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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit2 Period Two学案

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修七:Unit2 Period Two学案

    1、Period Two Word power & Grammar and usage.重点单词1 adj.合理的,有理由的;公道的;明智的n理由2 n结果,后果3 vi.&vt.鼓掌;称赞,赞许n喝彩,鼓掌.重点短语1 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦2 参加3 知道;意识到4 渴望,极想.重点句式1if 引导条件状语从句的省略,the patient will have to go to the Xray room to have pictures of his or her body parts taken.如果有必要的话,病人还要去 X 光室为身体的某部位拍片。2on/upon doing sth.at

    2、 the hospital clinic,we saw there were a lot of people there.一到医院的门诊部,我们就看到那儿有许多人。重点词汇1Today I feel worn out.今天我感到很疲惫。归纳拓展worn out 筋疲力尽的( tired exhausted);破烂的wear sb.out 使筋疲力尽(tire sb.exhaust sb.);使厌烦wear sth.out 穿破;磨损;用坏语境助记(1)All the students were worn out after a long walk.长途跋涉后所有的学生都累了。(2)His lo

    3、ng speech wore me out.他那冗长的讲话让我厌烦。(3)My old boots are worn out.我的旧靴子破了。题组训练(1)He is such an economical person that he refuses to buy another coat until the old one is .(2016苏州东山中学高二期中)Aturned out Bworn outCrun out Dgiven out(2) after a long walk,Mike called and said he couldnt come to the party.(201

    4、5安徽望江中学高二月考)AHaving worn out BWearing outCTo be worn out DWorn out2In fact,he doesnt really think medicine is bad,but he believes we should be aware of the problems it can cause.事实上,他并不是真的认为药品不好,而是认为我们应意识到药品所带来的问题。归纳拓展(1)be aware of 知道;意识到be aware that.明白;意识到make sb.aware of.让某人意识到as far as Im aware

    5、 据我所知(2)awareness n意识,认知,了解raise/increase awareness of 加强/ 增强意识注意:(1)aware 常用作表语或补足语,通常不作定语。(2)aware 的修饰语通常用 well 或 quite,表示“很,非常” ,而不用 very。语境助记(1)Everyone should be aware of his rights and responsibilities.人人都应该知道自己的权利和责任。(2)Are you aware that there is something wrong with the computer?你知道这台电脑出故障了

    6、吗?(3)Its important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet can be used.重要的是学生逐渐懂得如何使用互联网。题组训练(1)Under the Dome, 103minute documentary released by Chai Jing,has pushed public awareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make a difference.(2016扬州仙城中学高二期中 )At

    7、he;the Ba;aCthe ;/ Da ;/(2)Gilbert wasnt the time this morning,so he was late for school.Ainvolved in Bparticular aboutClinked to Daware of3I told him that if we are cautious about using medicine,we can benefit from it.我告诉他,如果我们谨慎用药,我们会从中受益的。归纳拓展(1)cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的;细心的be cautious about/of (doing

    8、) sth.对( 做)某事小心谨慎be cautious to do sth.小心谨慎地做某事(2)caution n小心;谨慎; vt.警告with cautioncautiously 小心地;谨慎地语境助记(1)A cautious driver never drives his car too fast.一个谨慎的司机从不开快车。(2)He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。(3)The students are cautious not to make any mistakes in

    9、spelling.学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免出错。(4)Cross the road with caution.过马路时要小心。题组训练(1)用所给词的适当形式填空She is cautious not (walk) alone at night.David always drives with (cautious)(2)Im about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.Aenthusiastic BcuriousCdoubtful Dcautious4People stayed

    10、silent and listened to us,and applauded at the end.人们静静地听我们(辩论)并在最后鼓掌。归纳拓展(1)applaud vt.&vi.鼓掌;称赞,赞许applaud sb./sth.for sth.因某事而称赞/赞赏某人/某事(2)applause nU鼓掌;喝彩;称赞语境助记(1)Everyone applauded when the play ended.演出结束时,大家都热烈鼓掌。(2)I applauded her for having the courage to refuse.我赞赏她敢于拒绝。(3)His speech won t

    11、he applause of the audience.他的讲话赢得了观众的掌声。题组训练(1)We the Ministry of Healths efforts to reform the health care system,which helps relieve the high medical cost burdens.(2016江阴四校高二期中)Aadapted BcongratulatedCapplauded Dmeasured(2)The hero as he came on stage to make a report.Aapplauded Bwas applaudedCha

