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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit4 Period Three学案

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit4 Period Three学案

    1、Period Three Task.重点单词1 n预订,预约;保留意见vt.保留;预订2 n时间表,时刻表3 n离开;出发;背离,违反vi.离开;违背4 n港口;(计算机 )端口5 adj.准时的,守时的.重点短语1 提前2 (使)加速3 冲走4 在修理中5 除之外(还).重点句式复合句与简单句Could you please tell me .?(复合句)Could you please tell me .?( 简单句)你能告诉我怎样才能到达?重点词汇1There are many flights to Dalian,and the city has good air connections

    2、 with most large cities in China,but you need to make reservations in advance.有很多航班飞往大连,大连与中国大多数大城市之间都有航线,但你得提前订票。归纳拓展(1)reservation n预订,预约;保留意见make a reservation 预订have/express reservations about.对表示疑问,对保留意见without reservation 毫无保留地;无条件地(2)reserve v预订;保留(3)reserved adj.保留的,预定的be reserved for 留作;供 之

    3、用语境助记(1)Ive made a reservation for you on the morning flight.我已为你预订了早上的航班。(2)I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。(3)This section of the car park is reserved for visitors.这个停车区是留给游客的。题组训练(1)我们无条件地接受了他们的提议。We accepted their offer .(2)Id prefer to my judgement

    4、until I find all the evidence.Ashow BexpressCpass Dreserve2.and this has speeded up travel between the two cities.这加速了两市间旅游业的发展。归纳拓展speed uppick up speed(使)加速at a speed of 以(单位)的速度at high/low/full/top speed 以高 /低/全/最高速语境助记(1)They have speeded up production of the new car.他们加快了新轿车的生产速度。(2)A sudden st

    5、op can be a very frightening experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016浙江)突然停下来可能是一次非常可怕的经历,尤其是你正在高速行驶时。题组训练(1)用 speed 短语的适当形式填空The Internet is widely used,which the development of communication.The train is running 120 kilometers.Production of this new model must .(2)Many count

    6、ries are faced with the problem about how to economic development.Aturn up Bspeed upCget up Dstay up3Check timetables for departure and arrival times.核对(列车运行)时刻表来获取(列车) 离开和到达的时间。归纳拓展(1)departure n离开;启程;出发take ones departure 离开;启程(2)depart v离开;启程depart from 从 离开;背离,违反depart for 动身去语境助记(1)Have you set

    7、tled on a date for your departure?你出发的日子已决定了吗?(2)We ought not to depart from that principle.我们不应违背那个原则。(3)The basketball team will depart for Qinghai tomorrow.篮球队明天将动身去青海。题组训练(1)同义句转换They set off early the next morning.They early the next morning.(2)I have not heard anything from him since his depar

    8、ture New York.Aon BtoCfrom Dat4Part of the road is still under repair.部分道路仍在修复。归纳拓展介词 undern.可表示“处于状况中”( 相当于 being done)under repair 在修理中under attack 正受到攻击under discussion 在讨论中under consideration 在考虑中under construction 在建设中under control 在控制中under treatment 在治疗中语境助记(1)My bike is still under repair.我的

    9、自行车还在修理之中。(2)The plan is still under discussion.这个计划尚在讨论中。(3)The dam is still under construction.大坝仍在修建之中。题组训练(1)句型转换The bridge is under repair.The bridge .(2)Many diseases,such as pneumonia and smallpox,are now or wiped out entirely.Aunder attack Bunder controlCunder construction Dunder study5In ad

    10、dition to the frequent rapid ferries to ports in Weihai and Yantai,there are also slower ferries to Shanghai and Qinhuangdao.除了常见的快速轮渡到达威海及烟台港外,也有许多更慢速的轮渡到达上海和秦皇岛。归纳拓展in addition to(besides) 除之外( 还)in addition 另外,此外语境助记(1)In addition to the names on the list,there are six other applicants.除了名单上的名字之外

    11、,还有另外六个申请人。(2)There was an earthquake and,in addition,there were tsunamis.除了地震之外,还有海啸。题组训练If you pay for the computer in cash,you could have a 5% discount; we can deliver it to you for free.(2016扬州中学高二期末 )Ain demand Bin additionCin return Din place6Sometimes the slow ferries are not very punctual an

