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人教pep版六年级上册英语Unit1 第五课时ppt课件

第六课时,Part B Lets check&Lets wrap it up& Part C story time,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Review,Robin,Crossing,bookstore,Turn left,compass,GPS,cinema,Pos

人教pep版六年级上册英语Unit1 第五课时ppt课件Tag内容描述:

1、第六课时,Part B Lets check&Lets wrap it up& Part C story time,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Review,Robin,Crossing,bookstore,Turn left,compass,GPS,cinema,Post office,Go straight,hospital,Turn right,Presentation,Listen and tick the places you hear .write the words under the pictures.,Lets check,Post office,cinema,museum,school,bookstore,He wants to go to the museum.,He can see the bookstore,go straight ahead.then turn right at the cinema.finally,he can at the museum。

2、Unit 3 Look at me.,B.Start to read,教学目标,1. 复习本单元所学的身体单词和所学过的字母。 2. 做Lets check部分的听力练习,训练听力的同时检查学生对本单元内容的综合掌握情况。 3. 培养学生学习英语的良好习惯,提高学生学英语的兴趣。,Lets do,I can read,Find and say,Read and count,2,3,2,2,1,3,1,Lets check,Lets sing,全班分成两组,表演歌曲内容。,Story time,听录音,跟读对话内容。,Zip: Good morning, Zoom. Zoom: Good morning, Zip. Zip: _? Zoom: _, thanks._ Zip:_,How are you,very well,Lets make a puppet.,Great!,。

3、Unit 6 Happy birthday.,B.Start to read,教学目标,1.复习巩固110的数字、所学句型及对话。 2.通过Story time的故事理解,让学生对本单元的主要句子进行复习和尝试理解。 3.本课时通过听力练习,检查学生对本课所学内容掌握的情况。,Lets do,Find and say,找出你看到的字母,并且大声朗读字母。,Find and say,Find and match.,Lets check,Look and circle.,Story time,What are they doing?,Story time,one gift,two gifts,听录音,跟读对话内容。,根据图片,复述故事内容。,Lets sing一起来唱歌吧!,Lets sing,家庭作业,听录音跟读这个故。

4、,Unit 4 We Love Animals,第五课时,pig,elephant,squirrel,mouse,bird,bear,hunt,walk,climb,fly,jump,Where is my home?,Everybody: Thank you! Good bye!,Thank you very much!,。

5、Unit 2 Colours!,B.Start to read,教学目标,1.能够认读start to read中的字母,并且能够独立完成练习。 2.能够熟练地听、说、认读本单元的颜色单词。 3.能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,并能表演故事.,Lets review,black,blue,brown,green,orange,red,white,yellow,Find and say.,What do you see? I see.,比一比谁写得最快最准确!,家庭作业,读本课单词;将本课单词读给爸爸妈妈听。,1,2,。

6、,Unit 6 In the Nature Park 第五课时 Part B Read and write,house,village,building,bridge,tree,There is a car in front of the house.,in front of,There are some flowers in front of the house.,There is a tree in front of the house.,There are some trees near the house.,near,There is a high mountain near the house.,Whos at Mr Joness house?,1.Whats near house?2.Whats in the park?,There is a nature park near the house.,There is a high mountain in the park.,3.Whats in front of the mountai。

7、,Unit4 What can you do?B Read and write,swim,speak English,play basketball,play ping_pong,cook,What can you do?,I can I can I can I can,sing English songs do some kung f dance play the pipa draw cartoons swim speak English play basketball play ping_pong cook,dance sing English songs speak English play ping_pong,Robin is a _,He is_and_,robot,funny,friendly,listen and write,Who can be my friend?,Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funn。

8、Unit 2 My week,B. Read and write,教学目标,1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的对话并完成相应练习。 2. 了解星期一到星期天英文表达的缩写形式。 3. 复习本单元学习的主要词汇和句型,培养学生的复习意识。,Lets review,Lets chant,bee beef see feet meet sheep geese,Lets read,sea seat beak bean tea eat meat team,What happened?,Read and write,Whats Robins advice?,You should play sports every day.,Here is a new schedule for you.,Listen and read,大声朗读对话,What do you have on Wednesday?,I have a ping pong class。

9、Unit3 What would you like? Read and write,Whats your favourite food? Whats your favourite food? Ice cream. Its sweet. Its sweet. Chicken. Its delicious. Its delicious. Fish. Its fresh. Its fresh. Meat and vegetables. They are healthy. I dont like peppers. They are hot.,Lets chant.,Lets read,Read and choose.,1)Whats Wu Yifans favourite food?,2)Whats Wu Yifans favourite vegetable?,3)Whats Grandpas favourite food?,A. B.,A. B.。

10、Unit 5 There is a big bed,B. read and write,Whats in Zhang Pengs room?,There are things everywhere.,This is Zhang Pengs room.,The room is dirty.,girl,shirt,dirt,dirty,ir,/,Mr Jones just moved into an old house.,moved into,Whats in Mr Jones house?,Maybe .,This is Mr Joness house.,Listen and choose,Which is Mr Jones room?,I see a mouse behind my computer.,Read and judge with “T“or “F“,( )1.Robin writes an email to Mr Jones. ( )2.The old room is。