    12、s applauded Dhas been applauded经典句式On arriving at the hospital clinic,we saw there were a lot of people there.一到医院的门诊部,我们就看到那儿有许多人。归纳拓展(1)on/uponn./doing sth.表示“一就” ,相当于 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句。(2)表示“一就”的结构还有:at名词instantly/immediately/directly/once从句the minute /the moment/the instant从句hardly.when.;no s

    13、ooner.than.注意:当 hardly 和 no sooner 放在句首的时候,主句通常用倒装形式。主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时。语境助记(1)Upon leaving school,he went out to find work everywhere.一毕业,他就去四处找工作。(2)On our arrival,we were shown around the company.一到达我们就被带去参观公司。(3)Dont get excited the moment you hear a criticism.不要一听到批评就沉不住气。题组训练(1)一句多译刚从北京回来,他就开

    14、始了他的研究工作。On/Upon ,he began his research work.Hardly he began his research work. than he began his research work.(2)Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes, on her,I gave it to her.Asee BseeingClooking Dlook at.词形变换1I hope you can give me a (reason) explanation.2He looked around (cau

    15、tious) as he stole into the room where grain was stored.3The audience (applause) with joy as he appeared on the stage.4Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised (aware) of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the worlds lakes and oceans.(2016全国)5The recent

    16、thick fog and haze can in some way (acceleration) the adjustment of Chinese economy structure.选词填空take part in,worn out,be aware of,be cautious about,benefit from6He looked ,as if hed missed a nights sleep.7She doesnt any class activities.8Many patients the new treatment so far.9Companies investing

    17、more money in research and development.10The children should the danger of taking drugs.完成句子11Mr Smith will suggest a good way to (让她的英语写作水平提高) in a short period.12 (一回到) his hometown from Taiwan,he paid a visit to his old friends from door to door.13 (如果我是你) ,I would choose to work in a small town.

    18、14She seldom, (如果曾经有的话),goes to the cinema.15No sooner had he gone to bed (他睡着了).单项填空16At the graduation ceremony,our headmaster required us to raise our competitive in modern society.Aspirit BintentionCawareness Dambition17The naughty boy entered the classroom ,fearing that his teacher would blame

    19、him.Abravely BcautiouslyCfirmly Dsmartly18You eventually forgave Adam for his bad behavior.He expressed his determination to .(2016启东中学高二月考)Aresist BapplaudCadjust Dreform19The climate here is quite pleasant,the temperature rarely, ,reaching 30 in summer.(2014福建,28)Aif not Bif everCif any Dif so20I

    20、had hardly got to the office my wife phoned me to go back home at once.Awhen BthanCuntil Dafter语法感知完成句子1这花闻起来很香,也很畅销。The flower smells fragrant and .2最后,他被证明是个诚实的人。Finally,he an honest man.3这家手机公司想走向全球。The mobile phone company wants to .4你的主意听起来太妙了。Your idea .5如果你不把肉放在冰箱里,它会变质的。The meat will if you

    21、dont put it in the refrigerator.语法精析一、定义连接主语和表语的动词,称为连系动词。连系动词本身有一定词义,但不完整,不能单独作谓语,必须与表语一起构成复合谓语,表示主语的身份、类别、特征、状态等。二、分类1 “存在”类:常见的是 be。强调“存在” ,主要用于“副词/介词短语be主语”的句型中,语序为倒装语序,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的主语。There are more than 500 people present at the meeting.到会的有 500 多人。Here is the change for you.这是找给你的零钱。2 “状态”类:

    22、常见的有 be,keep,stay,remain,seem,appear,prove 等,这类词表示具有或保持某种特征或状态。The tall man is headmaster of our school.那个高个子男人是我们的校长。Its hot.Put the meat in the refrigerator to keep/stay fresh.天太热了,把肉放在冰箱里保鲜。It remains true that sport is about competing well,not winning.体育重在勇于竞争,而非获胜,一向如此。The sky appears blue on t

    23、he earth.从地球上看天空似乎是蓝色的。3 “感官”类:常见的有 look,sound,smell,taste,feel。The story sounds true.这个故事听起来像真实的。The meat smells terrible,but it tastes good.那肉闻起来难闻,尝起来好吃。Silk feels soft.丝绸摸上去很柔软。4 “变化”类:常见的有 turn,grow,get,become,come,go,fall 等。(1)turn:指改变特性、本质、状态等,暗示变得和以前完全不一样。还指到达或超过某一年龄或时间。(2)grow:着重指逐渐地由一种状态转变

