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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 单元小结

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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 单元小结

    1、We have been familiar with 3G mobile phone and 3D TV. Now lets experience RealCine virtualreality film, which will amaze you. RealCine works by making the users feel that they are really in a new world. To achieve this, special VR headsets are designed to allow the users to see in 3D and hear the so

    2、und all around them. Toadd to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. Both the headsets and the special gloves are connected to a computernetwork in the VRstudio.In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good

    3、treatment for people who have social problems. Besides this, VR can be used to practise skills in asecure environment that otherwise would be quite dangerous. Finally, RealCine provides fantastic technology forurban planning.Although an argument has been put forward that some users will be disappoin

    4、ted by RealCine because VR is not real, with VR we are able to do things that could never be achieved in real life.我们已经熟悉 3G 手机和 3D 电视。现在让我们体验一下 RealCine虚拟现实电影。它会让你吃惊。RealCine 的工作原理是让使用者觉得自己处在真实的新世界中。为了达到这种效果,设计了特殊的 VR 耳机,以便让用户看到 3D 世界或听到环绕立体声。给RealCine 虚拟世界 锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。在 VR 演播

    5、室,耳机和特制手套连接到电脑网络上。科学研究表明,VR 对有社交问题的人有很好的疗效。此外,VR 可用来在安全的环境中练习技能,否则会非常危险。最后 RealCine 还能为城市规划提供完美的技术。尽管有人提出争论,因为 RealCine 不是真实的,有些用户会失望的, 但用 VR 我们能够去做在现实生活中不可能做到的事情。加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空“What do you think of the extraordinary achievements of your life?” Queen Victoria of Britain asked Helen Keller. “You

    6、 are _1_ and deaf, but how can you make such great achievements?” Ms. Kellers answer was the _2_ for her teacher, “If there were no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be known.”When Anne was little, she suffered a great _3_. A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood,

    7、and she was diagnosed as a hopeless “lunatic” (疯子) by the doctor. She was locked in the basement of a mental hospital in Boston. Sometimes, little Anne _4_ attacked anyone who approached her. She _5_ everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time._6_, an old nurse believed that little Anne h

    8、ad hope and asked to _7_ the task of looking after the girl. She went to see little Anne every day. The child ignored her most of the time, but the old nurse didnt _8_ seeing her every day in the basement. The kindhearted lady left cookies to little Anne and spoke words full of love and _9_ to her.

    9、She believed that _10_ she showed love, little Anne would be able to _11_.Finally, the doctor _12_ changes in little Anne. Anne, who was always full of anger and hostility, showed _13_ and goodwill she had never had before. They transferred her upstairs and her _14_ continued improving. Then the las

    10、t day came, and she _15_ the mental hospital.After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to help _16_, just as the kind old nurse helped her. She saw great _17_ in Helen Keller. She cared for her, _18_ her strictly, encouraged her, played with her and worked with her. Anne Sullivan _19_ a miracle (奇迹) in

    11、 the life of Helen Keller. But first it was a kind nurse who had full _20_ in little Anne that turned a silent child into a kind teacher.语 篇 解 读 :本 文 主 要 介 绍 了 安 妮 莎 莉 文 的 成 长 经 历 ,以 及 海 伦 凯 勒 取 得 巨 大 成 就 的 原 因 。1A.weak BlameCthin Dblind解析:选 D 你失明(blind) 又失聪 ,但是你是如何取得那么大的成就的?weak“虚弱的” ;lame “跛的” ;th

    12、in“瘦的” 。故 D 项正确。2A.prize BpraiseCcourage Dmood解析:选 B 海伦凯勒女士的回答是对她老师的赞美(praise)。prize“奖励” ;courage“勇气 ”;mood“情绪 ”。故 B 项正确。3A.storm BaccidentCdisaster Dharm解析:选 C 在安妮小的时候,她遭受了一次很大的灾难(disaster)。storm“暴风雨” ;accident“(交通)事故” ;harm “伤害,损害” 。根据此空后的“A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood

    13、”可知,C 项正确。4A.fiercely BsilentlyCobviously Dexactly解析:选 A 有时,小安妮猛烈地 (fiercely)攻击靠近她的任何人。silently “默默地” ;obviously“明显地 ”;exactly“精确地” 。故 A 项正确。5A.welcomed BignoredCcheered Dchanged解析:选 B 大多数时间,她忽视 (ignored)出现在她面前的每一个人。welcome “欢迎”;cheer“欢呼 ”;change“改变” 。故 B 项正确。6A.Besides BThusCMoreover DHowever解析:选 D

    14、 然而(However),一位年长的护士认为小安妮还有希望并且要求承担 (take on)照顾这个女孩的任务。besides“除之外( 还)” ;thus “因此” ;moreover “而且” 。故D 项正确。7A.take on Blook onCgo on Dturn on解析:选 A 参见上题解析。 look on“旁观” ;go on“持续” ;turn on“打开” 。故 A项正确。8A.consider BstopCpermit Dcontinue解析:选 B 但是这位年长的护士没有停止 (stop)每天到地下室看她。consider “仔细考虑,认为” ;permit“允许”

    15、;continue“继续” 。故 B 项正确。9A.disappointment BappreciationCencouragement Dhate解析:选 C 这位善良的女士给小安妮留下些小甜饼并给她说些充满爱意和鼓励(encouragement)的话。disappointment “失望” ;appreciation“感激” ;hate“仇恨,厌恶” 。故 C 项正确。10A.as soon as Beven thoughCas if Dso long as解析:选 D 她相信只要(so long as)她表现出爱意,小安妮就能够恢复(recover) 。even though“尽管” ;

