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北师大版高中英语必修2Unit6 Lesson4课件

Lesson 2 Relaxing,stress studio expert suffer suffer from pressure,n.压力 n.工作室,演播室 n.专家 vi.感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) 忍受,遭受 n.压力,Words and Expressions,social reduce o

北师大版高中英语必修2Unit6 Lesson4课件Tag内容描述:

1、Lesson 2 Relaxing,stress studio expert suffer suffer from pressure,n.压力 n.工作室,演播室 n.专家 vi.感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) 忍受,遭受 n.压力,Words and Expressions,social reduce organise diet stand prefer,adj.爱交际的,社交的 v.减少,降低 vt.组织 n.饮食,节食 vt.忍耐,忍受 vt.更喜欢,宁愿,Words and Expressions,Think about situations in your life. Use the key words to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you.,quite relaxing, very relaxing, a little stressful, very stressful,Key words,studying。

2、Lesson 2 Parties,alcohol hot pot snack reception retire salary apply apply for,n.酒精,酒 火锅 n.小吃,快餐 n.接待,招待会 vi.退休 n.薪水 vt.申请,应用 请求,申请,Words and Expressions,opportunity teenager depend on on time smartly congratulation bunch,n.机会 n.十几岁的青少年 根据,依据 准时 adv.潇洒地,漂亮地 n.祝贺 n.串,束,Words and Expressions,When did you last go to a party? What sort of party was it? How many people were there? What did they wear? What time did it start/ finish? What did p。

3、Heroes,Lesson 3 Sports Stars,brilliant skilful awful useless compete amazing unusual,adj.卓越的,辉煌的 adj.灵巧的,熟练的 adj.极度的,糟糕的 adj.无用的,无效的 vi.比赛,竞争 adj.令人惊异的 adj.不平常的,Words Preview,champion violence bullet career keen event fortunately athlete,n.冠军 n.暴力,暴行 n.子弹 n.职业,一生的事业 adj.热心的,渴望的 n.竞赛,事件 adv.幸运地 n.运动员,Words Preview,Pass the Flame,Pass the Flame Unite the World It s time to celebrate let our voices be heard Pass the Flame 。

4、Lesson 4 City and Country,Objectives,To practise using background knowledge strategies when reading. To practise reading for specific information. To express opinions orally and give reasons for them. To compare one lifestyle with another.,accountant tube crowded nearbyotherwise forecast,n.会计,会计师 n.(英)地铁 adj.拥挤的 adj.附近的 adv.在附近 adv.否则,另外 n.预测,预报,crowd lung distance sickness distance learning cigar,n.人群,一伙人 n.肺 n.距离 n.疾病 远程学习 n.雪茄烟,Pre-Reading,Answe。

5、Lesson 4 Christmas,carol stocking seriously pole the North Pole envelope calendar,n.(尤指)圣诞节颂歌 n.长袜 adv.认真地,真诚地 n.棒,竿,极 北极 n.信封 n.日历,put up decoration pudding breast swallow adult carry on,举起,建造 n.装饰,装饰品 n.布丁 n.胸部 vt.吞下,咽下 n.成年人 继续,坚持,ObjectivesTo read a narrative text and understand the story.To build up an area of vocabulary associated with Christmas.To develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions.To practise collocation。

6、Lesson 2 History Makers,revolution found republic light bulb opinion in my opinion,n.革命 vt.建立,创立 n.共和国 n.电灯泡 n.意见,看法,主张 在我看来,personally racism equal struggle protest march,adv.就自己而言 n.种族主义 adj.平等的 n.斗争,拼搏 n.抗议 vi.&n.行军,to do something important which has not been done before and which will be recorded publicly and remembered for a long time: Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first British woman Prime Minister.,History Maker,make hist。

7、Lesson 1 Tomorrows World,Cyberspace,Modern technology (现代科技)helps us do many things.,Digital Cameras 数码相机,MP3,computers,robots (机器人),the Internet,cellphones (无线电话),CD (Compact Disc) 光盘,DVD(Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘,Pre-reading,smart,convenient,multi-functional,send SMS, call, alarm clock, games, take photos, mp3, go on line,typical cellphone,Only for calls,Have you ever seen such a camera?,Digital camera,gramophone,mp3,disc man,Can you image what a computer loo。

8、Virtual Reality,The use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.,virtual reality,headsets and special gloves and suits equipped with sensors,the user can directly interact with a 3D (dimension) computer programme by moving inside it.,Playing virtual reality computer games,Possible uses for virtual reality now,Learning to fly using virtual reality simulator,Visiting virtual museums on the Internet,Words preview Lesson 3,suggest title de。

9、Lesson 2 Websites,Cyberspace,Do you use the Internet? Do you know anyone who uses the Internet? What do you know about the Internet?,Before you start,military scientific the Pentagon nuclear network project fashion,adj.军事的,军用的 adj.科学的 (美国)五角大楼 adj.原子能的 n.网络 n.计划,方案,工程 n.时髦,时尚,Words Preview,hang on get in touch be up to fancy suggestion reject arrangement,(电话用语)别挂断 和取得联系 做,从事于 vt.幻想,想要做 n.建议,提议 vt.拒绝,不接受 n.安排,Words Preview,The。

10、Lesson 4 Superhero,What do you know about Christopher Reeve?,Pre-Reading,A superwoman in China. Do you know her?,superhero superman disaster on ones own promote injury give up,n.超级英雄 n.超人 n.灾难 单独地,独自地 vt.促进,提升 n.伤害,损害 放弃,Words and Expressions,come to pull through commit commit suicide get on relationship react,达到某种状态 渡过难关 vt.犯(错误),干(坏事) 自杀 融洽相处,进展 n.关系 vi.反应,Words and Expressions,divorce get involved with quality disabled confident far too,。

