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    2019年人教版英语选修十单元质量检测试卷(一) Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained(含解析)

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    2019年人教版英语选修十单元质量检测试卷(一) Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained(含解析)

    1、单元质量检测一 Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gained满分:100 分 限时:60 分钟.单词拼写(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)1By _(不屈不挠), the disabled boy learned how to swim.2We need to establish the legal _(结构)for the protection of the environment.3The children _(涂黑 ) their faces with charcoal and began to play games.4Water the pla

    2、nts r_,and never let the soil dry out.5He tried to g_ anything that might help him.完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)6One afternoon she _ (出发) from the coast in a small boat but then was caught in a storm.7The children _(正受之苦) a widespread disease.8Now that you have stopped smoking,you must _( 坚持)9Trees _

    3、(释放出大量水分) and serve as cooling agents.10We _(对感到厌倦)his story.单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)11Cold air is on its way.Its no wonder_it suddenly becomes cold.Awhen BwhereCthat Dwhether12Oh,doctor,I feel Im dying.Just a cold.Nothing serious and_.Acheerful Bcheer onCcheers Dcheer up13As we can no longer w

    4、ait for the delivery of our order, we have to _it.Adelay BrefuseCcancel Dpostpone14We thought of selling this old furniture,but we have decided to_it.It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bhold offChold out Dhold back15Though he was not clever,he_in his study,and at last he was admitted into a famous uni

    5、versity.Apersevered BinsistedCstayed Dkept16What will you buy for your husbands birthday?I want to buy a _wallet for him.Ablack leather small Bsmall black leatherCsmall leather black Dblack small leather17Mike,what did our monitor say just now?Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who _to vis

    6、it the museum_asked to be at the school gate before 630 in the morning.Ais;is Bare;areCis;are Dare;is18Ten minutes earlier_we could have avoided the accident.Aor BbutCso Dand19After the president made official announcement,she expressed her_opinion.Apersonal BprivateCsingle Dindividual20On a_ cold d

    7、ay, the boy_10 saved one of his classmates from the river.Afreezing;aging Bfreezing;agedCfrozen;aging Dfrozen ;aged21It is said that all the crew_ were killed and sank into the sea with the ship.Aabroad Bon boardCon aboard Dbroad22I do every single bit of housework_my husband Bob just does the dishe

    8、s now and then.Asince BwhileCwhen Das23Once I was _ steward on _Endurance.Aa;不填 Ba ;theC不填;the Da;an24Im_to say I havent been to church for three years.Ashy BregrettableCshameful Dashamed25What do you think of the new movie directed by Jackie Chan?Well,most people think it is wonderful.But_,it is ju

    9、st a new one,nothing special.Apardon me BI agreeCin my opinion Dit is all right.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)I remember a very special doctor named William RVincent.When I was eight years old I was with a(n)_26_heart problem and I needed heart operation.My mom did not have the _27_to have it done,bu

    10、t without the operation I_28_not live to be 13 years old.After _29_in touch with several organizations,Dr Vincent was _30_to get financial(金融的)help for me.Dr Vincent was very _31_ and caring.I remember when I was in the hospital for a _32_ before operation,I was crying loudly.So the medical workers

    11、_33_Dr Vincent to calm me down,and he was able to _34_me when no one else could._35_ the time came for me to have heart operation;there was a fiftypercent chance that I would not make it through the operation._36_I was only the second or third person to have it.I was really _37_,and again Dr Vincent

    12、 reassured me he would see to it that _38_would be all right.Fortunately,the operation was _39_ painful but very successful.Dr Vincent came to see me and _40_me a lovely animal.I was so surprised to get this _41_from Dr Vincent;I gave him a hug.I had a wonderful doctor who _42_the time to help a sca

    13、red little girl who felt all _43_.This was 28 years ago,but wherever Dr Vincent are,I want to thank him for not only _44_my life, but helping me live a(n)_45_productive life.26A.serious BdeadlyCheavy Dstrange27A.will BpatienceCmoney Denergy28A.should BwouldCshall Dmust29A.keeping BlosingCholding Dge

    14、tting30A.able BreadyCeager Dhappy31A.quiet BrichChonest Dgentle32A.check BresearchCtest Dwatch33A.called on Bcalled atCcalled up Dcalled in34A.prevent BcomfortCprotect Dmove35A.Later BHoweverCInstead DLuckily36A.At times BIn timeCAt the time DIn no time37A.surprised BfrightenedCsatisfied Ddelighted3

