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广州 五年级 试卷

er,The type of the passage 文章的类型,What kind of types we have learned? Text,dialogueWhat kind of type of this passage? A letter.,The form of the letter

广州 五年级 试卷Tag内容描述:

1、er,The type of the passage 文章的类型,What kind of types we have learned? Text,dialogueWhat kind of type of this passage? A letter.,The form of the letter 信件的格式,一、开头Dear* 二、正文空四格 三、结尾 问候 Yours sincerely 署名 *,The form of the letter 信件的格式, Dear* - ,Tenses:(时态),一般现在时现在进行时一般将来时一般过去时,一般现在时 (经常发生的动作),标志词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never,every 动词的变化:只有第三人称单数的时候发生变化当主语是第三人称单数的时候。

2、puter games 玩电脑游戏,take photos 拍照,hobby,Lets talk,Janet: What are you doing, Jiamin? Jiamin: Im making models. Its my hobby.,be + Ving 现在进行时 (你现在在做什么?),make models 制作模型,Xiaoling: Whats your hobby, Janet? Janet: I collect stamps. I have more than500 stamps from 20 countries.,collect stamps 集邮 collect 收集,收集照片 _ photos,collect,收集模型 _ _,collect models,more than 多于 .,我们班有多于10个女生,There are _ _ 10 girls in our class,more than,country,Xiaoling: Wow! So many stamps! Jiamin: 。

3、Unit 1 Whats your favourite season Name: Mark: 一一. 单词与短语单词与短语. 10 分分 中文中文 英文英文 中文中文 英文英文 多彩的 去滑雪 选择;宁愿要 种花 冬天 在户外玩 也 去野营。

4、 广东省广州市南沙区五年级广东省广州市南沙区五年级下期末语文试卷下期末语文试卷 一积累与运用一积累与运用 1根据语境,看拼音写词语。
运动会上,同学们有的 yu yu y sh ,有的在为运动员 n hn 助威。
参加赛跑的健儿们像 jn 。

5、 广东省广州市天河区广东省广州市天河区 20222023 学年学年五五年级上期末语文试卷年级上期末语文试卷 一基础。
2 25 5 分分 1. 抄写下面的字。
3 分 嫌 慕 衡 置 蔽 嫂 熏 鼠 械 黎 2. 根据语境,看拼音写词语。

6、教科版英语五年级上册重点短语记忆与检测教科版英语五年级上册重点短语记忆与检测 Part 1 记忆篇记忆篇 Unit 1 Whats your hobby Unit 2 His hobby is drawing a great painter。

7、rds:,their = there (读音) they 的形容词性物主代词, 宾格是them, 后接名词。
翻译:1.他们的邮票2.他们的国家,New words:,place 翻译:1.我们的地方2.在我们的国家有许多漂亮的地方。
,New words:,drawing(名词,画作)= draw(动词,画画)+ing,Answer the questions:,(7) How often does Mike draw? (8) Where can you see Amys drawings?,短语:,1.a great painter 一个了不起的画家 2.drawing cartoons 画卡通 3.after school 放学后 4.coloured pencils 彩色铅笔 5.draw a picture 画一幅画,短语:,in the sky 在天空中 on ones birthday 在某人生日的时候 interesting people 有趣的人 beautiful pla。

8、sic.,A: Whats her hobby? B: Her hobby is dancing.,A: Whats her hobby? B: Her hobby is going shopping.,A: Whats his hobby? B: His hobby is playing basketball.,Yao Mings hobby isplaying basketball.,Mimis hobby is playing the piano.,What are their hobbies?,Homework:,请您课后用英语采访身边的老师、家人、朋友等各自的是什么,然后用英语写一篇简短的调查报告(至少10人)。
格式如:HobbyHello! My names like., likes., loves,Goodbye!,。

9、e,Western,Western or Chinese?,Western or Chinese?,Chinese,Chinese,Western,pancake pan-cake,Chinese,Western,Western,Chinese,Do you know that people in China & people in the west are different?,in China,Chinese people use chopsticks and bowls.,bowl,碗,chopstick,筷子,a pair of chopsticks,一双筷子,in China,People like eating rice and noodles.,in the west,People in the west usually eat their meals on the plate with a knife and fork.,plate,盘子,fork,叉,knife,刀,two knives,两把刀,knife,knife,fork,。

10、he tree. My name begins with the letter as “bee”. What am I ?,banana,Guess,Im juicy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground. My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I ?,tomato,es,I like tomatoesTheyre full of VC(富含维). Theyre good for me.,Hello! Im brown and tasty. Im a friend of the tomato. We both like o and a. What am I ?,potato,es,I like potatoes. Yummy and tasty.,Cook: Come on, everyone. Its time for lunch. I hope youll enjoy it.,Jiamin: Wow! Everything looks 。