    24、成另一种状态。(3)get:常用于口语中,表示突然从一种状态变成另一种状态。(4)become:为普通用语,用法同 get。become 后可以跟名词作表语。(5)go:常指情况往坏处转变,后多接贬义词。(6)fall:强调进入某种状态。The leaves have turned yellow.树叶已变黄了。The fox may grow grey,but never good.狐狸会变老,但不会变好。Winter is coming,and its getting/becoming colder and colder.冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。The machine went wrong

    25、.Lets have it repaired.机器出故障了,找人修修吧。Grandmother fell ill and was sent to hospital at once.奶奶生病了,被立即送往医院。三、用法1 “状态”类 prove 以及“感官”类 look,sound,smell, taste,feel 等用主动语态表示被动意义;连系动词一般不用于进行时和被动语态中。Glass feels smooth.玻璃摸上去光滑。As time went on,his theory proved true.随着时间的推移,他的理论被证明是正确的。2连系动词后可接过去分词作表语,相当于被动语态

    26、。The beautiful girl got killed last night.那漂亮女孩昨晚被杀了。The room soon became crowded.屋里一会儿就挤满了人。3一般情况下,连系动词主要跟形容词作表语。能跟名词作表语的有be,seem,appear ,prove ,remain,become ,turn ,sound。在 as 引导的让步状语从句中,表语提前构成倒装时,名词前不管是否有形容词修饰,一律不用冠词;表示职位或头衔的名词作表语时,其前不用冠词。Poor child as he is,he studies hard.虽然他是个穷孩子,但学习努力。He is p

    27、resident of the company now.他现在是公司总裁。4连系动词也可跟不定式 to do/to be,常见的有 remain,seem,appear,prove 等。Someone seems to be crying.好像有人在哭。You appear to have made a mistake.你似乎弄错了。The task proved (to be) difficult.这项任务事实上很艰难。注意:(1)除 be 外的系动词是由实义动词变来的,所以变疑问句时,要用助动词。Do you feel hungry?你感觉饿吗?(2)系动词都有时态的变化,但有些从形式上看

    28、像现在进行时,实际上并不表示动作正在进行,而是表示“渐渐”的意思或表示一种感情色彩。Are you feeling better now?你现在感觉好些了吗?Its getting dark.天渐渐暗下来了。题组训练.用 smell,look,taste,go,seem 的适当形式填空1You very young.2At first those questions very easy,but later I found them difficult.3The flowers very sweet.4This milk has sour.5The mooncake good.完成句子1人会变老

    29、的。(grow)Man will .2.今天早上是阴天,幸好已经转晴了。(turn)It was cloudy this morning,but fortunately it has .3在一天的努力工作后,坐下来看电视感觉真好。(feel)It to sit in front of the TV after a hard days work.4依我看,他的理论听起来有道理。(sound)In my opinion,his theory .5这书经证明对许多学生有用。(prove)The book to many students.高考链接1Silk one of the primary go

    30、ods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.(2016浙江,9)Ahad become Bwas becomingChas become Dis becoming2The real reason why prices ,and still are,too high is complex,and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.(2015江苏, 30)Awere Bwill beChave been Dhad been3For those with famil

    31、y members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying .(2014福建,30)Aconnected BconnectingCto connect Dto be connected4While waiting for the opportunity to get ,Henry did his best to perform his duty.(2014安徽,32)Apromote BpromotedCpromoting Dto promote5The engine just wont sta

    32、rt.Something seems wrong with it.(2013重庆,34)Ato go Bto have goneCgoing Dhaving gone6Do you wake up every morning energetic and ready to start a new day?(2011湖南,29)Afeel Bto feelCfeeling Dfelt7In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.(2010福建,34)Asticking Bstuc

    33、kCto be stuck Dto have stuck8Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what nice.(2010四川,6)Alooks B smells Cfeels Dtastes答案精析基础自测.1.reasonable;reason 2.outcome 3.applaud;applause.1.wear sb.out 2.take part in 3.be aware of4be eager to.1.If necessary 2.On arriving要点探究重点词汇1(1)B 句意为:他是一个如此节俭的

    34、人以至于他不愿意再买一件衣服直到旧衣服穿坏了。wear out 穿破,符合句意。turn out 结果是,出现;run out 用尽,用光;give out 分发,耗尽。(2)D 句意为:经过长距离的步行,迈克筋疲力尽,他打电话过来,说他不能来参加晚会了。wear out 使筋疲力尽,与 Mike 是动宾关系,所以此处用过去分词作状语,表示被动和完成。2(1)D a 103minute documentary 一部 103 分钟的纪录片, a 表示泛指“一部”;push public awareness about.推动关于的公众意识。(2)D 句意为:吉尔伯特今天早晨没有意识到时间,因此他上

