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人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit1 Part B

主备人 年级 四 时间本周应养成习惯 提前预习的习惯 课 题 Unit One My classroom学习目标1 能听懂、会说:Whats in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2 能听

人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit1 Part BTag内容描述:

1、主备人 年级 四 时间本周应养成习惯 提前预习的习惯 课 题 Unit One My classroom学习目标1 能听懂、会说:Whats in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light,3 能听懂并能按照指令做事情。学习重难点重点:学习 Whats in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light。难点: 1 window 一词注意 w 的发音,不要与 v 的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。 2 在回答。

2、Unit 1一、 教学内容 1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:window board light picture door floor classroomcomputer wall teachers desk fan what in the we have new go where 2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组:many our seat near classmate clean have a look good idea all right good job 3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学要求能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点。

3、Unit 1 My classroom 学习目标:1. 灵活运用介词 in, on, under 和 near. 2. 能够够规范书写 Where is?及其答句 Its on/in/under/near 学习重点: 书写重点句型。学习难点:理解介词在中英文句式中的的不同。 一、Review to understand (温故知新)Read and translate.(英汉互译。)1. classroom _ 2. 电扇_3. window _ 4. picture _5. door _ 6. blackboard _7. 地板_ 8. teachers desk _ 9. light _ 10. wall _二、Self-learning (自主学习 )选择最恰当的答案,将其序号填入前面的括号中。( ) 1. We _ a n。

4、,UNIT 2 My Schoolbag 我的书包,我们每天背着书包去上学。每个人的书包也各不相同。你能用英语简单描述自己的书包吗? 你能够听懂描述位置的指令,然后把物品放到相应位置上吗?,Whats in your schoolbag?,I have many books in my schoolbag.,我来说目标,1、,2、,3、,知识目标: How many books do you have? I have 6.Whats in it?,能力目标:能够简单描述自己的书包;能够说出书包中的物品名称。,情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,要求他们爱护课本。,第五课时,UNIT 2 My Schoolbag我的书包,第四课时,第三课时,第一课时,第二课时,I. Wa。

5、,PEP Book3 Unit4 My Home PA Lets learn & Lets do,room,Welcome to my home!,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,Go to the living room.,living room,Watch TV,起居室,看电视,Its a room.,You can see a window, a lamp , a chair,Its small.,Guess:,and many books in it.,Its a study.,书房,Read a book.,study,Go to the study,书房,kitchen,have a snack小吃,Go to the kitchen,,厨房,Go to the bathroom,bath,room,淋浴,. Take a shower.,卫生间,. Have a sleep.,Go to the bedroom,bed,room,睡觉,卧室,home,Th。

6、课题:Unit 1 My classroom (第 1 课时)授课时间:一、学生学习什么学习目标 1 能听懂、会说:Whats in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3 能听懂并能按照指令做事情。二、学生怎么学学习过程1、复习题:将下列单词与对应含义相连:Book A.尺子Pencil box B.书本Schoolbag C.蜡笔Ruler D.书包Eraser E.橡皮Crayon F.。

7、教学内容 A. Lets learn Lets do Lets talk Lets play Lets spell教学目标【知识目标】能听、说、认读有关教室内设施的单词。【能力目标】能够描述教室内有哪些设施,并用“near”表达物体的位置。掌握字母组合 a-e 在单词中发/eI/的规律。【情感目标】能够和学生对话描述室内物体及位置。教学重点 句型“Whats in the classroom?” “Where is it?”的掌握。教学难点 学会如何运用句型。教学准备 单词卡片、物品图、人物头像、课本挂图、教学课件、录音带。 课时安排 3 课时。第一课时教学过程 批注一、Warm-up and revision1.课堂口语练。

8、My classroom Part B (Lets talk & Lets play),Unit One,Warm up,Lets chant,Wall, wall, the wall is white. Fan, fan, the fan is blue. Door, door, the door is orange. Window, window, the window is green. Computer, computer , the computer is black.,Lets talk,Lead in,Presentation,Wu Yifan will(将要)_,Task1:Watch and think(观看并思考),Zhang Peng,Yifan,Mike and John are in the classroom.They are talking about something.,点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频,Lets talk,或点击此处播放视频,Tas。

9、Guess, tall or short?,Guess, strong or thin?,Guess, boy or girl?,Guess, hamburger or hot dog?,Guess, long or short ?,Guess, red or pink?,Guess, notebook or story-book?,again,Chen Jie: I have-. John: -or -? Chen Jie: A-. John: Whos-? Chen Jie: Guess. Chen Jie: Shes-.She likes-.Whats-?John: Her-. Chen Jie: Yes. John: -, too. Hes-.He likes-. Chen Jie: Hes-. John: -right.,tall- long-。