    12、d there may be long delays.有时这些慢船并不是那么准时,可能有长时间的延误。归纳拓展(1)punctual adj.准时的,准点的;守时的be punctual for 准时(2)punctually adv.准时地(3)punctuality n准时,守时语境助记(1)I expect you to be punctual for meetings.我希望你准时到会。(2)Ill hand in the paper punctually tomorrow.明天我会准时交论文的。(3)The airline hopes to improve punctuality n

    13、ext year.这家航空公司希望明年在准点上做出改善。题组训练(1)不守时是他最大的缺点。is his greatest shortcoming.(2)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment,he has to hurry a little if he wants to be .(2015湖北,27)Aaccurate BpunctualCefficient Dreasonable .单词拼写1Look up the time of the next train in the t .2All the arrangements

    14、 should have been completed before our d .3London used to be Britains largest (港口) 4A (守时的) person always finishes everything ahead of time.5The hotel provides a (预订) of tickets for its residents.选词填空speed up,decide on,in advance,wash away,under repair6I see we will be late unless we .7The highway i

    15、s still .You must choose another one to Nanjing.8Part of the path had by the sea.9If you are worried that the tickets will be sold out,you can buy one .10It is still raining and it is difficult to a date to go on our project.完成句子11我们毫无保留地谴责他们的行为。We condemn their actions .12我们如果想要准时赶到,最好是加快速度。if we w

    16、ant to be on time.13杰克不在这里?可我刚才的确看见他了。Jack isnt here? But I him just now.14我可以问一下你是否喜欢海上旅行?May I ask if you are fond of traveling ?15河里有几个孩子在游泳。swimming in the river.单项填空16He is the sort of man who is always .That is why he did not come late for the conference because of heavy rain yesterday.Aaggres

    17、sive BvalidCelegant Dpunctual17They are broadening the bridge to the flow of traffic.Aput off Bspeed upCturn on Dwork out18The explosion in the coal mine damaged the whole mine. ,it caused 30 deaths.ATherefore BAfter allCHowever DIn addition19It is still under discussion the old bus station should b

    18、e replaced with a modern hotel or not.Awhether BwhenCwhich Dwhere20I was reading A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin yesterday,but I couldnt understand it. .It is classical literature,so take your time to enjoy it.ADont fly off the handleBYou got me thereCNothing is impossible to a willing heartDM

    19、ore haste,less speed写作指导本单元写作是一篇信息告知类的电子邮件,要求根据提示,用英语写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由。信息告知类电子邮件一般包括三部分:1开头要表明写作目的,即明确要告知的信息。2主体部分应详细告知相关问题的细节,以使接收者能明白所告知信息的相关内容。3最后通常表达期盼和祝愿。常用句式1邮件开头常见用语:I am delighted to receive your letter.It was a great pleasure to learn that.Im writing to you to.Im writing to you about.Im

    20、 so pleased to hear from you and writing to tell you something about.2邮件结尾常见用语:Thank you once again for your kind letter.Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.Hoping that youll get well soon.Looking forward to meeting you.Remember me to your whole family.典题示例假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于 6 月 26 日接待来

    21、自美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队 Smith先生写一封 150 词左右的电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等);中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等);下午与我校学生游览海河。注意:1.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;2邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:座谈 forum;海河 the Haihe River写作步骤Step One 审题谋篇1本文要求写一封信息告知类的电子邮件,给出了开头和结尾,故注意正文部分的书写。2主体时态为一般

    22、现在时态,其中介绍活动计划安排等用一般将来时。用第一人称书写。3文章布局(1)首段说明自己的身份并简要概述写此封电子邮件的目的:即受学校委托,负责安排其在津的一日活动;(2)第二段详细介绍此次活动的计划安排。从上午、中午和下午三个时间段介绍。此部分要做到要点齐全,层次清晰;(3)最后征求对方建议并表达期盼和祝愿。Step Two 联想词汇1为某人安排 2校园生活 3文化差异 4与共进午餐 5带某人游览 Step Three 句式升级1我写信告诉你我们已经为你们安排了一切。Im writing to tell you .(that 引导的宾语从句)Im writing to tell you w