11、 5. 了解更多其他国家的饮食文化。
,knife,dimsum,plenty of,western,chopstick,chopstick,different,for example,terrible,for example,terrible,pancake,bowl,also,plate,most,sour,fork,Group 2,Group 1,老师们可以根据学生水平调整 单词出现的速度。
,Lets review,We all know Chinese and Western food is often very different. Chinese people like eating rice or noodles, but western people eat bread. Chinese people use chopsticks and bowls but in the West, people usually eat their meals on a plate with a knife and fork.But do you know that peop。

12、quite相当地 health健康的 hungry饿的 wait等待 fresh新鲜的 taste吃起来 what do you think of.你认为.怎么样,lets play,are you ready ?,quite,need,delicious,healthy,come on,hungry,wait,salty,first,fresh,what do you think of,smell,taste,sweet,Play bingo.,What do you think of the,It looks fresh,salty sweet cold hot look fresh look quite good smell delicious taste good,咸的,phrases learning 1:,come and meet the phrases !,phrases,time for lunch 吃午餐时间 try the chicken first 先尝尝鸡肉 think of 觉得,认为 so many things to try 太多东西。

13、 go swimming at the swimming pool. I never eat ice cream at the school shop.,Lets read:,Ben always plays music in the music room. Ben usually takes exercise in the gym. Ben often does my homework in the classroom. Ben sometimes goes swimming at the swimming pool. Ben never eats ice cream at the school shop.,请划出以下短语:,talk with at the swimming pool go swimming at the library on weekdays look for,请划出以下重点句:,Maybe he is at the swimming pool. I think you can find him there. Let me go and look for。

14、rk. Go to the playground, play football.,补全单词 1. p_a_g_ou_d 2. g_ _ d_n 3. l_ br_r_ 4. c_nt_ _ n 5. t_ _ ch_ _ _ off_ c_,playground,teachers office,library,canteen,classroom,computer room,art room,music room,teachers office,gym,swimming pool,garden,playground,garden,library,teachers office,canteen,Read and answer:Who wants to talk with Ben? Does Ben go swimming on weekdays? Where does Ben read books? Can Mike and Xiaoling find Ben at the library? Does Ben 。

15、 5. 了解更多其他国家的饮食文化。
,knife,dimsum,plenty of,western,chopstick,chopstick,different,for example,terrible,for example,terrible,pancake,bowl,also,plate,most,sour,fork,Group 2,Group 1,老师们可以根据学生水平调整 单词出现的速度。
,Lets review,We all know Chinese and Western food is often very different. Chinese people like eating rice or noodles, but western people eat bread. Chinese people use chopsticks and bowls but in the West, people usually eat their meals on a plate with a knife and fork.But do you know that peop。

16、quite sweet.,I dont like sweet food, too.,Maybe we can go to the Jiahua Restaurant.,What do you think of the chicken?,It smells delicious and it is salty.,Lets try the chicken.,It tastes very good.,What do you think of the fish?,It is delicious and healthy.,I hope youll enjoy it.,What do you think of the vegetables?,They are salty. And fresh too.,What do you think of the ?,What kinds of foods are they?,Salty food:,Hot food:,Sweet food:,I cant wait! I want to taste them now.,Game: come on 。

17、 Module1 Routines and Dates. Unit 1 What Is Our Life Like 一单词双基 always 总是 after class 下课后 before 在.之前 do some reading 读点。

18、a park .,Do you usually _at the weekend ?,Unit 6 At the weekend,plan,Im going to see a film with my parents.,Do you have a plan for the weekend ?,What are you going to do this weekend ?,Plans for the weekend,play football,Joe,see a film with his parents,Kitty,dont have any plans,What is Joe going to do this weekend ?,What is Peter going to do this weekend ?,What is Jill going to do this weekend ?,What is Kitty going to do this weekend ?,Ask and answer with your partner. What i。

19、 go to the market (usually) Mr/Mrs Chen,Jiamin,go to the Childrens Palace (always),have a swimming lesson (usually),go out for lunch (sometimes),stay at home and watch TV,have some fun,go to the cinema (often),visit their friends(sometimes),have dinner together and talk about their day,短语:,at the weekend 在周末 wake up 醒来 have a big breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐 go to the market 去市场,短语:,the Childrens Palace 少年宫 have a swimming lesson 上游泳课 go out for lunch 出去吃午餐 have (some) fun 娱乐,短。

20、ary 词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, duringSentences 句型:Whats your hobby? My hobby is v. +ing2、Language skill 语言技能:1)能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during2)能熟读课文对话。
3、Affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。
4、Learning Strategies 学习策略: 2)将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。
Language focused and difficult point 教学重难点:重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话难点:新单词的理解和运用Teaching AidsMedia and Resource教学资源与媒体自制课件,金太阳软件,。

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