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    2019-2020学年外研版英语选修6课后作业含答案:Module 6 Section 3

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    2019-2020学年外研版英语选修6课后作业含答案:Module 6 Section 3

    1、Section Integrating Skills一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写出单词1.D the high mountains and thick forests,the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue. 答案:Despite2.All p of the company are qualified for the retirement plan. 答案:personnel3.Dont e her laziness by doing everything for her. 答案:e

    2、ncourage4.These policemen wear h to protect themselves. 答案:helmets5.The robber was a with a rifle. 答案:armed6.He had a loud ( 争论)with his boss. 答案:disagreement7.She asked the reporter not to ( 引述) her remark. 答案:quote8.He is an expert in military ( 战略). 答案:strategy9.They both refused to (投降). 答案:surr

    3、ender10.The armys (撤退) was orderly. 答案:retreat二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.政府已经制定了应对失业问题的策略。The government has made a dealing with unemployment. 答案:strategy for2.公司在上一财政年度蒙受了巨额亏损。The company in the last financial year. 答案:suffered a great loss3.他引用了谚语“人人都有得意时。 ”,意思是他这一生总会遇上一次机会。He the saying “Every dog has his day

    4、.”, that he would get a chance in his life sometime. 答案:quoted;meaning4.你理应付出努力去实现自己的梦想。You make efforts to fulfill your dream. 答案:are supposed to5.干净的环境有助于一个城市竞标奥运,反过来,它也会促进其经济发展。A clean environment can help a city bid for the Olympics,which will promote its economic development. 答案:in return6.我们花了

    5、很多钱,但这是值得的。We spent much money on it,but . 答案:it was worthwhile7.我答应帮助他时,他马上高兴起来。He at once when I promised to help him. 答案:cheered up三、单句改错1.He keeps working despite of his illness.答案:去掉 of2.During the war,Germany occupied many countries,containing France.答案:containingincluding3.The temple is situa

    6、ted on a cliff overlooked the beach.答案:overlookedoverlooking4.The survivors lay on the beach,exhausting and shocked.答案:exhaustingexhausted5.The operation was extreme dangerous.答案:extremeextremely四、阅读理解Women also threw themselves into the American Civil War.Scores of them even dressed like men so tha

    7、t they could fight.Cuban-born Velazquez dressed herself up and joined the Confederate army.When she was found out for the third time and forced to leave the army,she became a spy for the South.Rose ONeal Greenhow was sent to prison by the North for supplying information to the South.Elizabeth Bowser

    8、,a servant in Confederate President Jefferson Daviss home,and Harriet Tubman both supplied information to the Union from behind enemy lines.Many women served the war as medical workers in the North.Elizabeth Blackwell helped battle the diseases and infection(感染) that killed twice as many soldiers as

    9、 bullets alone.Nearly 3,000 women served as nurses in the Union army.Some,like Clara Barton,treated the wounded on the battlefield.After the war,Barton founded the America Red Cross.Women in the South also offered medical help to soldiers.Sally Louisa Tompkins was among the Confederate women who fou

    10、nded small hospitals.Tompkins finally became the only recognized woman officer in the South.1.Women serving in the Civil War were mostly . A.doctors B.nursesC.soldiers D.spies答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第二段可知 ,妇女在南北战争中主要是护理战士。至于间谍、医生或士兵是一些特殊例子,故应选 B 项。2.We may conclude that during the Civil War . A.about 3,000 wo

    11、men served as medical workersB.even many women doctors were hired in medical dutyC.Harriet Tubman must have stolen much information from Jefferson DavisD.only one-third of the soldiers were directly killed by bullets答案:D解析:细节理解题。文中第二段第二句提到 “因疾病和感染而死去的战士是因中弹死去的两倍”。故选 D 项。3.The examples of these women

    12、 in the passage aim to show . A.women can hold half of the skyB.women wanted to have the same rights as men in every fieldC.women played a role in the American Civil WarD.the American Civil War was caused by some women答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一句可知 ,本文主要讲了妇女也投入了美国内战,下面举了一些妇女参与美国内战的例子来说明。故选 C 项。4.Which of th

    13、e following should be the best title for the passage?A.What Women Did for the American Civil WarB.Women and the American Civil WarC.Women Served as Civil War Nurses OnlyD.Women Spies,Doctors,and Nurses in the Civil War答案:B解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲了妇女与美国内战。故选 B 项。五、语篇填空导学号 36224035Dear Tom,How is everything goi

    14、ng?I feel 1. (terrible) sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time.You know,I 2. (prepare) for the final exams these days,so I forgot 3. (write) back.In your letter,you asked me for my plans on summer vacation.Now,I am writing to tell you some specific 4. (detail).Totally,three th

    15、ings will make my summer vacation 5. (mean).To start with,doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by 6. (me),but also it will broaden my horizons.In addition,it is 7.fabulous choice to visit some famous scenic spots such as Mount Tai dur

    16、ing the vacation,in order to enjoy appealing scenery 8. make more friends.What is more,9. (do) voluntary work,I think,will make a great contribution to the society,which is able to enrich my life.10. the way,whats your plan to spend your summer vacation?I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sinc

    17、erely,Li Hua答案:1.terribly 2.have been preparing 3.to write 4.details 5.meaningful 6.myself 7.a 8.and 9.doing 10.By六、选词创境导学号 36224036运用下列词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35 句)be involved in,worthwhile,despite,to ones astonishment,invade,sacrifice,condemn,abandon参考范文Despite the fact that people are eager for peac

    18、e,many countries are involved in the modern wars.To our astonishment,some countries invade other countries regardless of the safety of people.Many people sacrifice because of the wars.Wagging the wars should be condemned.So abandon the thought of war and call for peace.Its worthwhile to devote ourselves to world peace.


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