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    2018-2019学年人教版高中英语选修7:Unit 3 Period One课时跟踪练(含答案)

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    2018-2019学年人教版高中英语选修7:Unit 3 Period One课时跟踪练(含答案)

    1、Period One Warming Up,Prereading & Reading.阅读理解A(2017山西新绛高二期中)Whales,like dolphins,belong to a group of mammals called “cetaceans”This name comes from a Latin word meaning “large sea animals”There are at least seventyfive kinds of cetaceans.Scientists divide the various kinds into two major groupsba

    2、leen whales,which do not have teeth,and toothed whales,which have teeth.Whales have the same basic shape as fish,but they differ from fish in many ways.The most noticeable difference is the tail.Fish have vertical(垂直的 ) tail fins(鳍),but whales have horizontal tail fins.Fish breathe by means of gills

    3、(鳃) ,while whales have lungs and must come to the surface to breathe.But they can hold their breath for long periods.Like other mammals,whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mothers body.Most fish,however,lay eggs and do not feed their young.Whales are also warmbloo

    4、dedthat is,their body temperature remains about the same all the time.Almost all fish are coldblooded.Their body temperature changes with changes in the temperature of the water.Whales have a highly developed brain and they are highly advanced life forms.They sing to their young,engage in complex fa

    5、mily relationships,and their communication skills are fine.In December 2005,a whale, after being rescued from fishing nets,didnt just swim back to deep water.It hung around and touched each of the divers with its mouth.“Knowing that it was free,it stopped about a foot away from me,pushed me around a

    6、 little bit and had some fun,” said dive master James Moskito.He thought it was “one of the most fantastic moments” of his life. 语 篇 解 读 本 文 是 一 篇 说 明 文 ,介 绍 了 鲸 鱼 和 鱼 类 的 不 同 以 及 鲸 鱼 的 一 些 特 点 。1According to Paragraph 1,which of the following shows the correct relationship?AMammals are a type of ce

    7、tacean.BCetaceans are not a type of mammal.CWhales belong to the cetacean family.DMammals are a type of whale.答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Whales,like dolphins,belong to a group of mammals called cetaceans”可知,cetaceans 属于哺乳动物,排除 A、B 两项;D 项(哺乳动物是鲸鱼的一种)明显不对。故选 C 项。2Which of the following is NOT a difference

    8、between whales and fish?AWhales breathe by means of lungs.BWhales have tail fins.CWhales feed their young with milk.DA whales body temperature nearly doesnt change.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The most noticeable difference is the tail.Fish have vertical(垂直的) tail fins(鳍) ,but whales have horizontal tail fi

    9、ns.”可知,鱼和鲸鱼都有尾鳍,所以答案为 B 项。3Why didn t the whale swim back to the sea after it was saved?AIt lost its way in the sea.BIt was seriously wounded.CIt was frightened by the divers.DIt wanted to thank the divers.答案 D解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It hung around and touched each of the divers with its mouth.Knowing tha

    10、t it was free,it stopped about a foot away from me,pushed me around a little bit and had some fun.”可知,这头鲸鱼在获救后,用肢体语言表示对潜水员的感谢。B(2018安徽师大附中高二期中)It is hardly surprising that clothing manufacturers(生产商) follow certain uniform standards for different features of clothes.What seems strange,however ,is th

    11、at the standard used for women is the opposite of the one for men.Take a look at the way your clothes button.Mens clothes tend to button from the right,and womens from the left.Considering most of the worlds populationmen and womenare righthanded,the mens standard would appear to make more sense(更有道

    12、理) for women.So why do womens clothes button from the left?History really seems to matter here.Buttons first appeared only on the clothes of the rich in the 17th century,when rich women were dressed by servants.For the mostly righthanded servants,having womens shirts button from the left would be ea

    13、sier.On the other hand,having mens shirts button from the right made sense,too.Most men dressed themselves,and a sword(剑) drawn from the left with the right hand would be less likely to get caught in the shirt.Today women are seldom dressed by servants,but buttoning from the left is still the standa

