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人教精通版五年级英语上册Unit3 My father is writer教材分析


人教精通版五年级英语上册Unit3 My father is writer教材分析Tag内容描述:

1、Lesson15 教学设计一、教学内容与分析Just talk本部分通过 Wei Min 向大家介绍自己的家庭并回答女主持人的提问,让学生进一步学习职业类的词汇,同时能够学会询问和介绍职业,能够树立简单的职业梦想。主要目标语言:What does your father do?Hes an actor.二、课前准备1. 准备一些职业图片,奖励课堂上表现出色的学生。2. 准备词语卡片和教学挂图,创设情景,引导学习。 3. 准备采访用的麦克风。4. 请在黑板上准备好四线格,方便板书四会单词和句型。5. 准备教学课件。三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1) 师生问好。

2、Unit3 Fun Facts 教学设计Charlie Chaplin一、选材介绍这篇小故事介绍了喜剧大师查理卓别林的故事。查理 卓别林(Charles Chaplin, 1889.4-1977.12),是 20 世纪著名的英国喜剧演员,现代喜剧电影的奠基者,在世界范围内享有盛誉。1913 年时随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国演出,被美国导演 M.塞纳特看中,从此开始了他的电影生涯。1914 年 2 月,头戴圆顶礼帽、手持竹手杖、足蹬大皮靴、走路像鸭子的流浪汉夏尔洛的形象首次出现在影片威尼斯儿童赛车记中。这一形象后来成为卓别林喜剧片的标志,风靡欧美 20 余年。他的圆顶硬礼帽和长裤腿礼服,以及。

3、Lesson13 教学设计一、教学内容与分析Just talk本部分是 Tom 的独白。通过 Tom 介绍自己的家庭成员以及职业的真实场景,引出要学习的目标语言,从文段的整体叙述让学生感知、模仿、学习和体验,最终引导学生能够运用目标语言 This is my father. Hes a . This is my mother. Shes a 进行简单的介绍。主要目标语言:This is my father. Hes writer.This is my mother. Shes a singer.二、课前准备1. 准备全家福照片或家庭成员的工作照。2. 准备词语卡片和教学挂图,创设情景,引导学习。3. 请在黑板上准备好四线格,方便板书四会单词和句型。

4、Unit3 单元教学目标教学目标与要求1. 能够理解、说出以下句子:This is my father. Hes a writer. This is my mother. Shes a dancer. What does your father do? Hes an actor. What does your mother do? Shes a worker. Whos he? Hes my uncle. Whats his job? Hes a policeman. Whos she? Shes my aunt. Whats her job? Shes a policewoman.并在真实情景、现实生活中熟练运用这些语言。2. 能够正确地听、说、认读词语 writer, singer, dancer, actress, policeman, reporter, policewoman.3. 听、说、读、写词语:this, family, fathe。

5、Lesson16 教学设计一、教学内容与分析1. Just practise本部分主要学习职业类的词汇:actor, actress, worker, 并通过询问某人职业的句型来熟练运用表示职业的单词,坚持词不离句的学习原则。2. Just write本部分要求学生能够听、说、认读、书写四会单词:a, an, actor, parent(s), worker 和四会句型:Hes an actor. Shes a worker.3. Lets play本部分设计了同学们一起看标志猜职业的游戏活动。通过代表各种职业的典型图片情景,加深学生对职业词汇的学习和记忆,通过小组合作的方式,自然运用所学知识,提高语言交际能力。4. Lets chant。

6、Lesson18 教学设计一、教学内容与分析1. Just practise本部分主要学习职业类的词汇:policeman, policewoman, reporter.并通过询问某人的职业的句型来熟练运用表示职业的单词,坚持词不离句的学习原则。2. Just write本部分要求学生能够听、说、认读、书写四会单词:who, uncle, aunt, police 和四会句型:Whos he? Hes my uncle. Whos she? Shes my aunt.3. Lets play本部分设计了同学们一起看照片了解家庭成员及其职业的场景,贴近学生实际生活,以小组为单位练习,加深对职业类词汇和句型的理解和运用。4. Lets chant感知字母 h 在单词。