    23、e have arranged for you.(定语从句;what 引导的宾语从句)2所有的参观者将与我校学生在会议室座谈,进行相互交流。All the visitors in the meetingroom with students from our school .(简单句)a forum in the meetingroom, all the visitors and students from our school communicate with each other.(there be 句型;定语从句)3我们将邀请你们与我校学生在我们学校餐厅共进午餐。to have lunch

    24、 in our school cafeteria with students from our school.(主动语态)to have lunch in our school cafeteria with students from our school.(被动语态)4下午,我校学生将带你们游览海河。In the afternoon, the students in our school,you can tour the Haihe River.(guidance)In the afternoon,the students in our school will the Haihe River

    25、.(show sb. around)Step Four 连句成篇Dear Mr Smith,I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union,from Chenguang High School. Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案精析基础自测.1.reservation ;reserve 2.timetable 3.departure;depart4port 5.punctual.1.in advance 2.speed up 3.wash away 4.under repair 5.in addition to.how I can get

    26、to;the way to要点探究重点词汇1(1)without reservation(2)D 句意为:在我找到所有的证据之前,我宁愿保留我的看法。reserve 保留,符合句意。show 展示;express 表达;pass 通过。2(1)speeds up at a speed of be speeded up(2)B 句意为:很多国家都面临这样一个问题:怎样才能加快经济发展。turn up 出现,(声音)调大;speed up 加速;get up 起床;stay up 熬夜。由句意可知选 B 项。3(1)took their departure(2)C 句意为:自从他离开纽约后,我未收

    27、到过他的任何信息。departure 后常与介词from 搭配,表示 “从离开”。4(1)is;being;repaired(2)B 句意为:现在很多疾病,像肺炎和天花都得到了控制或已经彻底消灭了。under control 在控制中。5B 句意为:如果你买电脑付现金,可以享受 5%的折扣,此外,还可以免费送货。in demand 有需求; in addition 此外;in return 作为回报;in place 位置恰当。根据题意选B。 6(1)Not being punctual(2)B 考查形容词辨析。句意为:尽管会议大厅在他的公寓附近,如果他想要守时,他还是要快一点。accurat

    28、e 精确的;punctual 准时的,守时的;efficient 高效的,生效的;reasonable 合理的。故选 B。 当堂达标.1.timetable 2.departure 3.port 4.punctual5reservation.6.speed up 7.under repair 8.been washed away9in advance 10.decide on.11.without reservation 12.We d better speed up13did see 14.by sea 15.There are several children.16.D 句意为:他是那种总

    29、是守时的人。那就是昨天下大雨他开会没有迟到的原因。punctual 守时的,符合句意。aggressive 侵略的,好斗的;valid 有效的,正当的;elegant优雅的。17B 考查动词短语。句意为:他们正拓宽桥面以加速交通流动。put off 推迟;speed up 加速; turn on 打开;work out 计算出,解决。故选 B 项。18D 句意为:煤矿爆炸毁掉了整个矿井,而且造成 30 人死亡。therefore 因此;after all 毕竟,终究;however 然而;in addition 此外。由句意可知选 D 项。19A 考查主语从句。句意为:老公共汽车站是否该被一个

    30、现代化的宾馆所取代仍然处于商讨中。it 为形式主语,whether 引导的从句为真正的主语。20D 句意为:昨天我在读曹雪芹写的红楼梦 ,但是我读不懂它。欲速则不达。它是一部经典文学,因此慢慢来欣赏它。故 D 项正确。写作专题写作步骤Step Two1arrange for sb./make an arrangement for sb.2school/campus life3cultural differences/differences between cultures4have lunch (together) with.5show sb.aroundStep Three1that we

    31、have arranged everything for you all that/what2will have a forum ;to communicate with each other There will be;where3Well invite you You are invited 4under the guidance of show you aroundStep FourDear Mr Smith,I am Li Hua,chairman of the Students Union,from Chenguang High School. I am very pleased t

    32、o learn that you are coming to visit our school on June 26.I am writing to tell you what we have arranged for you.In the morning,there will be a forum in the meetingroom,where all the visitors and students from our school communicate with each other,talking about school life and cultural differences

    33、.At noon,you are invited to have lunch in our school cafeteria with students from our school.You can taste dumplings,noodles and other Chinese foods.In the afternoon,the students in our school will show you around the Haihe River.How do you like the arrangements? I hope youll have a nice time in Tianjin.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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