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    1、20182019 学年第一学期期末教学质量调研测试初三英语 2019. 0l一、听力选择(共 25 小题;1-20 题,每小题 1 分,21-25 题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)A)听对话回答问题。1. What does Millies brother want to be?2. Which kind of art form does Kitty like best?3.From which programme you like.A. B. C. 4. Where did the case happen?5. Whats the womans favorite color?A. Whi

    2、te. B. I dont know. C. Black.6. What time is it now?A. 10: 30 B. 9: 30 C.11:307. What does Mary advise for getting a better job?A. To be more generous and patient.B. To be more patient and modest.C. To be more careful and modest.8. How does Amy remember a speech?A. By drawing pictures.B. By remember

    3、ing the key sentences.C. By writing down the first word of each sentence.9. What do we learn from the dialogue?A. Amy finished the exam in an hour.B. The exam was difficult.C. The test has only one page.10. What is the mini-film about?A. Left-behind children. B. Lonely elderly people. C. Single-pare

    4、nt families.B)听对话和短文回答问题。听一段长对话,回答第 1112 小题。11.What do they want to do next Spring Festival?A. Follow the old customs(风俗).B. Have a special one.C. Just stay at home.12. What kind of places does the woman prefer to visitA. Cities. B. A swimming pool. C. Beaches.听一段长对话,回答第 1314 小题。13. Where are the tw

    5、o speakers?A. At a hotel. B. At the railway station. C. In an office.14. What does the man want to do?A. He wants to have a talk with the woman.B. He wants to buy some fruit.C. He wants to sit for a rest.听一段长对话,回答第 1517 小题。15. What is Joana doing?A. Looking at some photos. B. Watching a movie. C. Ke

    6、eping the photos.16. Where did she go camping?A. In a park. B. In a village. C. Near the city.17. How long did she and her classmates stay last weekA. Three days. B. Four days. C. A week听一篇短文,完成信息记录表中 1820 小题。A Website DesignerExperience The person needs at least 18 years of experience. Characterist

    7、ics The person should be able to work 19 and make good decisions.What to do The person can 20 the company to know more information.18. A. two B. three C. five19. A. with different people B. over the weekend C. under stress20. A. phone B. go to C. e-mail听一篇短文,回答第 2125 小题。21. What subject does Mike te

    8、ach?A. Science. B. Physics. C. Chemistry22. Whats the most difficult thing for him?A. His way of teaching.B. He cant see any of the students.C. Students dont do homework.23. What do the students usually do during the lesson?A. Answer the teachers questions.B. Mark their homework.C. Do experiments(实验

    9、).24. Where does the-speaker work?A. In front of a class of thirty kids.:B. In a small room with a camera.C. At home,25. What dote the speaker think of his way of teaching?A. It makes students bored. B. It saves time. C. It is successful.二、选择填空(共 25 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 25 分)A)单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

    10、的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。26.Are you leaving now? Having dinner with you is great fun!Thanks a lot, but I have to make early start tomorrow morning.A./;a B. a; an C./;an D. a; the27.Sorry, sir, its the working hour. Im afraid you have to come tomorrow.All right.A. against B. above C. over D. beyond28.Mum, Iv

    11、e signed for a big box by Future Express(快递).Whats in it?Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.A. may B. need C. should D. will29. Air pollution will remain a problem for a long time, we have done a lot to solve it.A. because B. although C. unless D. since30.Hi, Sandy. How is your new school?