11、第五课时,Lets sing,Do you know them?,pencil,eraser,ruler,crayon,Do you know them?,(1) -Hello, Im.Whats your Chinese name?-My Chinese name is.-Whats your English name?-My English name is.-Goodbye!-Bye,.,(2) -Hello, Im.-Hi, Im.-I have a/an .-Me too!,Free talk,book,I have a book.,Lets learn,pen,I have a pen.,Lets learn,pencil box,I have a pencil box.,Lets learn,bag,I have a bag.,Lets learn,carry,Carry your bag.,Carry your book.,Lets learn,Listen and say,Listen and say,p。

12、Unit 1 Hello!,B.Start to read,教学目标,1.能够通过情景会话熟练运用所学的文具2.能够听、说、认读文具和句子。,Lets sing,I can see _.,Can you say?,pencil,eraser,ruler,crayon,Lets review,pencil box,book,pen,bag,Lets review,pencil,eraser,crayon,ruler,pencil box,book,pen,bag,Lets review,1,1,2,2,2,3,2,A: Hello,Im _.Whats your_?B :My names _.A :Goodbye!B:_!,Lets talk,跟读录音,注意语音语调 分角色表演对话内容。 老师评出最佳表演小组。,Work in pairs,A:背对着全班同学 B:变换声音跟这位同学打招呼B:Hello. (发出。

13、第五课时一、翻译下列短语。1. in front of the cinema _ 2. tun right _3. go straight _ 4. behind the hospital _5. at the crossing _ 6. next to the park _7. an Italian restaurant _二、单项选择。( )1. Is it far? _, its not far.A. No B. Yes C. Sorry( )2. Is there a bookstore near here? _A.Yes, there is. B.Youre welcome. C. Look at the bookstore.( )3. How can I _ the museum?A. get B. to 。

14、,Recycle Mikes happy days,Day 8 A farewell party,人教版(三年级起点)六年级下册, Day 8,Lets chant 视频,Warm-up/Revision,A farewell party毕业舞会,Day 8 A farewell party,What can you see in the picture?,Presentation,Look and match.,Group the words. Can you write more?,Find words with the following patterns.,a-e, i-e, ar, or, ee, ea, ai, ow, oo,Lets chant,点击“Lets chant”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Read the chant.,The party is on Friday. Its time to say goodbye. We wont sing any sad songs. And well have。

15、Unit 4 I have a pen pal,第五课时,Sing a song,My new pen pal,Read and write,Finish this table with your partner.,I like and , but my partner likes and ,What do you do on Sundays?,Do you join clubs?,club,I like dancing.,I want to join the dancing club.,dance club,Do you like playing football?,If you like, you can join the football club.,Do you want to learn about robots?,You can meet Robin in the science room!,He teaches students to make robots.,Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday。

16、Unit 6 How do you feel ?,第五课时,How are you today?,Draw faces for each word,Look and read hear wont says stuck in the mud They pull Robin out of the mud.,How does the lion feel? How the mouse feel now?,What does the story tell us?,A. We should always be nice to each other.B. We shouldnt hurt ants.,Fill the blanks and retell the story,The ant is _ Robin is stuck and _ The ants are strong. They _ Now everyone _,Tell a story,The lion and the mouse,Tips fo。

17、Unit 5 What does he do?,第五课时,Sing a song,What do you want to do ?,比一比,Three people a group. Find out which group can say the most job.,What are you going to be ?,Im going to be a .,What subject do you like best ?,If you like science,you can be an scientist.,a. If you like music, you can be a singer. b. If you like Chinese, you can be a writer. c. If you like playing football, your can be a football player. d. If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. e. 。

18、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第五课时,Sing a song!,What are you going to do ?,Revision,word book,comic book,dictionary,postcard,What festivals do you know ? Whats the date of that day?,National Day,Spring Festival,Christmas Day,What food do you usually eat that day?,We usually eat mooncakes.,Do you want to know what I usually do on Mid-Autumn Festival?,My family are going to get together and have a big dinner.,What about you?,Robin and I write a poem for Mid-Autumn Festival. Lets read it.,F is for fam。

19、,第五课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,2,课前热身,Lets play a game!,Looking for my friend:,She is tall. She has two big eyes. She wears glasses. Who is she?,话题导入,You are in a car.,话题导入,Which can help you?,map,compass,GPS,stars,GPS /di pies / (名词)全球定位系统,gave /ev/ (give 的过去式)(动词) 提供,交给,feature /fit / (名词)特点,1,2,3,新词展示,follow /fl / (动词)跟着,far /f / (形容词)较远的,4,5,新词展示,6,tell /tel/ (动词)告诉,Lets play a game!,新词展。

20、第五课时,Part B Read and write,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Warming up & Revision,Which one?,How to find the right way?,?,Presentation,You are in a car ,which of these can help you can find a place?,map,compass,GPS,stars,Read and write,Practice,work,three,Fill out,go straight,turn left,at the bookstore,turn right,特点,请跟我来,告诉,tell,Follow me,please,GPS,feather,far,全球定位系统,堂清时间:,远吗? Is it ?,Where is the (邮局)?,post office,让我们一直走,Lets go st。

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