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冀教版英语三年级上Lesson 14 My Body课件2

How are you ?,Lesson 3,1 How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,Trains coming,2 Lets sing!,3 Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a s

冀教版英语三年级上Lesson 14 My Body课件2Tag内容描述:

1、How are you ?,Lesson 3,1 How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,Trains coming,2 Lets sing!,3 Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a school.,-Whats this ? -Its a _.,Pairwork,Lets talk and play .,-Whats this ? -Its a _.,HOMEWORK,利用本课所学问候语how are you自己创作对话,找伙伴练习,下节课展示给同学们。,Thank you !,。

2、Lesson 5 How Many?,Lets chant!,Lets talk!,1.见到朋友打招呼:Hello! 2.问对方的名字:Whats your name? 3.回答自己的名字:My name is 4.问男孩的名字:Whats his name? 5.问女孩的名字:Whats her name? 6.问你的身体怎么样:How are you?Im fine,thanks. 7.初次见面说“见到你很高兴”:Nice to meet you!,Whats this?,Its a .,pen,Whats this?,Its a .,pencil,Whats this?,Its a .,ruler,Whats this?,Its a .,crayon,Whats this?,Its a .,pencil box,Lets play!,Point to something. 。

3、Lesson 21 Jennys Family,冀教版三年级英语上册,This is Jennys Family,My father is a carpenter. 我爸爸是位木匠。,My mother is a bus driver. 我妈妈是位公交车司机。,My brother is a police officer. 我哥哥是位警察。,My sister is a student . 我妹妹是个学生。,carpenter,driver,student,Police officer,Where is your ruler? 你的尺子在哪儿? 句子结构:Where is + 物?,1. 学校在哪儿?2. 我的文具盒在哪儿?3. 你的书在哪儿?,Where is the school?,Where is my pencil case?,Where is your book?,Where is Lynn? 林恩在哪儿。

4、Lesson22 How old are you?,What can you see? (快速说出你看见了什么?),Old or young?,Hes old,Old,young,Shes young,I can ask and answer. (我会询问他人年龄并回答),How old are you?,Im _ years old.,How old are you?,Im ten years old. How old are you?,Im nine.,Im nine years old. Lynn is six years old. Shes very young.,Game 游戏,假如你是一个小记者,请你用咱们学过的句子采访一下你的同桌。,My name is _. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. How old are you?,homework,1、 回家后听录音五遍并跟着模仿朗读。 2、 问。

5、Unit2 This is my pencil.,人教新版 三年级上册,Lesson 8,Lets sing and play,Review,I say you do,Show me your bag.,Show me your book.,Review,Play a game,Review,Glad to meet you.,Hi, Li Yan. This is Kate.,Glad to meet you, too.,Role-play,Lead-in,Look and say,Presentation,Just talk,猜一猜他们都说了什么?,Presentation,Nice to meet you.,Hello, Peter! This is Gao Wei.,Nice to meet you, too.,Listen and imitate,Show time,Good,Great,Excellent,三人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。,Presentation,This is a p。

6、Unit2 This is my pencil.,人教新版 三年级上册,Lesson 11,Lets sing,Review,Hi, Peter. This is my sharpener.,Hi, Kate! This is my eraser.,Role-play,Review,Lead-in,Look and guess,Lead-in,Look and guess,Listen and say,听一听,Kate和Li Yan他们说了什么?,Presentation,Look, Kate! This is my marker.,Hi, Li Yan! This is my glue.,Wow! Its nice!,Presentation,Listen and imitate,Look, Kate! This is my marker.,Hi, Li Yan! This is my glue.,Wow! Its nice!,Show time,Good,Great,Excellent,两人一组,练习对话并表演,。

7、Lesson 16,Warm and cool, warm or cool ?,This is cold.,This is cool., warm or cool ?,Ouch ! Thats hot!,This is warm., Lets do it !,This is warm.,toe,Lets sing !,Head , shoulders , knees , toes Knees , toes , knees ,toes Head , shoulders , knees ,toes Eyes , ears, mouth ,nose,。

8、,冀教版三年级上册 Lesson 9 open and close,Lets sing a song !,Lets look and read.,将大小写字母连成一条线,连连 看,K J M G N L,g j l k n m,open 打开,close 关闭,Bye!,。

9、Lesson 12 More Letters,Lets sing!,What do they like?,Ff,Hh,Ee,Bb,Jj,Whats this?,_ea,t,_mbrella,u,_egetables,v,_indow,w,Ww,Ww,Xx,x,_-ray,Xx,_ellow,y,Yy,Yy,_oo,z,Zz,Zz,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz,X,Y,W,Z,X,w,y,z,m,d,v,s,Lets write.,Lets sing!,A, E, I, O, U, A, E, I, O, U,A, E, I, O, U, Now I know my a, e, i, o, u,Homework,1.练习字母Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.,2.找到生活中的字母和朋友分享。,Thank you!,。