7、Unit3 This is my father.,人教新版 三年级下册,Lesson 16,Lets chant,Review,Lead-in,father,This is a photo of Li Mings family.,mother,sister,Whos this?,Whos that?,Presentation,Whos this?,This is Li Mings fathers father.,Presentation,Whos that?,Thats Li Mings fathers mother.,Presentation,Who are they?,What are they talking about?,Presentation,This is my grandmother.,Look! This is my father and this is my mother.,Whos this?,Thats my grandfather.,And whos that?,Just talk,Presentation,Practice,Re。

8、Unit3 This is my father,人教新版 三年级下册,Lesson 17,Warm-up,Show your story,Lead-in,Running man,Thats Lu Han.,Who is that man?,Thats Deng Chao.,Thats Li Chen.,Presentation,Presentation,Who is that woman?,Thats Yang Ying.,Presentation,Who is that man?,Thats my fathers brother.,uncle,Presentation,Who is that woman?,Thats my uncles wife(妻子).,aunt,Presentation,Who are they?,What are they talking about?,Presentation,Whos that woman?,Hi, Yang Ming! Whos that man?,Thats my uncle.,Thats my aunt.。

9、Unit3 This is my father.,人教新版 三年级下册,Lesson 15,Lead-in,This is Sun Li.,This is her .,This is her ,son.,daughter.,Do you know them?,Presentation,Mother and _.,daughter,Presentation,Father and _.,son,Whats your name?,Presentation,How old are you?,My names Angela.,Im nine.,Presentation,Whats your name?,How old are you?,Im Kimi.,Im nine.,Presentation,Who are they?,What are they talking about?,Presentation,My names Gao Wei.,Hi, Miss Wu. This is my son.,Hello, whats your name?,I。

10、Unit3 This is my father.,人教新版 三年级下册,Lesson 14,Lets sing,Review,Lead-in,This is my mother.,This is my father.,This is me.,This is my .,This is my ,Look and guess,brother.,sister.,Presentation,brother,(哥哥,弟弟),He is my brother.,Presentation,sister,(姐姐,妹妹),She is my sister.,Presentation,1. Who are they?,Listen and say,2. How old is Sam?,Theyre Yang Ming, Sam, Sams brother.,Hes six.,Hello, Sam! How old are you?,Hi, Yang Ming. This is my brother, Sam.,Im six.,Presentation,Practice,b。

11、Lesson17 教学设计一、教学内容与分析Just talk本部分通过 Gao Wei 向 Kate 介绍自己的叔叔,以报纸报道叔叔的事迹为切入点,自然地进入谈论职业的谈话主题。继续学习如何询问和介绍他人的职业,在情景中自然运用所学语言。主要目标语言:Whats her job? Shes a policewoman.二、课前准备1. 准备一些职业图片,奖励课堂上表现出色的学生。2. 准备词语卡片和教学挂图,创设情景,引导学习。3. 准备采访用的麦克风。4. 请在黑板上准备好四线格,方便板书四会单词和句型。5. 准备教学课件。三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身 / 夏习(Warm-up / Revis。

12、Unit3 Revision 教学设计一、教学内容与分析1. Fun story本部分通过趣味故事的形式,讲述了 Micky 开了一家裁缝店,当起了小裁缝,并给自己做了一个标牌:The Best Tailor, “最强裁缝” 。Mimi 带着小动物们来到店里分别请 Micky 做了制服,结果做出的制服不是肥了就是瘦了,不是长了就是短了,小动物们很失望也很气愤,最后把裁缝店的牌子换成了 The Bad Tailor, “最差裁缝” 。这个故事以给小动物们做衣服的形式,把各种职业的表达方式集中再现,让学生在语境中复习巩固所学语言,提高综合语言运用能力,并渗透一定的德育教育。2. L。

13、Lesson14 教学设计一、教学内容与分析1. Just practise本部分主要学习职业类的词汇:singer, writer, dancer.并通过介绍自己的家庭成员和职业的句型来熟练运用表示职业的单词,坚持词不离句的学习原则。2. Just write本部分要求学生能够听、说、读、写四会单词:this, family, father, mother, love和四会句型:This is my father. This is my mother.3. Lets talk本部分设计了同学们一起来谈论家人的职业的场景,根据不同的职业图片进行练习。通过真实的场景加深学生对职业词汇的学习和记忆,通过小组活动和完成任务的方式自然运用所学知。

