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2、恐龙的灭绝 小学语文二年级下册课件 授课老师:XX 课 文 学 习 KE WEN XUE XI 我们人类只有200万年的历史,可是恐龙在地球 上生活了大约1亿4000万年,比人类的历史长多 了。可是,它们为什么会突然神秘地消失了呢? 一种说法是:由于地球上突变寒冷,植物大量 死亡,以植物为食的恐龙就难以生存了,冷血 的恐龙也受不了严寒而死亡。 课 文 学 习 另一种说法是:宇宙行星撞击了地。

3、猜猜我多多爱你活动目标:1、在优美的意境中倾听故事,理解故事内容。 感受大兔子与小兔子间浓浓的情意。2、发展幼儿的扩散性思维,尝试以具体的动作、语言来表达自己的情感。3、引导幼儿感悟真挚深切的“爱”的情感,并能勇敢地表达出来。能感受父母长辈的爱,懂得感恩。活动准备:猜猜我有多爱你绘本课件、小兔图片、小兔子的各种动作图活动过程:一、课前谈话: 二、第一遍阅读:三、第二遍阅读:趣听故事师:今天上课老师希望小朋友可要认真听,仔细看,还要积极开动脑筋啊,能做到吗?(课件出示:小栗色兔)今天,老师给小朋友们带。

4、活动目标:1.欣赏并理解故事小兔怕怕 。2.知道遇事要勇敢,要勇于尝试克服恐惧。活动准备:课件小兔怕怕 。活动过程:一. 分段欣赏故事小兔怕怕1.教师播放课件【第一段】 ,幼儿欣赏。2.教师:为什么大家都叫小兔怕怕?小兔怕怕遇到了什么事情?3.教师:小兔怕怕为什么哭了?大家是怎么说的?4.教师:你觉得后来会发生了什么事情呢?二. 继续欣赏故事小兔怕怕1.教师播放课件【第二段】 。2.教师:小兔回到家里,妈妈是怎么说的? 3.教师:小兔听了妈妈的话,是怎么做的呢?你觉得它做得对吗?4.教师:最后的结果怎么样?三. 说一说:我最。

5、,Unit 1 The written word,PART 1,基础自测,PART 2,互动探究,PART 3,达标检测,Word power & Grammar and usage & Task,PART 1,基础自测,默写练习 (二),.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共10题;每题1.2分,共12分) 1.millionaire n. _ 2.vice n. _ 3.threat n. _ 4.home-made adj. _ 5.sneaker n. _ 6.worn-out adj. _ 7.envelope n. _ 8.brand new adj. _ 9.chest n. _ 10.rag n. _,查看答案,百万富翁,恶行,恶习,罪恶,威胁,恐吓。

6、Unit 2 Colours,Task Colours and moods,He prefers blue to red.He prefers wearing jeans to trousers.,Which color does he prefer, blue or red?Which does he prefer to wear, trousers or jeans?,Andy has some difficulty choosing what to wear.,What / How about? Why dont you do? Why not do ? Shall we do? Lets do Perhaps you should Its a good idea to do,Giving advice,Could you give me some advice? No, I dont like Id rather do than do I prefer sth./doingto sth./doing Maybe, what do yo。

7、Unit 4 Growing up,Study skills,Guessing the meaning of a word by its formation,When we read and come across new words, we can sometimes guess their meanings by the way they are formed.,当我们阅读中遇到一些生词时,我们有时可以通过他们的构成来猜测词义。,Sometimes a suffix changes a words part of speech, but the meaning remains almost the same. Thus, if you know the meaning of the root word, you can guess the meaning of the word, e.g. illness, achievement, energetic, dangerous.,有时后缀改变单词的词。

8、Unit 4 Growing up Study skills,Guessing the meaning of a word by formation,阅读理解(策略):猜测词义,If you come across the new words when reading,What will you do ?,Ignore them and continue reading,Look them up in the dictionary,Guess the meaning,(忽略),因果,猜,构词法,How to guess the meaning of words?,定义,同/反义词,对比转折,上下文,生活常识,同位语,派生法(Derivation),合成法(Compounding),转化法(Conversion),缩略法(Abbreviation),1. The underlined word “ ” refers to (means) . 2. Which of 。

9、Unit 8 A green world Task,Dear Mr Wu, Daniel and I did a survey this Wednesday. Students were asked about their daily habits. Here are the results of the survey. Only 20 students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but 35 students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle empty bottles, but 40 students use both sides of the paper. It is great that most students remember to turn off the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own bags to th。

10、Unit 1 This is me! Task,Guessing game,1. She is a helpful lady. 2. She is from Wuxi. 3. She is tall and slim. 4. She has long hair. 5. She is good at dancing and singing. 6. She is about 30. 7. She teaches you English.She is Miss Xue.,Who is she?,This is me!,Simon,Sandy,Millie,Daniel,short,long,tall & slim,tall,reading,sports,music,football,Maths,short,Try to say something about them: Millie is Simon likes ,short,short,Millie,looks,school,hobby,age,12,Sunshine Middle School,short 。

11、Unit 4 Do it yourself Task,Andrews,What did he do?,put in a brighter light in his bedroom,put up a picture on his bedroom wall,have a power cut,hit a pipe and fill the room with water,Andrews,put up the shelf on the wall,paint the living room blue,What did he do?,The books couldnt stay.,blue ceiling, floor and cat,Problems caused,Suzys mothers birthday is coming!,A DIY story,( ) She decided to send her mother a,A. with the help of others,B. by buying it from the gif。

12、,colors and moods,9A Unit 2 Task,Truth? Lie?,Colours in my eyes,Red,heat, strength,active, confident, cheerful,the colour of China,power,Cinquain(五行诗),(topic),(represents, 2 n.),(moods, 3 adj.),(opinions, 4 words),(conclusion, 1 word),Colours in your eyes,_ (topic) _,_ (represents, 2 n.) _,_,_ (moods, 3 adj.) _ (opinions, 4 words) _ (conclusion, 1 word),Colours and what they represent,The woman in this picture 。

2020译林版高中英语选修八课件:Unit1 Word power & Grammar and usage & Task
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2018年秋牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit2 Grammar课件+教案+导学案
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