10、,Unit 2 My schoolbag,B Lets talk,How many English books do you have? Thirty, Thirty, Thirty!How many picture-books do you have? Forty, Forty, Forty!How many story-books do you have? Fifty, Fifty, Fifty!,Lets chant,妈妈给我买了什么学习用品啊?,Whats in it? Whats in the box?,My schoolbag is heavy.,Whats in the schoolbag?,创设情境: 你的好朋友买了一个新书包,你非常想知道里面装些什么?你该怎么问你的朋友呢?,A:I have a new schoolbag . B: Really ? What colour is it ? A: Its blue . B: Whats in it ? A: 。

11、四年级上册 PEP Unit 4 My Home Part B 说课稿我说课的内容是小学英语四年级上册 PEP 教材中 Unit 4,Part B 的第三课时。 本单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间 living room、study、kitchen、bedroom and bathroom 及一些常见的生活用品和家具 phone、fridge、TV 、sofa、table、shelf and bed 等展开的一系列话题,这些东西都是学生非常熟悉而且和我们息息相关的,所以教师教起来比较顺手,学生也乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。本课时共分为两个部分,第一部分,Read and write, 这部分主要为学生提供了一幅较为形象的图片来教授五个。

12、My classroom Part A (Lets spell),Unit One,Warm up,Lets chant,Lead in,My name is Kate.,I can make a cake.,My name is Dave.,I like to eat a cake.,Lets spell,Presentation,Step 1: Read and listen,Step 2:Listen and chant together.,你发现规律了吗?,cake,face,name,make,a-e,dad,has,black,cat,bag,hand,a,字母a以及字母组合a-e的发音规律,/ei/,/,发音时,要使用舌前部,舌头抵住下齿,口型扁平,上下牙齿张开大约相当于一个食指加中指的距离。,发音时声带振动。发音时,由/e/音滑向/I/音,前重后轻.,bag,fat,cake make,Tal。

13、Unit 1 My classroomPart B一、选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. blackboard B. fan C. good( )2. A. me B. us C. wall( )3. A. clean B. help C. me( )4. A. teachers desk B. floor C. computers( )5. A. help B. what C. let二、根据中文提示填写所缺单词。1. Where is the_(电脑 )?2. The_(风扇) is blue.3. Let me_(打扫) the blackboard.4. Let_(我们) clean the wall.5. _(谢谢).。

14、My classroom Part B (Lets learn & Colour and say),Unit One,Revision,Look and say,What colour are they?,red,green,yellow,black,brown,white,orange,Presentation,Lets learn,Lead in,OK!Lets go and see.,Hey,Zip!Lets go to the classroom.,This is the new classroom,Whats in the new classroom?,One blackboard,two lights,many desksand chairs.,Whats this?,Its a computer.,I have a new computer.,短语:computer games 计算机游戏,Can you see a fan?,Yes,Its a blue fan.,Please t。

15、UNIT 3 My Friends,小学英语四年级上册,Lets learn,long hair,My friend has long hair.,Guess! who is it ?,short hair,My friend has short hair.,Guess! who is it ?,a green bag,My friend has a green bag.,Guess! who is it ?,brown shoes,My friend has brown shoes.,Guess! who is it ?,blue glasses,My friend has blue glasses.,Guess! who is it ?,Say and draw,I have a friend. He has short hair.,He has a green bag and brown shoes.,Bye-bye!,。

16、Lesson 4,Unit 1 My classroom,颜色游戏,看图回答,新词学习,Bingo游戏,小结,读词指物,听力练习,计算机英语,新设计,看故事,说一说,你看到哪些颜色,说一说,图中有什么?,Lets learn,Bingo游戏,读词指物,wall,floor,teachers desk,computer,fan,desk,board,door,window,教室新设计,Listen, match and colour the flowers,答案,Listen, match and colour the flowers,Listen again and tick or cross,My classroom is small. ( ) The teachers desk is orange. ( ) The picture is on the small. ( ) We have a computer in our classroom. 。

17、Unit 1 My classroom,Lesson 3,唱一唱,比较字母,认读单词,写一写,小结,找一找,练一练,苹果趣话,配对子,ABC song,说出相同字母,字母Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,字母Bb,Aa,Cc,Dd,Ee,字母Cc,Bb,Dd,Ee,Aa,字母Dd,Aa,Cc,Ee,Bb,字母Ee,Cc,Dd,Aa,Bb,c,e,a,d,b,Write and say,找一找,配对子,A,B,C,D,E,a,b,c,d,e,Listen, write and match,c,d,b,e,a,_pple,_gg,_ook,_at,_oor,小,结,Aa ant apple hand Bb beef boy ball Cc cat cake car Dd doctor duck desk Ee elephant egg bed,Apple,You are wrong again. Well, you are an apple head.,Mary is the apple 。

18、My classroom Part B (Read and write & Lets check & Lets sing) Part C (Story time),Unit One,Warm up,点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频,Lets sing,或点击此处播放视频,clean the window,clean the classroom,clean the desks and chairs,Revision,Look and say,Presentation,Read and write,Lead in,Whats in Sarah and Zhang Pengs classroom?,Tip1:,Skimming (略读课文),Read quickly,find and circle the key words.(读句子,看图,圈出关键词。),Read and tick()or cross().,点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频,或点击此处播放视频,Read 。

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