    12、Fantastic. We can choose the course according to our . I am good at operas, so I take Beijing Opera classes.A. grades B. talents C. appearances D. experiences31.Do you know everybody came to the party?Im afraid not. I dont know the one you had a long talk with.A. which; that B./;whom C. that; which

    13、D. who;/32. We just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us.A. Both; and B. Either; orC. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor33. The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the Moon.A. give up B. cheer up C. take up D. make up34.What did Tom say to you just now, John?H

    14、e asked .A. if I could go to the movies with him tonight B. why I am so happy todayC. who I played football after school D. what will I do for the weekend35. The Spring Festival is coming. Look! many little children are practicing dancing incold weather carefully for the show.A. So; such B. Such; su

    15、ch C. So; so D. Such;so36.Is there anything wrong with your computer?Yes, I hope you can have it right now.A. to repair B. repairedC. repair D. repairing37. Oh, many people are standing outside the hall. will the film start? seven oclock.A. How long; Not until B. How soon;UntilC. When; Not until D.

    16、How long; Until38.Its said that the winner the first prize by Lang Lang, a pianist.Wow. Im expecting.A. will be presented to B. will present toC. will present with D. will be presented with39.Ive got another job. Im sure its a well-paid job this time.Its the third time youve changed your job, but it

    17、s not always true that .A. many hands make light workB. the grass is always greener on the other sideC. you put all your eggs in one basketD. no pain, no gain40.That young woman must have something to do with the crime, right? Though she insisted she hadnt done anything against the law.A. In your dr

    18、eams. B. I suppose so.C. I dont think so. D. Dont mention it.B)完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。I was never very neat(整洁), while my roommate Kate was well organized. Each of her things always had its 41 , but I was always looking for something every minute. Over ti

    19、me, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my 42 clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got 43 of each other.War broke out one morning. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her shouting, “Youre your shoes away! Why under my bed!“ Then, I saw my 44 flying at me

    20、. I jumped to my feet and started yelling(叫嚷), but she yelled 45 louder.The room 46 with anger(愤怒).We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Kate 47 it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she qu

    21、ickly crawled(爬)into her bed, under the covers, sobbing(抽噎).Clearly, that was something she should not go through 48 . All of a sudden, a feeling of sympathy(同情 ) rose up in my heart.Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the shoes and swept the floor, even on her

    22、 side. I got so into my work that I even didnt notice Kate had sat up.She looked at me in surprise, reaching out her hands to get hold of mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.“Kate and I 49 roommates for the rest of the year. We didnt always 50 , but we learned the key to livin

    23、g together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.41. A. way B. place C. name D. seat42. A. dirty B. clean C. old D. new43. A. afraid B. tired C. excited D. nervous44. A. shirts B. books C. shoes D. socks45. A. back B. up C. off D. away46. A. full B. was full C. filled D. was filled47. A. answered B

    24、. got C. received D. called48. A. slowly B. fast C. properly D. alone49. A. started B. stayed C. became D. grew50. A. argue B. promise C. agree D. share三、阅读理解(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,把其编号填入答题卷相应的位置上。AMorpher, the folding bike helmet(头盔)People hate to wear a helmet

    25、 because its thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的)enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.Shoes that tie themselvesAfter we see the movie Back to the Future, almost everyone wants a pa

    26、ir of self-tying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes tnie. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.The smart alarm clock-Hello SenseAn alarm clock , called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to he

    27、lp you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.Sweet potatoes that could save livesThe lack(缺乏)of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses. In sub- Saharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help th

    28、em fight against some illnesses.51. Morpher, the folding bike helmet is .A. thick and heavy B. not as strong as a traditional oneC. made from metal D. flexible enough to fold almost flat52. The underlined word “button“ means “ “.A.钉子 B.按钮 C. 图案 D.形状53. The smart alarm clock can NOT .A. improve our s

    29、leep B. control our weightC. record our sleep cycles D. control the temperature in the bedroom54. If a child has a poor eyesight, he may be in the lack of .A. vitamin A B. vitamin B C. vitamin C D. vitamin DBIn todays world of modern science and medicine, a more traditional treatment is once again b

    30、ecoming popular-animal friendship.It is now well-known that people with problems such as heart disease or cancer live longer and get better more quickly if they have pets. Keeping pets lowers blood pressure and makes people less worried. Animals are increasingly important in treating older people wh