    15、8A.nothing BanythingCsomething Deverything39A.extremely BspeciallyCfairly Dhardly40A.took BcarriedCbrought Dheld41A.thing BawardCsupport Dgift42A.made BtookClost Dwasted43A.alone BstrangeCcomfortable Dsick44A.giving BsavingCsending Dpassing45A.common BusualCnormal Dordinary.阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 3

    16、0 分) AHow long you live has a lot to do with your environment and lifestyle, but exceptional long life may have even more to do with your genes.For the first time, researchers have discovered a genetic recipe that accurately predicts who may live to 100 and beyond.Analysis shows that 90% of the part

    17、icipants who lived to 100 had at least one of the signature genetic clusters (标志基因组) Dr.Thomas Perls at the Boston University School of Medicine said, “We realize this is a complex genetic puzzle.There is a long way for us to go to understand how the integration (融合) of these genes not just with the

    18、mselves but with environmental factors is playing a role in this long life puzzle.”Perls has studied many factors that contribute to long life, and he is the first to acknowledge that living longer isnt likely to be simply a matter of genes.His previous work has shown, for example, that among most e

    19、lderly people who live into their 70s and 80s, about 70% can owe their long life to environmental factors such as not smoking, eating a healthy, lowfat, lowcalorie diet, and remaining socially engaged and mentally active throughout life.It seems clear that those who live extremely long are benefitin

    20、g from a special DNA.In fact, Perls believes that the older a person gets, the more likely it is that his or her genes are contributing to those extended years.46Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?AMost longlived people have special longliferelated genes.BNinety percent of the p

    21、articipants lived to 100.CAll the longlived people have only one signature genetic cluster.DScientists know how the integration of the genes helps people live long.47Perls may agree that_.Aall people living extremely long benefit from not smokingBliving longer just depends on certain genetic recipes

    22、Cenvironmental factors play an important role in living a long lifeDbeing mentally active has nothing to do with living to an old age48Which of the following isnt mentioned in the passage?AA healthy diet and a good habit.BA good sleep and kindness to others.CEnvironment and lifestyle of longevity.DP

    23、erls study of many factors related to long life.49What would be the best title for the passage?ALifestyle and GenesBGood Habits Promote LongevityCThe Longlived PeopleDGenes May Predict Who Lives to 100BThe Jungle BookLost in the jungles of India as a child and adopted into a family of wolves, Mowgli

    24、 is brought up on a diet of Jungle Law, loyalty, and fresh meat from the kill. Regular adventures with his friends and enemies among the jungles people, cobras, panthers, bears, and tigers hone this man the cubs strength and cleverness and whet every readers imagination.Price: DS| 7.79ISBN1397816138

    25、20742Average Customer Review:A Stolen LifeThe first work of its kind Jaycee Dugards personal life story, her own story of being kidnapped (绑架) in 1991. When Jaycee was eleven years old, she was kidnapped from a school bus stop. She was missing for more than 18 years, and gave birth to two daughters

    26、during her imprisonment (监禁)Price:DS| 19.79ISBN139781442344983Average Customer Review:While Were Far ApartFivetime Christy Award winner Lynn Austin is called as “one of the styles best historical fiction novelists”. Set in Brooklyn, New York, during World War , while a motherless girl longs for her

    27、daddy and a young lady hopes for a second chance of love, this tale explores the uncertainty that stays in people.Price:DS| 6.00ISBN100764204971Average Customer Review:The Fashion PoliceThe Fashion Police was in the second place in the Chapter One Promotions Novel Competition 2010 and nominated (提名)

    28、 Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010 by The Romance Reviews. It is a strange comedymystery, combing murder and romance.Price:DS| 12.73ISBN139781451555653Average Customer Review:50The ISBN of the book that is the most popular among the readers is _.AISBN13 9781442344983 BISBN139781613820742CISBN10

    29、 0764204971 DISBN13 978145155565351If you want to buy one book on humans living with animals and one book of historical fiction from the four books, you have to pay_.ADS| 27.58 BDS| 20.52CDS| 18.73 DDS| 13.7952What makes the book The Fashion Police distinguish itself from others ?AIt wins the award

    30、Christy Award five times.BIt is a great book on violence and family education.CIt has many elements borrowed from stories of true policemen.DIt is nominated Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010.CI was in a parking lot when a tall, sincere man with glasses approached me asking for directions. He ha

    31、d a printout of Google Maps from the airport to a hotel on the main street, but just couldnt find his hotel. He clearly didnt have a phone, so after confirming his written directions, I mapped it on my phone and showed him exactly where he needed to go.He mentioned that he had tried going there, but

