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人教pep版三年级上册英语Unit6 Part Bppt课件

Unit 6 Happy birthday.,B.Start to read,教学目标,1.复习巩固110的数字、所学句型及对话。 2.通过Story time的故事理解,让学生对本单元的主要句子进行复习和尝试理解。 3.本课时通过听力练习,检查学生对本课所学内容掌握的情况。,Lets do,Fin

人教pep版三年级上册英语Unit6 Part Bppt课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 6 Happy birthday.,B.Start to read,教学目标,1.复习巩固110的数字、所学句型及对话。 2.通过Story time的故事理解,让学生对本单元的主要句子进行复习和尝试理解。 3.本课时通过听力练习,检查学生对本课所学内容掌握的情况。,Lets do,Find and say,找出你看到的字母,并且大声朗读字母。,Find and say,Find and match.,Lets check,Look and circle.,Story time,What are they doing?,Story time,one gift,two gifts,听录音,跟读对话内容。,根据图片,复述故事内容。,Lets sing一起来唱歌吧!,Lets sing,家庭作业,听录音跟读这个故。

2、Unit 6 Happy birthday!,A. Lets learn Lets chant,教学目标,1.能听说、认读数字1到5。2.会唱Lets chant的歌谣。3.激发学生学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。,Lets talk,表演时间一起来表演对话吧!,Lets learn,one,two,three,four,five,Play a game,请大声的说出你看到的数字!,Golden Eyes,How many? (多少?),Play a game,How many cats?,Five cats.,How many rabbits?,Four rabbits .,How many cakes?,One cake.,Lets chant,1.跟读chant的录音。2.全班分成两个小组朗读chant的内容, 需要带上动作,老师评出最佳表演小组。,Lets chant。

3、第一课时,Enjoy the chant and answer the question,Which numbers can you hear?,Lets have a picnic today,Sing the song,Play a game,Whats missing?,了解cake的种类,fruit cake cartoon cake chocolate cake tea cake birthday cake,Tell me your favourite cake.,Lets talk,What are they talking about?,How many plates?,Lets learn,Its a plate. one plate,two plates,three plates,four plates,five plates,Can I have some cake,please?,Sure. Here you are.,Brainstorm,Why did Sam and Sams mo。

4、第六课时,A B C song,Enjoy the song,Find and say.,Find and match.,Listen and tick or cross.,Look and circle.,Story time,one gift,two gifts,Surprise!,My QQ feeling! Show me yours.,one candle,Lets count,We cant count the candles.,I see so many candles.,Read and answer,a. Whose birthday is it?b. How old is he?,Lets sing,Numbers in life,Homework,1.Listen to and repeat “Story time”. 2. Listen to and sing “ Ten little candles”.,。

5、Unit 6 Part B 第一第一课时课时 (Lets talk-Lets play) 一、听录音,将小动物与年龄连线。 二、听录音,选句子。 ( )1. A. How are you? B. How old are you? ( )2. A. This is Zoom. B. This is my brother. ( )3. A. Whats this? B. W。

6、Unit 6 Part B 第二第二课时课时 (Lets learn-Lets do) 一、听录音,选数字。 ( )1. A. 658 B. 586 ( ) 2. A. 759 B. 975 ( )3. A. 679 B. 796 ( ) 4. A. 596 B. 956 ( )5. A. 567 B. 675 二、听录音,排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 。

7、第三课时,Enjoy the song,A B C song,Sam,How old is Sam?,Sam is six years old.,Lets talk,Lets play,Lets make,1. Fold.,2. Cut.,3. Fold back.,4. Open.,5. Push out.,6. Draw and write.,Sing the song,Happy birthday!,Know more,西方儿童怎样过生日?在泰国:每逢儿童生日的前一天,就得点燃起一对和这个过生日的孩子同样高的蜡烛,预祝孩子长命百岁。 在荷兰:小孩过生日的时候,其家长要带着生日蛋糕上班,和同事们一同分享这个特别的日子。 在澳大利亚:全家人要在孩子生日的那一天到海里游泳。游泳后,全家人就在海滩上野餐来。

8、,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets learnLets chant,Lets learn 视频,Lets chant 视频, Lets learn, Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,pupil,小学生,Presentation,【复数形式】 pupils 【短语】 a pupil 一名小学生,Lucy and Tom are pupils.露西和汤姆是小学生。,【用法】 he为人称代词的第三人称单数形式,指代上文已经提过的或身份已明的男性,一般在句中作主语。,【例句】 This is Jack. Hes a driver.这是杰克。他是一名司机。,绿色圃中小学教育网,Try,他是我的朋友。,教师,teacher,【复数形式】 。

9、,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets talkMake a monser,Unit 3 At the zoo,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk, Make a monser,Warm-up/Revision,Lets do,You will see a beautiful picture.,Look at it carefully and tell us:,Whats in it?/What are they?,giraffe,elephant,monkey,lion,deer,zebra,hippo,owl,parrot,【例句】She always tells stories to the children. 她总是给孩子们讲故事。【拓展】 Childrens Day儿童节,Presentation,children,I have a wife and two small children.,These are my children.,Try,这些都是我的孩。