    31、o have memory loss and other brain problems. These people often feel nervous and upset. Activities with animals help them improve their physical condition and also give them joy, entertainment and loving friendship.Here is a case that shows the advantages of animals. John was a six-year-old mute. He

    32、 had no physical problems. He just refused to talk. His older cousin, Ned,had a parrot called Sally, and John used to visit it. When he arrived, Net used to say, “Hi,John!“ We all know parrots copy what they hear. After a few visits, Sally began saying “Hi,John!“ when John came into the room. Then,

    33、one day, John turned to the parrot and replied “Hi, Sally !“ Staying with the parrot encouraged John to begin talking.Another use of animal helpers is in schools. In some cases, animals are used to help children with physical or personal problems. In other cases, they are used to teach children to g

    34、et on and share with others, and even to teach them about animals.If you want to know more about animal helper programmes, you can get in touch with organizations like Riding for the Disabled or do a search under “animal therapy“ on the Internet. You dont have to be an animal trainer or a doctor to

    35、join in.55. Which is NOT mentioned as an illness that animals can help with?A. Heart disease. B. Blood pressure. C. Fever. D. Cancer.56. How can animals help schoolchildren according to the passage?A. They can improve childrens memory.B. They can make children more popular.C. They can make childrens

    36、 blood pressure higher.D. They can teach children to share with each other.57. The underlined word “mute“ in Paragraph 3 means .A. a person who speaks slowly B. a person who does not speakC. a person who can not hear D. a person who enjoys talking58. What is the best title for this passage?A. Be kin

    37、d to animals B. Talk to animalsC. The most dangerous disease D. Get healthy with animal helpersC“Oh, how large he is!“Isnt he? And such wonderfully strong legs!“See his trunk(象鼻), too! Isnt it cute! And he is well stuffed(填充的)! This is really one of the best toys in the UK that ever came into our sh

    38、op, Geraldine, dont you think so?“Yes, Angelina. I must call father to come and look at him. He will make a lovely present for some boy or girl - I mean this Stuffed Elephant will make a lovely present, not our father!“ and Miss Angelina Mugg smiled at her sister across the big packing box of Christ

    39、mas toys they were opening in their fathers store.“Oh, no! Of course we wouldnt want father to be given away as a toy!“ laughed Geraldine. “But this Stuffed Elephant-oh, I just love him!“Miss Geraldine Mugg caught up the rather large toy animal and hugged it tightly in her arms.“Be careful“ called h

    40、er sister. “You may break him!“Oh, hes just a Stuffed Elephant!“ laughed Geraldine. “I mean he hasnt any works inside him to wind up(结束).Theres nothing but cotton inside him. But I am beginning to like him more than I cane for some of the toys that do wind up. I almost wish I were small again, so I

    41、could have this Elephant for myself!“He is nice,“ admitted(承认 )Angelina.“Well, Im glad they like me,“ thought the Stuffed Elephant to himself, for just now he was not allowed to speak out loud or move around, as the Make Believe toys could do at certain times.An excerpt(节选 )from The Story of a Stuff

    42、ed Elephant59. From the passage, we can know that the sisters father is a(n) .A. toy maker B. animal keeper C. shop owner D. salesman60. What can we learn about Geraldine from the underlined part in Paragraph 4?A. She is very excited to find the cute Stuffed Elephant.B. She doesnt like her father an

    43、d wants to leave him.C. She wants her father to make a lovely toy for her.D. She wants to get a toy as a present from his father.61. When does the story happen?A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn. D. In winter.62. What does the paragraph following the passage probably discuss?A. The story about

    44、 the girls family. B. Who gets the Stuffed Elephant as a gift.C. Something about Make Believe toys. D. Some other toys the sisters have.四、单词拼写(共 10 小魔;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。63. Leave your car here and (锁)it up.64. Paul has found a new job and I (考虑)moving to a new


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