    32、 there was no such street number and he just couldnt locate his hotel. I confirmed it again for him. He thanked me with a big smile, shook my hand, and took off. I got into my car and he got into his, and we parted ways. As I drove to the next grocery store and went in, something wasnt sitting right

    33、 about the directions so I googled the address again and realized that he was looking for the right address but in a city half an hour away!Unfortunately it had been several minutes, and in the rush hour time, the chance of finding him a mile away where he was surely still looking around was slim to

    34、 none. But I thought Id give it a try and took off in that direction. Id barely noticed what his car looked like, and was just about to give up. I parked my car as I considered what else I could do when he drove right by and pulled over into a nearby parking spot, still confused about where he was.W

    35、hen I pulled in next to him, he couldnt believe it. “How did you find me?!” he asked. “Im not sure, but I figured out that you are in the wrong city!” I showed him the hotel information, pulled up the right directions for him, and after more smiles, laughs and a handshake, we parted ways. Likely tha

    36、t well never meet again, and that makes it all the more sweet.53Why did the man ask the writer for help?AHe didnt have a map.BHe didnt have a phone.CHe had no sense of direction.DHe lost his way to the hotel.54How did the writer find the man again?AThe man drove by and pulled over nearby.BThe man di

    37、dnt go far in his car.CHe used his Google Maps on the phone.DHe knew what the mans car looked like.55Which of the following best describes the writer?APatient and helpful. BWise and serious.CHonest and brave. DPopular and outgoing.56What do we learn from the text?AThe writer knew the hotel well.BThe

    38、 man must be grateful to the writer.CThe writer told the man the wrong way.DThe man returned to look for the writer.DThrough the shop window of a local mall my 13yearold son, John, and I spotted the coat simultaneously which was different from the others. It was thick soft and well preserved, with a

    39、 black velvet collar, beautiful tailoring, and a Fifth Avenue label at an unbelievable price of DS| 28.We looked at each other, saying nothing, but Johns eyes gleamed. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular with teenage boys, but they could cost several hundred dollars. This coat was even better. John t

    40、ried it on and turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror and wandering back to the school. He wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a grin. “Did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They loved it, ” he said, carefully folding it over the back of a chair and smoothing it

    41、 flat. I started calling him “Lord Chesterfield” and “The Great Gatsby”Over the next few weeks, John changed. He was polite, less argumentative, more thoughtful, and overall much happier. “Good dinner, Mom, ” he would say every evening. Without a word of objection he would carry in wood for the stov

    42、e. One day when I suggested that he might start on his homework before dinner, John, who always put things off, said:“Youre right. I guess I will.” When I mentioned this to one of his teachers, she joked that the coat must have changed him.John and I both know that clothes do not define a person, bu

    43、t there is something to be said for looking good. Sometimes, watching John leave for school, Ive remembered what it felt like to be in the eighth grade a time when it is as easy to try on different approaches to life as it is to try on a coat. The whole future is stretched out ahead, where all the d

    44、oors are open. And if I were there right now, I would picture myself walking through those doors wearing my wonderful, magical coat.57What can be the best title of the text?AA promising boy BA magical coatCA shopping experience DA bright future58What does the underlined word “grin” in Paragraph 3 me

    45、an?AA joking tone. BA worried look.CA low spirit. DA big smile.59After John wore the new coat, he _.Abegan to start homework after dinnerBtended to argue with his motherCwas willing to follow others adviceDfailed to help do any housework60What message does the author intend to deliver in the text?AW

    46、hat we wear can help shape what we are inside.BLife is full of possibilities when we are young.CWe should not judge people by their appearance.DIts beneficial to try different things in our lives.答 案.1.perseverance 2.framework 3.blackened 4.regularly 5.grasp.6.set out 7.are suffering from 8.hold on

    47、9.give off large quantities of water 10.are bored with.11.选 C “It is no wonder that从句”难怪,为固定句式。12选 D 句意为:只是感冒,不厉害,高兴一点。 cheer up 振作起来,高兴起来。13选 C 句意为:既然我们所订购的货物迟迟不到,我们不能再等下去了,只好取消。delay 耽搁,延误,推迟,延期;refuse 拒绝,回绝;cancel 取消,废除;postpone 延期,推迟,与 delay 同义。14选 A 考查有关 hold 的动词词组。句意为:我们本打算卖了这旧家具,但现在还是决定留着它。它有可能增值。hold


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