14、英语大师 en.eywedu.net,Lesson 14,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,write,sing,r,er,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,write,sing,r,er,dance,r,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,英语大师 en.eywedu.net,。

15、,Unit 3 My father is a writer.,Lesson 14,Lets watch.,F,ather,a,nd,m,other,I,L,ove,y,ou,.,family,practise,I love my father and mother .we love _father and mother,and they love _(we).,Family members,father 爸爸 mother 妈妈 brother 弟弟/哥哥 sister 姐姐/妹妹 aunt 婶(伯,舅,姑,姨)母 auncle 叔(伯,舅,姑,姨)父 grandpa爷爷/姥爷/外公 grandma 奶奶/姥姥/外婆,Here is a picture of my family. 这是一张我的家庭照片(全家福),Shes a dancer.,dancer,Writer,Lets play a guessing game,taxi driver,worker,wri。

16、,Unit 3 Lesson 16,小飞守角制作,Occupation Experience Center,teacher,postman,Taxi driver,farmer,doctor,nurse,writer,policeman,teacher,postman,Taxi driver,policeman,farmer,doctor,nurse,writer,worker,teacher,actor,actress,singer,dancer,Name: Age:_ Country: Home: Class: Mums job: Dads job: Job:,Nn Norman is a doctor. Nancy is a nurse. Norman likes noodles. Nancy likes nuts.,Home work,2、整理自我介绍。,1、抄写单词和句型。,。

17、,Unit3 My father is a writer.,Lesson 14,teacher teacherfarmer farmerdriver driverdoctor doctorpostman postmanpoliceman policeman,Lets go!,singer,动词,职业名词,write,writer,sing,singer,dance,dancer,teach,teacher,farm,farmer,drive,driver,work,worker,以 e 结尾,加 r,结尾没有e, 加 er,family,father,and,mother,I,love,you,Can you introduce your families?,This is my Hes a. Shes a. I love my family.,m,/m/,mother,me,milk,meat,come,some,A: This is my/Tha。

18、Unit 3 My father is a writer.,Lesson 13,学习目标:,学习职业类词汇:singer writer . 运用句型 This is my father. He is a writer . This is my mother . She is a singer . 进行简单介绍。,grandpa grandma father mother uncle aunt Sister brother,teacher driverdoctornursefarmer postman policeman policewoman,This is my grandpa .He is a teacher.,Check back:,This is Toms family.,singer,writer,dancer,teach - teacher sing - singerwork - worker,write - writerdance - dancerdrive - driver,Can you fin。

19、重大版英语三年级(下)Unit 3 (第3课时) This is my father,Dictation,Review: uncle aunt father Mother sister brother,grandfather (grandpa),Lets learn:,Who is this?,This is my grandfather.,grandmother (grandma),Lets learn:,Who is this?,This is my grandmother.,cousin,Lets learn:,Who is this?,This is my cousin.,7:30,小鸟怎样和陈洁打招呼?,Good morning!,14:30,Good afternoon!,18:00,Good evening!,Good night!,7:00 am,19:00,15:00,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,When you meet your friend 。

20、Unit 3 This Is My Father,Welcome,Lets sing a song I love my father .I love my mother. They love me. They love me.,I love my father .I love my mother.They love me. They love me.,Do you know this girl?,樱 桃 小 丸 子,Welcome to my family!,Look , this is my familys photo!,This is my,Father mother sister,My father,My mother,My sister,My grandfather,My grandmother,My grandparents,Show your familys photo and talk it.Whos this?This is myWhos that?That。

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人教精通版英语五年级上Unit 3《My father is a writer》单元教学目标
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人教精通版英语五年级上Unit 3《My father is a writer》(Lesson 17)教学设计
人教精通版英语五年级上Unit 3《My father is a writer》(Lesson 14)教学设计
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