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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit2 Period Four学案(含答案)

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit2 Period Four学案(含答案)

    1、Period Four Project.重点单词1 adj.美好的;金色的;金的n金子2 n娱乐;娱乐活动;招待,款待vt.使有兴趣;款待;怀有3 n艰难,困苦adj.艰难的4 vi.&n.疼痛5 adj.清晰的,生动的,鲜明的6 vt.预言,预告,预报n预言7 n工作日8 adj.& adv.部分时间的(地) ;兼职的(地)9 adj.易使用的;便利的10 vt.帮助,协助11 adj.自动的12 adj.即食的,方便的;立刻的13 adj.成熟的; vi.成熟;使充分发展14 n动力,动机vt.启发,激发.重点短语1 回首(往事 ),回忆,回顾2 在那时;在那个阶段3 匆忙地,急切地4 允

    2、许某人做某事.重点句式1省略 to 的不定式作表语and spend a few hours studying when I came home.我要做的事就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。2wish宾语从句I wish I still (play) sport because that made me very happy.我真的希望我还能进行体育活动,因为那让我感到非常愉快。3将来完成时No one will be sad because humans to fix many of the problems that affect us now,like war,pollution an

    3、d hunger.没有人会感到忧伤,因为到那时人类已经学会解决目前还困扰着我们的许多问题,如战争、环境污染和饥荒。.课文阅读理解1At the weekends,the writer of Golden days could do the following EXCEPT .Aseeing friendsBvisiting his grandparentsCreading booksDgoing fishing2When the writer of Golden days was young,he .Awas often illBcould run many kilometres and wo

    4、uld feel a little tiredCcould not be happyDfelt like he could do anything3In the Golden days the writers most vivid and happiest memories are those of .Aschool days Bplaying sportCseeing friends Dvisiting his grandparents4Why does the writer of My future happiness think her happiest days will be in

    5、the future?ABecause she will be much richer in the future.BBecause she will have a good husband and a happy family.CBecause there will be new technology which will allow people to live longer and be healthier.DBecause she will be an adult.5In the writer s opinion in My future happiness,in the future

    6、, .Aeveryone can work parttime jobs that are very interestingBwe will have robots and computers to do everything for usCthere will be no houseworkDthe workday will be only four hours long a week.课文阅读填空Title Golden days My future happinessThe 1. time in life School days in the countryside in England.

    7、 Days in the future.2. for being happyHe had all his friends around and his familys encouragement and 3. .He wasnt 4. about life; he could play outside and talk about 5. things with friends,visit his grandparents,read books or play sports at the weekends.With new technology,people will live longer,b

    8、e healthier,communicate better,work less time and do more interesting parttime jobs.There will be no war,pollution or 6. . Family 7. can spend more time with each other.Young people:They have good health;they do not feel tired.Adults:They can decide for themselves and do things they enjoy.They have

    9、a secure job and have a sense of 8. .Advantages and disadvantagesThe old:It is 9. for them to get tired and hurt.Teenagers:They have to work hard and have no time to 10. .阅读课文“My future happiness”,并以约 30 个词概括最后两段( P31,L 1825 )总的段落大意。重点词汇1My whole life was still ahead of me.我的整个生活还都在前面等着我。归纳拓展ahead o

    10、f 在前面;比先进ahead of time/schedule 时间/计划提前push ahead 向前进,推进go ahead 开始,前 进,领先;口语可以,做吧语境助记(1)He will be ahead of others in English.他在英语方面将超过别人。(2)Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.幸亏有你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。(3)The government is pushing ahead with the reform.政府正坚定地推行这项改革。题组训练(1)The p

    11、roduction plan was fulfilled .Aahead of times Bbefore timeCahead of time Dtime ahead(2)Could I use this dictionary? .Its a spare one.(2016大丰新丰中学高二调研 )AJust go ahead BOh,Im sorryCYoure welcome DYou d better not2At that point in my life,I could have done anything or become anyone.在人生的那个阶段,我本可以做任何事或成为任

    12、何人。归纳拓展at that point 在那时;在那个阶段to the point 中肯,扼要,切题,切中要害off the point 离题,跑题There is no point in doing sth.做某事毫无意义。be on the point of doing sth.when.正要做某事,这时语境助记(1)It was at that point that I saw him leave.就在那个时候我看见他走了。(2)His remarks on the subjects are much to the point.关于这些科目,他的发言切中主题。(3)She was on