    35、学迟到了。be involved in 涉及,牵涉;be particular about 对挑剔;be linked to 和有联系;be aware of 意识到。3(1)to walk caution(2)D be cautious about 意为“ 对小心谨慎”。句意为:我对自己说的话小心谨慎,因为大意的言论可能会伤害别人的感情。4(1)C 句意为:我们拍手称赞卫生部对医疗保健制度改革作出的努力,这有助于减轻高昂的医疗开支负担。applaud 鼓掌,称赞,符合句意。adapt 改编,适应;congratulate 祝贺;measure 测量。(2)B 句意为:那位英雄上台作报告时人们

    36、为他鼓掌。根据从句时态可知主句应用一般过去时;主语 hero 与 applaud 之间应为被动关系,故选 B。经典句式(1) returning/his return from Beijing had he returned from Beijing when No sooner had he returned from Beijing(2)B “on/ uponn./doing.”表示“一就” ,see 表示“看”的结果,故选 B。当堂达标.1.reasonable 2.cautiously 3.applauded 4.awareness5accelerate.6.worn out 7.ta

    37、ke part in 8.have benefited from9are cautious about 10.be aware of.11.have her written English improved 12.On/Upon returning to 13.If I were you 14.if ever 15.than he fell asleep.16.C 句意为:在毕业典礼上,我们的校长要求我们提高在现代社会里的竞争意识。awareness 意为 “认识,意识”,符合句意。spirit 精神;intention 打算,意图;ambition 志向,雄心。17B 句意为:这个顽皮的男孩

    38、害怕老师会责备他,小心翼翼地走进教室。cautiously 意为“小心翼翼地”,符合句意。18D 句意为:你最终原谅了 Adam 的不好表现。 他表达了他要改过自新的决心。resist 抵抗,忍住;applaud 称赞;adjust 调整;reform 改革,(使)改正,( 使)悔改。19B 考查省略句。句意为:这里的气候相当宜人,如果曾经有的话,夏天也很少达到30。if ever 为省略句,补全完整为:if the climate here ever reached 30 in summer。20A 句意为:我刚到办公室,我妻子就打电话让我立刻回家。 “hardly.when.”是固定句型,

    39、意为“刚就”。类似的结构还有 scarcely.when.,no sooner.than.。以上结构中如果 hardly, scarcely,no sooner 放在句首时句子用倒装语序。语法专题语法感知1sells well 2.proved 3.go global 4.sounds great5go bad语法精析题组训练.1.look 2.seemed 3.smell 4.gone 5.tastes.1.grow old 2.turned fine 3.feels good 4.sounds reasonable 5.proves (to be) useful高考链接1A 考查动词的时态

    40、。句意为:到大约公元前 100 年时,丝绸就已成为沿丝绸之路进行交易的主要货物之一。 “by过去时间”作状语,谓语应用过去完成时态。根据句意可知选A。 2A 考查时态。句意为:物价过去很高,现在依然居高不下,其真正原因是复杂的,不是两三句话能圆满解释的。根据空格后面的“and still are”(而且现在仍然是)判断,前面是指物价过去的情况,应用一般过去时,故选 A 项。3A 考查非谓语动词。句意为:对那些与家人离得比较远的人来说,个人电脑和电话在保持联系方面很重要。本句中的关键词是 stay(保持),它是一个连系动词,后接形容词作表语。connected 可作形容词,意为 “有联系的,有来

    41、往的”,符合句意。4B 考查非谓语动词。句意为:当等待机会升职的时候,Henry 尽最大努力履行职责。这里使用了 get done 结构,表示被动关系,因为 he 和 promote 是动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式。5B 考查非谓语动词。动词 seem 后只能接不定式,不接 doing,故排除 C、D 两项,又go wrong 动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用不定式的完成式。6C 句意为:你每天早上醒来都精力充沛,准备好开始新的一天吗?feeling 短语在句中作伴随状语。7B 句意为:四月份,由于火山灰云的影响,成千上万的度假者被滞留在海外。本题中remain 用作连系动词,后接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。空格处用过去分词 stuck 表示“ 被卡住”,引申为“ 被滞留”,符合句意。8A 句意为:一些人用眼睛来吃饭,他们喜欢点看起来好的菜。A 项与句中 with their eyes 相呼应。


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