    14、rd for them.Is it interesting? Actually,a standard,once it is set,resists change.At a time when all womens shirts buttoned from the left,it would have been risky for any single manufacturer to offer womens shirts that buttoned from the right.After all,women had grown so used to shirts which buttoned

    15、 from the left and would have to develop new habits and skills to switch.Besides, some women might have found it socially awkward to appear in public wearing shirts that buttoned from the right,since anyone who noticed that would believe they were wearing mens shirts.语 篇 解 读 这 篇 文 章 主 要 讲 述 了 男 女 服

    16、装 的 差 别 ,并 对 其 原 因 进 行 了 分 析 。4What is surprising about the standard of the clothing industry?AIt has been followed by the industry for over 400 years.BIt is different for mens clothing and women s.CIt works better with men than with women.DIt fails to consider righthanded people.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一

    17、段前两句可知,服装业标准的奇怪之处在于男女服装上的差别。故选 B。5What do we know about the rich men in the 17th century?AThey tended to wear clothes without buttons.BThey drew their swords from the left.CThey were mostly dressed by servants.DThey were interested in the historical matters.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Most men dressed th

    18、emselves,and a sword(剑) drawn from the left with the right hand would be less likely to get caught in the shirt.”可知 B 项正确。6Womens clothes still button from the left today because .Acustoms are hard to changeBmanufacturers should follow standardsCmodern women dress themselvesDusing men s style is imp

    19、roper for women答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Actually,a standard,once it is set,resists change.”可知,标准一旦形成就很难改变。故选 A。7The passage is mainly developed by .Aanalyzing causesBmaking comparisonsCexamining differencesDfollowing the time order答案 A解析 推理判断题。通读文章可知,本文主要分析了男女服装的差别的原因。故选 A。.完形填空“Daily Star,sir,” called

    20、 Jason,carrying some newspapers under his arm.The little boy had been running up and down the street,but there were still twenty 8 left.His voice was almost gone and his heart was 9 .The shops would soon close,and all the people would go home.He would have to go home too,carrying the papers 10 money

    21、.He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a 11 for his mother and some seeds for his bird.That was why he had bought the papers with all his money.He 12 as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.“You dont know the 13 of selling papers.You must shout,Hot news!Bomb

    22、bursting!” another newsboy Chad told Jason.“ 14 its not in the paper at all,” replied Jason.“Just run away quickly 15 they have time to see,and youll 16 out and get your money,” Chad said.It was a new 17 to Jason.He thought of his bird with no 18 and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother,but was

    23、19 that he would not tell a lie.Though he was 20 a poor newsboy,he had been 21 some good things.The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers 22 .Several boys were crowding around Chad,who declared with a 23 smile that he sold six dozen the day before.He added that Jason 24 money becaus

    24、e he would not tell a lie.The boys 25 at Jason.“You wouldnt tell a lie yesterday,my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jasons shoulder 26 .“Youre just the boy I am looking for.” A week later Jason started his new 27 .He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie,b

    25、ut got a wellpaid job because he told the truth.语 篇 解 读 本 文 讲 述 了 一 个 虽 然 贫 穷 ,但 坚 守 优 良 品 质 ,坚 决 不 撒 谎 的 报 童 的 故 事 。8A.shops BcoinsCpeople Dpapers答案 D解析 根据第一段第一句中的“carrying some newspapers”和后文中的“carrying the papers money”可知,这个男孩在卖“报纸(paper)”。虽然他很卖力,但是手中还有没卖出去的报纸。9A.open BheavyCpure Dweak答案 B解析 根据上一

    26、句可知,他的报纸没有卖完。根据本句中的“His voice was almost gone.”可知,这时候他几乎说不出话来了,内心应该是很“沉重的(heavy)”。open 开放的;pure纯洁的;weak 虚弱的。10A.instead of Bin return forCregardless of Din exchange for答案 A解析 根据第一段第二句可知,他没能卖出所有的报纸,因此也就赚不到多少钱,那么他带回家的就是剩余的报纸,“而不是(instead of)”钱。in return for 作为对的回报;regardless of 不管; in exchange for 作为的

