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2022年人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit1 What

cool the meals,read books,play football,visit grandparents,climb moutains,water the flowers,go shopping,empty the trush,go hiking,Set the table,make t

2022年人教PEP版英语五年级上册Unit1 WhatTag内容描述:

1、cool the meals,read books,play football,visit grandparents,climb moutains,water the flowers,go shopping,empty the trush,go hiking,Set the table,make the bed,play the piano,Clean thebedroom,Sweep the floor,do homework,Part B 第二课时,Unit 1 My day,Whats missing?,visit grandparents,play the piano,go shopping,play the piano,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,visit grandparents,go shopping,Usually Often Sometimes 的比较,Usually,often,Sometimes, , 。

2、Part B 第一课时,Unit 1 My day,The days of the week,周末 Weekend,Saturday, Saturday,What do you do on Saturdays?I often paint or watch TV. Saturday is fun for me!Sunday, Sunday, What do you do on Sundays?I often read books or play computer games. Sunday is sweet for me!,Lets chant,What do you do on Saturdays, Zhang Peng?,climb moutains.,I often,climb moutains,climb,What do you do on Sundays, Amy?,I often,go shopping,shopping,go shopping,What do you do on Sundays, Sarah?,I often,go 。

3、Unit 4 What can you do? 说课稿一说教材:我说课的内容是 PEP Book 5 Unit 4 A 部分的 Lets learn 及 Lets talk. 本单元的话题是“What can you do”,家务劳动与学生日常生活联系密切,是大部分学生乐于学习和接受的,相信他们对本课的学习充满期待。二说教学目标:知识目标:1. 能听、说、认读动词词组 empty the trash 和句子“Im helpful! I can sweep the floor.”2. 能听、说、读、写动词词组 cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.能力目标:1. 能简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动,如:I can cle。

4、,Who is falling?,sports,dinner,exercises,breakfast,eat,when,usually,Game,每组选派一名代表上讲台表演,教师向该学生出示动词卡片,各组学生根据他/她的表演猜测动作名称,并把短语拼读出来,相同时间内猜对动作名称多的一组为胜.,看动作猜词语,What time is it?,Its,Which is Padros timetable?,Lets talk,Listen and fill in the table.,听录音完成表格,Work in pairs,When do you ?,I usually at,make dialogues,情景: Mike is late 话题一:让学生思考,Mike迟到了,你是一个非常严格的老师,你想知道Mike是怎么安排自己放学后的。

5、6:20,4:00,8:15,7:00,12:00,9:30,in the morning,in the afternoon,go to work,eat dinner,go home,eat breakfast,go to bed,get up,Which is the truth?,A,B,Read and write,;,Amy : Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions.,Policeman: Sure!,Amy : What do you do?,Policeman: I am a policeman.,Amy : When do you get to work?,Policeman : I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.,Amy : When do you eat dinner?,Policeman : I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.,Read and write,;,Amy :When do you go home?,Polic。

6、Unit 1 My day,Part A 第二课时,Brain storming,watch TV,read books,play computer games,play ping-pang,Listen to music,do homework,do housework,cook meals,sweep the floor,Clean the bedroom,water the flowers,make the bed,set the table,dothe dishes,wash the clothes,What time is it?,Its_.,Its time for English class,What time is it?,Its,I eat breakfast,What time is it?,Its 7:00,Its time for,at 7:20,breakfast,eat breakfast,What do you do?,I have English c。

7、Unit1 Whats he like?,B lets learn,Chinese,art,science,music,maths,English,computer,funny,thin,strong,old,young,quiet,pretty,kind,short,strict,friendly,Mr,Mrs,Miss,Ms,Whats Oliver like?,polite有礼貌的,Tom,Whats Tom like? Hes _.,polite,Lily,Whats Lily like? Shes _.,polite,Whats Zhang Peng like?,Hes _.,helpful,Who is helpful?,clever聪明的,Anny,Whats she like?,Who is clever in our class?,Jake,Dave,0,hard-working努力的,clever,The teacher is hard-working.,The man is ha。

8、Alphabet song 字母歌,Unit 1 Whats he like ? A Lets try Lets talk,new classmates新同学,Meet some friends,Do you know who Olivers English teacher is ?,知道,Yes, I do . No, I dont .,Miss White,称呼未婚女性或教师,Mr Jones,称呼男性,art teacher,A Lets try P 4Whos Mr Li ?,Hes the maths teacher .,Whos your _?,Who is,who is he?,Is he .?,funny,friendly,strong,old,young,kind,strict,Oliver will have a new music teacher ?Whos he ? Listen and answer .,Mr Young,Q 1: Is Mr Young young ?,No, h。

9、Unit 1 Whats he like?,Part C,old,funny,kind,young,strict,1、重点单词,polite,clever,hard-working,helpful,shy,1、重点单词,选择题 1_ your English teacher like? A. Whos B. Whats C. Who2. -Whos your English teacher?-_ Shes tall and strong. B. Shes smart. C. Shes Miss Sun.,3._ you have new teachers?A. Is B. Do C. Are4.-Is Mr Black strict? -_.A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isnt. C. No, he is.,5.He is short _ strong.A. and B. or 。