10、,Unit 2 My family!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets learnLets chant,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,1教师让学生拿着自己的家庭照,通过实物投影展示给大家,并指着其中的人物做介绍:Hes my father. Shes my mother.2 让学生两人一组面对面站着,举起自己的家人照片做问答练习:Whos that man? Whos that woman?,【例句】 Lucy and Lily are sisters.露西和莉莉是姐妹。,Presentation,【复数】 sisters,I have two sisters and a brother!,Try,我有一个姐姐两个哥哥。,I have one sister and two。

11、,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets talkLook and say,Letstalk 视频,boy and girl, Lets talk, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,【用法】 she为人称代词的第三人称单数形式,指代上文已经提过的或身份已明的女性,一般在句中作主语,Presentation,【例句】 Amy is from the UK. Shes very cute. 埃米是英国人。她非常可爱。,She is my student.,She is my teacther.,Try,她是我的老师。,【复数】students【例句】Tom and Lucy are students.汤姆和露西是学生。,Try,Her name is Wang Fang。

12、,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets learnLets do,Unit 3 At the zoo,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Lets do,Warm-up/Revision,Look at _. It has _.,the elephant,a long nose,Lets guess.,a long nose,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Look at_. It has _.,the monkey,a long tail,a long tail,Lets guess.,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Look at_. It has _.,the giraffe,a long neck,a long neck,Lets guess.,绿色圃中小学教育网,【例句】 Th。

13、,Unit 2 My family!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets talkLets play,Lets talk 视频,father and mother, Lets talk, Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Sing a song,Hickety, Pickety, My Black HenHickety, pickety, my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen,Sometimes nine sometimes ten,Hickety, pickety, my black hen,Hickety, pickety, my black hen,She lays eggs for gentlemen,Sometimes nine sometimes ten,Hickety, pickety, my black hen.,【例句】 Tom and John are brothers. 汤姆和约翰是兄弟。,Presentation,。

14、Unit 6 Part B 第三第三课时课时 (Start to read-Story time) 一、听录音,判断数量是(T)否(F)一致。 ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 二、听录音,选数字。 ( )1.A.3 2 4 B.3 2 8 ( )2.A.6 2 7 B.7 2 4 ( )3.A.2 8 5 B.2 5 8 ( )4.A.3 5 9 B.5 6 9 ( 。

15、,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Start to readLets checkLets sing,Unit 2 My family!,Lets check 视频, Lets sing,Start to read, Lets check,Warm-up/Revision,Sing a song,Mom my finger Mom my finger Mom my finger Dad-dy finger Dad-dy finger Brother finger Brother finger Sister finger Sis-ter finger Ba-by finger Ba-by finger Where are you? Here I am, here I amHow do you do?,Presentation,Im Wu Yifan.This is my family.,This is my grandmother.,This is my grandfather.,This is my fath。

16、,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Start to readLets checkLets sing,Unit 3 At the zoo,Lets check 视频, Lets sing,Start to read, Lets check,Warm-up/Revision,Presentation,Read and match,Its big.It has a short tail.Its black and white.,Its a panda.,Choose, say and guess.,Its black and white.It looks like a horse.What is it?,Its,Choose, say and guess.,zebra,Lets check,点击“Lets check”,跟我一起练吧!,视 频,Look and match,fat,big,long,small,short,thin,tall,你来指指吧,( )A.my mother, f。

17、,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Start to readLets checkLets sing,Lets check 视频, Lets sing,Start to read, Lets check,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,Presentation,同学们你们做对了吗?,周行,王明,郭芳,This is ZhouHang. He is my friend. He is a student.,Practice,This is Wang Ming. He is my friend. He is a pupil.,This is Guo Fang. She is my friend. She is a student.,Lets check,点击“Lets check”, 跟我一起读吧!,视 频,4,2,3,1,同学们你们做对了吗?,Lets sing!,Test,一、给。

18、Unit 6 Clothes(1) Part B 参考课件,Words review,T-shirt,穿上,put on,small,New words,big,too big,太大了,New words,sports,sports shoes,New words,。

19、Unit 6 Happy birthday !我今天说课的内容是: PEP 小学三年级英语上册 Unit6 Happy Birthday !Part BLets learn , Lets do 部分. 一.说教材 1. 本节课是本教材第六单元 B 部分中的 Lets learn, Lets do 的内容,其中 Lets learn 部分中学生已有对数字 one-five 的认知水平.本节课在此基础上继续学习数字 six- ten ,并围绕本课新授单词,穿插一些 Activities,即本节课的第二部分Lets do.如: “Show me 1 and 2”. 等一些简单的指示语 ,要求学生听懂并按照指令做出相应的动作.在日常生活中 ,我们经常与数字打交道,如何让学生会用英语来表达数。

20、B. lets learn.,Unit 6 Happy Birthday!,Review,1 number 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five,How many?,one,two,three,four,five,Lets learn,another number Six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 0 zero,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,1,5,3,4,2,6,10,8,9,7,How many?,six,five,two,eight,four,nine,seven,Whats missing?,one,three,ten,one,1,three,3,five,5,seven,7,nine,9,two,2,four,4,six,6,eight,8,ten,10,计算下列算式,用英语说出其答案,one,nine,ten,seven,eight,ten,。

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