    27、交换。11A.cup BcardCcomb Dcake答案 D解析 根据第三段第二句中的“the cake he wanted to buy for his mother”可知,这个小男孩赚钱的目的之一是给妈妈买“蛋糕(cake)”。12A.gave in Bbroke downCgot away Dshowed up答案 B解析 根据前文可知,这个男孩没有把报纸都卖出去。结合本句中的“he thought of his failure”可知,这时候这个小男孩简直就要“崩溃(break down)”了。give in 屈服;get away离开;show up 出现。13A.difficult

    28、y BprocessCgoal Dsecret答案 D解析 联系本空后面的“You must shout.”可知,另外一个卖报纸的男孩在向 Jason 传授卖出所有报纸的“秘诀(secret)”。difficulty 困难;process 过程;goal 目标。14A.And BBut CFor DSo答案 B解析 根据上一句可知,另外一个报童 Chad 给 Jason 出了一个主意,但是遭到了 Jason 的质疑。这里是转折关系,所以用连词 but。15A.before BsinceCthough Dunless答案 A解析 在传授“秘诀”的时候,Chad 告诉 Jason 在买报人看内容“

    29、之前(before) ”就要跑掉,以免被发现撒谎。16A.call Bdrop Csell Dreach答案 C解析 根据第一段最后一句中的“sell all his papers”和第二段第一句中的 “selling papers”可知,Chad 在教 Jason 一个“ 卖光(sell out)”所有报纸的方法。17A.edition BideaCpolicy Dtask答案 B解析 联系第二段可知,Chad 出的“主意(idea)”对于 Jason 来说很新颖。edition 版本;policy 政策; task 任务。18A.bread BinsectsCseeds Dwater答案

    30、C解析 由第一段倒数第三句中的“some seeds for his bird” 可知,选 C。19A.concerned BamazedCexcited Ddetermined答案 D解析 根据下文中的“You wouldn t tell a lie yesterday.”可知,这个男孩决意不通过撒谎的方式卖出更多的报纸。determined 决意的,坚决的,符合语境。20A.still BalreadyCjust Dalso答案 C解析 联系空前的 Though 可知,本句是在强调尽管他“只是(just)”一个贫穷的报童,这里用 just 加强语气。21A.taught BhandedCa

    31、warded Dallowed答案 A解析 联系空后的“some good things”可知,Jason 之所以能坚持不撒谎,是因为之前有人“教(teach)”给他一些美好的德行。hand 交给;award 授予;allow 允许。22A.at once Bby chanceCas usual Don purpose答案 C解析 联系上文可知,Jason 并没有像 Chad 那样做。第二天下午,他“像往常一样(as usual)”来取报纸。at once 立刻; by chance 偶然;on purpose 故意。23A.proud BgentleCwarm Dpolite答案 A解析 联

    32、系本句中的“he sold six dozen the day before”可知,Chad 因自己卖出的报纸很多而感到“骄傲(proud)”。gentle 温和的;warm 温暖的;polite 有礼貌的。24A.borrowed BlostCmade Dsaved答案 B解析 联系第一段的内容可知,Jason 因为没有卖出所有的报纸而“赔钱(lose money) ”了。文章最后一段最后一句的 lost 也是解题线索。在 Chad 看来,这是因为 Jason 不会撒谎。borrow 借;make 赚( 钱);save 节省。25A.laughed BshoutedCnodded Dstar

    33、ed答案 A解析 根据最后一段中 Chad 所说的话可知,这些男孩在“嘲笑(laugh at)”Jason。shout at朝大声喊;nod at 朝点头;stare at 盯着看。26A.bravely BgratefullyCfondly Dmodestly答案 C解析 根据后面的一句“You re just the boy I am looking for.”可知,这个绅士正要找像Jason 一样诚实的人。他找到之后,当然是 “慈爱地(fondly)”拍拍 Jason 的肩膀。bravely勇敢地;gratefully 感激地;modestly 谦虚地。27A.duty BbusinessCjob Dmethod答案 C解析 根据下一句中的“got a wellpaid job”可知,Jason 因为自己的诚实而得到了一份新“工作(job)”。duty 责任;business 生意;method 方法。


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