    13、 the point of going out when the telephone rang.她正要出去,这时电话铃响了。题组训练(1)No one listened to his speech,as much of it (离题)(2) no point in beating around the bush.Lets .AIts;come straight to the pointBTheres;come to the pointCThis is ;get to the pointDThat is;reach the point3At the weekends,for entertainm

    14、ent I could see friends,visit my grandparents,read books or play sport.在周末,为寻找乐趣,我可以去见朋友、拜访我的祖父母、看书或者参加体育活动。归纳拓展(1)entertainment n娱乐活动; 娱乐;招待,款待for entertainment 为了娱乐to ones entertainmentto the entertainment of sb.使某人快乐的是(2)entertain v招待;款待;使有兴趣;使快乐entertain sb.with.用使某人快乐;用招待某人entertain sb.to.宴请/招待

    15、某人(3)entertaining adj.令人愉快的语境助记(1)He fell in the water,much to the entertainment of the children.他掉进水里,逗得孩子们乐不可支。(2)Do you think,nowadays ,the media has become more commercial and entertaining?你是否觉得,当下,媒体已变得更为商业化、娱乐化了?题组训练(1)用 entertain 的适当形式填空When dad lost his job,we had to cut back on expenses.Thi

    16、s is a surprisingly film.I like to friends with music and refreshments(茶点) at home.(2)It is said that the early European playing cards were designed for and education.Aconvenience BattractionCentertainment Dconstruction4We will have handy robots and computers to assist us with the things that are bo

    17、ring.我们将会用便于操作的机器人和电脑帮我们做无聊乏味的事情。归纳拓展(1)assist v帮助,协助assist sb.with/in sth.在某方面帮助某人assist sb.to do/in doing sth.帮助某人做某事(2)assistance n帮助, 协助with the assistance of 在的 协助下(3)assistant n助手,助理;店员,伙计语境助记(1)She assisted me with my English.她帮助我学习英语。(2)Well assist you in finding a place to live in.我们将帮你找个住的

    18、地方。题组训练(1)My daughter has improved her English greatly (在她老师的帮助下)(2)Never corner an opponent,and always (帮助他挽回面子)(3)The young nurse was very nervous when she in her first operation.Aresisted BinsistedCaccepted Dassisted5Maybe there will even be automatic kitchens to cook instant meals for us.或许甚至将有自

    19、动厨房为我们做即时饭菜。归纳拓展instant adj.立即的;目前的;即食的; n.瞬间,片刻in an instant 立刻, 马上at that instant 当时,那一刻for an instant 片刻,一会儿instantly/the instant (that)一就(用作连词,引 导时间状语从句)语境助记(1)I need an instant reply.我需要立即的答复。(2)Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.我丝毫也不相信他撒过谎。(3)Much to my surprise,she burst into tears

    20、 the instant she read the letter.令我大为惊讶的是,她一读这封信就大哭起来。题组训练(1)根据汉语提示填空He stayed at his friends (一会儿) and left there (马上) (一就) he got home,he closed the door and was lost in thought.(2)The birds flew away all directions they caught sight of a man coming near.Ato;the moment Bfrom ;on the instantCin;the

    21、 instant Dtoward ;at the moment经典句式All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.我要做的事就是上学,以及回家后再学习几个小时。归纳拓展句中 I had to do 为定语从句,修饰先行词 all;go to school 是动词不定式作表语,省略了 to。当主语部分含有动词 do 的某种形式时,作表 语的不定式常省略 to。语境助记(1)All you need to do is press the button.你所要做的就是按一下按钮。(2

    22、)What we can do is take immediate action to reduce pollution.我们能做的是立刻采取行动减少污染。题组训练(1)每天早晨我所做的第一件事就是进行充分的体育锻炼。The first thing I do every morning is .(2)你所要做的就是填写表格。What you have to do is .(3)你所能做的是好好学习。All that you can do is .单词拼写1They lack the (动力) to study.2It is an a washing machine.3There will be

    23、 live (娱乐活动) throughout the day.4He gave a v description of his life as a fighter pilot.5Its very (便利的 ) to have a light above your desk.选词填空assist.with,at that point,in a rush,ahead of,look back on6When I those days,I realized I was desperately unhappy.7If we had been spotted ,I dont know what woul

