello Again!,冀教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Lesson 5 Where Is Danny?,In front of, behind 视频,Where is Danny? 视频, In front of, behind, Where is Danny?, Lets do it, Letters and sounds,Letters and souds视频,Warm-up/Revision,Where is Danny?,Hes under the desk.,Look, ask and answer.,Where is ?,Presentation,Wheres Li Ming?,He is in front of the tree.,in front of在前面,Wheres Li Ming?,Li Ming is behind the tree.,behind和in front of是一对对应词,behind (介词)在后面,In front of, behind,点击“In f。

17、,Lesson 1 Hello!,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greeting,a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好。,指着自己,说出名字。重复几次, 让学生明白是什么意思。,b.再用英语向同学们做简单的自我介绍:Hello. My name is _.,Sing the song“找朋友”,课前热身,复习回顾,找呀, 找呀, 找朋友,找到一个好朋友,敬个礼 ,握握手,你是我的好朋友。 找呀, 找呀, 找朋友,找到一个好朋友。敬个礼 ,握握手,你是我的好朋友。 找呀, 找呀, 找朋友。 找到一个好朋友。敬个礼, 握握手。你是我的好朋友, 找呀 ,找呀。

18、,Lesson 5 Having Fun Together,Unit 1 My Family,冀教版(三年级起点) 五年级上册,课前热身,Play a game “The family in our house”.,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,family/fmli/(名词)家,家庭;亲属,film/flm/(名词) 电影;影片,1,2,新词展示,4,3,we/wi/(代词)我们,watch a film看电影,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟着读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,family(名词)家,家庭,亲属,I have a big family.我有一个大家庭。,短语,重难点探究,family name 姓,例句,辨析 family , home。

19、Unit 1 Animals on the Farm Lesson 5 Where?,box,Where is the cat?,Its in the box.,in,on,Where is the cat?,Its on the box.,Where is the cat?,Its under the box.,under,采访in, on, under, behind,今天我们请到in, on, under 三位嘉宾,他们都是表示方位的词,现在来采访一下它们吧!,用where询问“在哪里”,Where意为“在哪里”,用来询问位置。当你想知道某物在哪里时,可以使用以下句型:,Where is the bag?,Its in the desk.,Practice,Where is the cat?,Its on the desk.,Where is the cat?,Its under the desk.,A: Wheres t。

20、,Lesson 5 How Many ?,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greetings: T : hello! / hi / how are you ?(师生相互问候,增进师生情感),课前热身,One book, two books, Three books, four. One, two, three, four, Five books more.,Lets chant!,(1)以唱字母歌的形式复习26个英文字母。,(2)以师生问答的形式复习与本课内容相关的旧知识.如:Whats this ?Its a_.,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,1.教师说:“梦里喜羊羊带我去羊村,村长送我一个书包,书包里有他给我的礼物”。,2. 请学生从书包里摸一摸,猜。

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