11、Unit 6 Design warm-up,Introduction,Practice,Homework,北京2008年奥运会会徽: “舞动的北京”,北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物福娃,福娃是五个可爱的亲密小伙伴,他们的造型融入了鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形象。,New words preview,abstract straightwavy imagination painter pain,adj.抽象的,深奥的 adj.直的 adv.直,直接 adj.波状的 n.想像,想象力 n.画家,油漆匠 n.痛苦,疼,痛,Artists and works,Chinese painters,Great Buildings,Chinese paper art,Artists and works,Pablo Picasso,Wassily Kandinsky,Dav。

12、Unit 6 Communication workshop,New Words,air conditioner conclusion,空调 n.结论,结束,Look at the sentence. What do the underlined linking words express?,In front of my house there is a small pond so that I can swim in it in the summer., show the order of two events. compare two ideas show reasons for doing something, show reasons for doing something,Use the notes to write sentences with so that spare bedrooms -grandmother / come to stay2.an air conditioner -keep warm in winter and cool in sum。

13、Lesson 4 Christmas ObjectivesTo read a narrative text and understand the story.To build up an area of vocabulary associated with Christmas.To develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions.To practise collocations with have, do and play.To talk about childhood memories.Pre-ReadingFind the Key Words in the pictures.Which of the things do you think western people have at Christmas?Key Wordsballoons, Christmas carols, Christmas pudding, Christmas tree, snow, snowmen, Christmas stoc。

14、Lesson 3 Chinese Paper Art,Words and expressions,phoenix rooster bat tomb date back (to) dynasty religious purpose,n.凤凰 n.雄鸡,公鸡 n.蝙蝠 n.坟墓追溯到 n.朝代,王朝 adj.宗教的,虔诚的 n.目的,意图,Words and expressions,pattern character happiness temple offering relate to jewellery try out,n.式样,模式 n.(书写或印刷的)字,字体 n.幸福,快乐 n.庙宇,寺庙 n.供品,祭品 vt.把联系起来 n.(总称)珠宝试用,试验,Background Knowledge: Paper cutting is a traditional art that has evolved through-out th。

15、Lesson 1 A Matter of Taste,Look at the pictures, which do you like best? Why?,Before you start,Words Preview,exhibition poetry missile mane shade sweat youth,n.展览会 n.诗(总称) n.导弹 n.鬃毛 n.阴影,阴暗处 n.汗 n.青春,年轻人,insect fix ones eyes on creature artist valuable typical elegantly,Words Preview,n.昆虫注视,凝视 n.动物,人 n.艺术家,画家 adj.贵重的,有价值的 adj.典型的 adv.优美地,emphasise detail cloth fold shallow shore eyesight,Words Preview,vt.强调 n.细节,详情 n.布,布料 n.褶皱 。

16、Lesson 4 Superhero ObjectivesTo develop strategies for working out meaning when reading.To develop word attack skills to cope with new vocabulary and phrasal verbs.To practise asking for and giving personal information.Pre-ReadingWhat do you know about Christopher Reeve?A superwoman in China. Do you know her?ReadingLook at the two pictures and answer the questions.1 What was his most famous film character?Superman2 What terrible thing happened to him in real life?He fell off his horse and broke 。

17、Lesson 2,Great Buildings,A free tour around the world,Eiffel Tower,The Triumphal Arch,France,BigBen,England,America,Washington- White House,Colosseum 罗马圆形大剧场,Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy,The Great Wall,Architecture is frozen music.Johann Wolfgang GoetheGerman poet (1749-1832),New words,castle marble concrete feature balcony roof statue skyscraper,n.城堡 n.大理石 n.混凝土 n.特征,特色 n.阳台 n.房顶 n.雕像 n.摩天大楼,New words,angel architect ruin sort of loch fairytale granite cafe,n.天使 n。

18、Lesson 4 Lets Dance,Before you start,Answers 1 Chinese folk dance 2 classical ballet 3 waltz 4 breakdance 5 disco,1,Words and Expressions,waltz breakdance encyclopedia ordinary generation type,n.华尔兹舞 n.霹雳舞 n.百科全书 adj.平常的,普通的 n.代,一代 n.类型,种类,Words and Expressions,skip back and forth unique nobleballroom,vi.跳,蹦往返,来回 adj.独特的,唯一的 adj.贵族的,高贵的 n.贵族 n.舞厅,跳舞场,Words and Expressions,immigrant tap dancing tango sword peacock Swan Lake,adj.移民的,移居。

19、Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism,Cyberspace,The Southern Hemisphere 南半球,South-west of the Pacific Ocean 太平洋西南,Location - Auckland*New Zealand,New Zealand,奥克兰,惠灵顿,New Zealand,The capital city,Auckland,Wellington,Words preview,tourism guide locate seaside Maori settle settlement,n.观光,游览 n.向导,指南 vi.位于 n.海滨,海边 n.(新西兰)毛利人 vi.定居 n.定居地,central suburb zone volcano as well as harbor view,adj.中央的 n.市郊,郊区 n.地域,地区 n.火山也,又 n.海港 n.景色,风景,Words preview,。

20、,Lesson 4 Dream Houses,Before you start,1. Work in pairs .Discuss what your dream house would be like. Use the key words to help you. Example: Id like a big, modern flat in central Shanghai. It would have,houses: cottage, flat, house, palace, castle rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, sitting room, hall, games room, kitchen,Key words,cottage,flat,detached (独立的)house,semi-detached house,Mansion(官邸),wood cabin,Grand palace,Rooms,sitting room,hall,bedroom,bathroom,dining room,kitchen,Bal。

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