    24、d have happened to us.8We asked him to us the design of a new bridge.9The shark came and the old man hit it as it shut its jaws.10My sister is far me in English.完成句子11He was (正要说些什么) when the phone rang.12By the time he gets here,I (我将已经做完) all the work.13I wish I (不必) go to work today.14 (玩电脑游戏) is

    25、 a waste of time.15What we must do now is (找到另一个人帮助我们).单项填空16A thin coil(缕) of smoke rose almost into the sharp,bright sky.(2017宝应安宜中学高二期中)Apreviously BunbearableCinvisibly Dhandy17When the first ebook appeared in the late 1990s,technology experts a great future for the digital publishing industry.A

    26、predicted BallocatedCarranged Dimagined18I failed again.I wish I harder.But you .Ahad worked;havent Bworked ;dontChad worked;didnt Dworked;didn t19There is no point in improving public transport unless we can pay for it.Aadvocating BadvocatedCto advocate Dadvocate20The main reason for which they can

    27、not learn English well is that they cannot see the importance of it.That is,they lack to do it.(2016江苏六校高二联考)Ainspiration BmotivationCregulation Dcooperation答案精析基础自测.1.golden;gold 2.entertainment;entertain 3.hardship;hard 4.ache 5.vivid 6.predict;prediction7workday 8.parttime 9.handy 10.assist11auto

    28、matic 12.instant 13.mature14motivation;motivate.1.look back on (sth.) 2.at that point 3.in a rush 4.allow sb.to do sth.1.All I had to do was go to school 2.could;play3will have learnt课文预读.1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A. 1.happiest 2.Reasons 3.guidance 4.worried5interesting 6.hunger 7.members8success/achievemen

    29、t 9.easy 10.relax.The writer thinks happiness lies in the future because she thinks then she can find happiness in being successful at her job and thinking that way motivates her to work hard at present.要点探究重点词汇1(1)C 句意为:生产计划提前完成了。ahead of time 提前。(2)A 考查交际用语。句意为 :我能用下这本字典吗? 用吧。这本是备用的。go ahead 用吧,做吧

    30、,符合句意。2(1)was off the point(2)B There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义;come to the point 开门见山。句意为:拐弯抹角没有意义。让我们开 门见山吧。故 B 正确。 3(1)entertainment entertaining entertain(2)C 句意为:据说,早期的欧洲扑克牌是为了娱乐和教育而设计的。 convenience 方便;attraction 吸引;entertainment 娱乐;construction 建设。4(1)with the help/assistance of her tea

    31、cher (2)assist him to save his face/assist him in saving his face(3)D 句意为:当那位年 轻护 士第一次在手术中做助手时,她非常紧张。resist 抵制;insist 坚持;accept 接受;assist 协助。由句意知 D 项正确。 5(1)for an instant;in an instant;The instant/Instantly(2)C 句意为:小鸟们一看到有人接近,就向四面八方 飞去。 in all directions 向四面八方;the instant/moment 一就,故 选 C。经典句式(1)tak

    32、e plenty of exercise (2)fill in the form(3)study hard当堂达标.1.motivation 2.automatic 3.entertainment 4.vivid5handy.6.looked back on 7.at that point 8.assist;with 9.in a rush 10.ahead of.11.on the point of saying something 12.will have already finished 13.didnt have to 14.Playing computer games 15.find

    33、 another person to help us.16.C 句意为:一缕轻烟几乎不见踪迹地升上了耀眼的晴空。previously 以前地;unbearable 难以忍受的;invisibly 看不见地;handy 轻便的。由句意可知选 C 项。17A 句意为:在第一批电子书在二十世纪九十年代问世时,对于其未来,专业科技人员做出了美好的预测。predict 预测 ,预言,符合句意。 18C 句意为 :我又失 败了。我真 该努力学习。但是你没有。第一空表达与过去事实相反的愿望,所以用过去完成 时表虚拟;第二空说明过去的事 实,用一般 过去时。19A 考查固定句型:There is no point in doing.做是没有意义的。20B 考查名 词辨析。句意为:他们不能学好英语的主要原因是他 们不能看到它的重要性。也就是说,他们缺乏学习它的干 劲。 motivation 干劲, 动力,积极性,符合句意。inspiration 灵感;regulation 规则;cooperation 协作。


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