10、Unit3 This is my father.,人教新版 三年级下册,Lesson 14,Lets sing,Review,Lead-in,This is my mother.,This is my father.,This is me.,This is my .,This is my ,Look and guess,brother.,sister.,Presentation,brother,(哥哥,弟弟),He is my brother.,Presentation,sister,(姐姐,妹妹),She is my sister.,Presentation,1. Who are they?,Listen and say,2. How old is Sam?,Theyre Yang Ming, Sam, Sams brother.,Hes six.,Hello, Sam! How old are you?,Hi, Yang Ming. This is my brother, Sam.,Im six.,Presentation,Practice,b。

11、Lesson 19 Family,学习目标,1、能听、说、读、写family(家庭), father(父亲) mother(母亲 )brother(哥哥、弟弟) sister(姐姐、妹妹)。 2、能听懂、会说、认识me look in 3、能用This is my 介绍自己的家庭成员。,.,1.Introuduce youself and your friend介绍一下自己和自己的朋友Hi /Hello. My name isThis is my friend,个人展示我最棒,.,2. Introduce yourself body 介绍自己的身体器官 This is my.,Can you use a word to describe them? 你能找一个词形容这一张张的图片吗?,新知学习闯一闯,跟我学,family 家庭,家人,Lets watch and。

12、Unit3 Look at my nose.,人教新版 三年级上册,Lesson 14,Review,Lets chant and do,Nose, nose. Touch your nose.,Nose, nose. Touch my nose.,Eye, eye. Touch your eye.,Eye, eye. Touch my eye.,Lets sing,Lead-in,Presentation,Look and guess,Presentation,Look and guess,Presentation,Look and guess,Presentation,Look and say,猜一猜他们都说了什么呢?,Presentation,Listen and imitate,Look at my face!,Hello! How are you?,Fine, thank you.,Oh, he has a big face.,Show time,Good,Great,Excellent,三人一组,练习对话并表。

13、boy,girl,teacher,pen,pencil,two books,three chairs,ten pencils,My Friend,1. Read the text. 2. Practise writing the letters. 3. Sing the song.,Homework,。

14、Lesson 7: My Friend,This is _.She is my friend.,This is _.He is my friend.,This is _. She is my friend.,This is _.He is my friend.,A a action actor angryB b boy banana blueC c cow cold cryD d desk dog duck,Homework:,Introduce your friend to your parents.Write the four letters.Sing this song .,。

15、Unit2 My Body Lesson 1,人教新起点 三年级上册,Warm-up,Lead-in,eye,mouth,ear,face,nose,Look, listen and chant.,Presentation,New words.,Presentation,body,I have a body.,New words.,Presentation,head,I have two heads.,New words.,Presentation,hair,I have black hair.,Lets talk,Presentation,arm,I have four arms.,Lets talk,Presentation,hand,I have four hands.,leg,I have two legs.,Presentation,Presentation,foot,I have two feet.,I say you do.,Practice,Touch your Show me your ,Practice,head,hai。

16、Unit2 My Body Lesson 2,人教新起点 三年级上册,Warm-up,Listen and chant.,Warm-up,hair,body,foot,leg,arm,hand,head,Lead-in,Who are they?,Where are they?,What are they doing?,Look, guess and answer.,Look, listen and answer.,Presentation,Whats the matter with Joy?,Her foot hurts.,Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,Joy: Ouch!,Bill: Whats the matter?,Joy: My foot hurts.,Bill: Let me help you.,Joy: Thanks.,Ask and answer.,Presentation,Whats the matter?,My foot hurts.,Whats the matter?,My leg hurts.,M。

17、Lesson14: My Body,head,hand,foot,leg,body,arm,hand,head,arm,leg,foot,body,clap your hands,stamp on your foot,wave your arm,shake your leg,。

18、Lesson14 My body,学生:三(3) 授课人:吴会婵 欢迎指导!,Warming up: Head Shoulders Fingers Toes,1,2,en.12999.com,3,head 头,arm胳膊,leg 腿,hand手,foot 脚,body身体,en.12999.com,4,What is it? Its a /an,Its a head.,Its an arm.,Its a leg.,What is it?,What is it?,What is it?,en.12999.com,What is it?,What is it?,What is it?,Its a hand.,Its a foot.,Its a body.,en.12999.com,Simon says ,“Touch your head.”,Lets play!,Touch your head.,Oops!,Exercise,A head B hand C arm D leg E foot F body,C,A,B,E,D,。

19、Lesson 14 My body,hand,foot,head,arm,leg,What is this?,This is a hand.,What is that?,That is an arm.,stamp your foot,clap your hands,wave your arm,shake your leg,。

20、2018/9/29,Lesson 14 My body,Welcome to my class!,2018/9/29,Warming up,I ask ,you answer.Lets sing a “CLEVER” song,2018/9/29,Ear , mouth ,eye,2018/9/29,2018/9/29,2018/9/29,hand,2018/9/29,foot,2018/9/29,head,2018/9/29,arm,leg,2018/9/29,stamp your foot,2018/9/29,clap your hands,2018/9/29,wave your arm,2018/9/29,shake your leg,2018/9/29,What have you learned from this lesson?,I can say I can read I can write I can sing,2018/9/29,thank you !,。

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