10、Unit1 Whats he like?,B Lets tryLets talk,polite,clever,hard-working,helpful,shy,1、重点单词,看英文说中文意思:,1.shy,2.clever,3.helpful,4.polite,5.hardworking,Whats Amy like?She is_.,polite,Whats Wu Yifan like?He is_.,hardworking,Whats Zhangpeng like?He is_.,clever,Whats Sarah like?,She is _.,helpful,Whats Mike like? He is_.,shy,Do you know her(宾格)?,你认识她吗?,Whats she like?,她是怎样的人?,Shes helpful.,她很有用。,Whats she like?,她是怎样的人?,Shes funny.,她很有用。,Is she 。

11、Unit1 Whats he like,A Lets learn,你能迅速地说出单词吗? 每次只有1秒钟哦! 你会是最棒的. Ready? ,old,young,strict,funny,kind,friendly,quiet,tall,short,Who is he ?,Hes short and,old,old.,He is Cun Zhang,Whats he like?,Lets say,Lets say,Whos he?,Hes very funny.,Whats he like?,Hes Xiao Xin.,shy 害羞的,羞怯的,The baby is so cute(可爱).,But he is very,shy.,Whats the baby like?,shy 害羞的,A:What is he like?B:He is _.,shy,=whats,helpful 有用的; 愿意帮忙的,Whats she like?,She is _.,A:Whats。

12、Unit1Unit1 单元检测卷单元检测卷 一单选题一单选题 1 Shes kind. AWhats she like BWhat does she do CWhats her hobby 2Do you know Mr Young AYe。

13、Unit1 Whats he like?单元教学目标:1 能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new English teacher. Hes tall and strong. Hes very funny.2 能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter .Hes from Canada. Whats he like? Hes tall and strong.3 理解 A、B 部分 Read and write 中的会话,并根据提示填充句子或回答问题。4 听、说、读、写 A、B 部分 Lets learn 和 Read and write 中的四会单词和句子。5 了解 Pronunciation 部分的字母组合在单词中的发音,并能熟练读出例词。6 了解。

14、第一单元内容分析一、内容PEP 小学五年级英语上册 unit1 Whats he like?二、课程标准能听、说、读、写本单元的四会单词 ;会运用本单元主要句;初步认识陈述句和问句;有兴趣听英语,说英语,背歌谣,唱歌曲,讲故事,做游戏等。三、内容分析本单元重点学习人物体貌特征和个性语言,重点学习的句型是:Whos your art teacher? Whats he like? Is she ? Yes, she is /No, she isnt.这单元主要描写的人物体貌特征,所以我们可以让孩子对所认识的老师进行描述。4、学情分析五年级学生多,他们聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生英语基础较好,他们。

15、Unit 1 Whats he like?一、内容PEP 小学五年级英语上册 unit1 Whats he like?二、课程标准 能听、说、读、写本单元的四会单词 ;会运用本单元主要句;初步认识陈述句和问句;有兴趣听英语,说英语,背歌谣,唱歌曲,讲故事,做游戏等。三、内容分析本单元重点学习人物体貌特征和个性语言,重点学习的句型是:Whos your art teacher? Whats he like? Is she ? Yes, she is /No, she isnt.这单元主要描写的人物体貌特征,所以我们可以让孩子对所认识的老师进行描述。四、学情分析五年级学生多,他们聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生英语基础较。

16、Unit 1 whats he like?第一课时教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old , funny, kind;2、能掌握句型:Whos your? Whats he /she like? 并能在具体的语境中运用;3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学重点Lets learn 部分的单词:old ,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind 等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short ,thin,tall,strong。 教学难点如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入。

17、pep 小学英语五年级上册 Unit1 Whats like?导学案Unit1 Whats he like?第一课时学习目标:、 掌握 old young funny kind strict 的正确读音并能听说读写。 he2、能在具体的语境中运用重点句型 Whos ?Whats he /she like ?。3、能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点4、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学重点:能够表演词汇课里的交际内容,能够根据交际情况用英语讨论人物. 教学难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征.教学过程:一、 自学?导学( 5 分钟)1.查出下列单词的汉语意思:kind_; old_;young_;。

18、PEP 五年级上册 Unit 1 What is he like?说课稿一、教材分析 What is he like?是人教版小学英语五年级上册的第一单元。本单元要求学生能简单描述自己教师体貌特征及性格特点;能询问学校里教师的情况。本单元分为六个课时,本节课为第二课时,二、学生学习状态分析 1、本课的教学对象是农村学生,英语基础很薄弱。2、本课中学生刚接触五年级老师,感觉很新鲜,很想进一步了解新老师。 3、实践证明 ,小学阶段的学生,容易对新鲜事物产生兴趣,具有很强的模仿能力;另外五年级的学生有很强的自我表现意识、竞争意识。所以本课出现了许多动作模。

19、 Unit1 测试卷测试卷 满分:满分:100 分分 试卷整洁分:试卷整洁分:2 分分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分 得分 一听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题听一遍。一听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题听。

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