    16、as if“好像” ;as soon as“一就” 。so long as 引导条件状语从句,故 D 项正确。11A.grow BwriteCrecover Dsuit解析:选 C 参见上题解析。 grow“成长” ;write“写” ;suit“适合” 。故 C 项正确。12A.approved BnoticedCproposed Doperated解析:选 B 最终,医生注意到 (noticed)小安妮的一些变化。approve “同意” ;propose“建议 ”;operate“操作” 。故 B 项正确。13A.mildness BsympathyCcalm Dwisdom解析:选 A

    17、 总是充满愤怒和敌意的安妮表现出了她以前从未有过的温和(mildness)和友善。根据语境可知,前后形成对比,且所填词与 goodwill 相近,故 A 项正确。sympathy“同情” ;calm“平静” ;wisdom “智慧” 。14A.experiment BbeliefCsight Dcondition解析:选 D 他们把安妮转移到了楼上,她的健康状况 (condition)在不断地好转。experiment“实验 ”;belief“信仰” ;sight“视力” 。故 D 项正确。15A.escaped BfinishedCleft Dsurvived解析:选 C 她离开(left)

    18、了精神病院。escape“逃跑” ;finish“完成” ;survive“幸存” 。故 C 项正确。16A.the others BanotherCother Dothers解析:选 D 安妮长大以后,她希望像那位善良的年长的护士帮助她一样帮助其他人(others)。故 D 项正确。17A.potential BstatusCaffection Dsatisfaction解析:选 A 她看到海伦身上巨大的潜能 (potential)。status“地位” ;affection“喜爱,钟爱” ;satisfaction“满意” 。故 A 项正确。18A.committed BtrainedCc

    19、ontrolled Draised解析:选 B 安妮照顾她,严格地训练 (trained)她。commit“承认” ;control“控制” ;raise“提升,征集,提起” 。故 B 项正确。19A.created BfoundCdeveloped Dspread解析:选 A 安妮在海伦的人生里创造 (created)了一个奇迹。 find“发现” ;develop“发展” ;spread“传播” 。故 A 项正确。20A.curiosity BpromiseCconfidence Drelief解析:选 C 但是首先是一位对小安妮充满信心 (confidence)的善良的护士把一个沉默寡言

    20、的孩子变成了一位善良的老师。curiosity “好奇心” ;promise“诺言” ;relief “解脱,宽慰” ,故 C 项正确。.阅读理解According to game maker Hasbro, approximately 750 million people have played the wellknown game Monopoly (大富翁) since it was invented in the 1930s. Charles Darrow is typically credited as the inventor of the worlds most famous b

    21、oard game. However, he likely originated his version of Monopoly from one of several other games similarly involving house buying and selling that were already in existence before the 1930s when he got his patent (专利) for the game.A probable reason that Darrows Monopoly became the hugely successful

    22、game that still exists today is that he took a great approach to producing it. Other similar games existed, but they had no board or regulation pieces. With the help of his wife and son, who decorated the sets with details, Darrow personally created the pieces and boards that became the first Monopo

    23、ly game sets. His extra work in creating the entire environment that players needed gave his game something extra that other variations did not have.Darrow had success in selling his games in various parts of the country. Several Philly area stores were the first to carry his game and sell it in lar

    24、ge quantities. However, Darrow had difficulty selling his game to the major game producer of the time, Parker Brothers. He was told that his game was too complex and had fundamental errors in its design that would limit its appeal. Eventually, the continued sales he managed on his own forced Parker

    25、Brothers to reassess the worth of his game. In the end, the company agreed to produce the game and shortly afterwards it became the bestselling game in the country.That success turned Charles Darrow into a millionaire, which is the heavy irony. Darrow initially began work on Monopoly to help support

    26、 himself and his family following the financial troubles tied to the stock market crash of 1929. Thus, Charles Darrow became a millionaire by producing a game that allows “regular” people to feel like they are buying and selling real homes and land like millionaires.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了查尔斯达罗的大富翁游戏以及他

    27、因此获得的成功。1What made Darrows Monopoly different from other similar games?AThe way of avoiding financial troubles.BThe safe environment created for players.CThe buying and selling of real homes and land.DThe specific pieces and a playing board in each set.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 “Other similar games exis

    28、ted, but they had no board or regulation pieces.”可知,答案选 D。2The author suggests in Paragraph 3 that _.AMonopoly was initially too complex to playBDarrow failed to make expected profit in PhillyCcertain errors in Monopoly limited its attractionDsome people once doubted Monopoly would be popular解析:选 D

    29、推理判断题。根据第三段第四句 “He was told that his game was too complex and had fundamental errors in its design that would limit its appeal.”可知,刚开始Parkers Brothers 认为这个游戏过于复杂而且设计上还有一些基本的错误,而这会限制它的吸引力,由此可推知,有人不相信这个游戏能受欢迎。故选 D。3What does the underlined word “irony” in the last paragraph mean?Afinancial gain Bunexp

    30、ected resultCmarketing plan Dunsatisfying reward解析:选 B 词义猜测题。根据最后一段可知,查尔斯 达罗因为在股票市场遭遇了金融危机,所以才开始研发大富翁游戏,但是通过这个游戏他却成为了百万富翁,这是个意想不到的结果。所以画线词与 B 项意思相近。故选 B。4What is the passage mainly about?AThe difficulties in Darrows life.BThe comparison of some board games.CThe way to the success of Darrows game.DTh

    31、e business management of Parker Brothers.解析:选 C 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了查尔斯 达罗研发大富翁游戏以及他的成功之路。故选 C。加餐练(二) 失分题型强化练.任务型阅读For years, researchers have looked into a possible relationship between heat and violence. There are conflicting results over whether there is an actual connection between rising anger and ris

    32、ing temperature, but the murder rate constantly increases during the months of July and August, according to the FBIs annual crime report. Many police chiefs say they put more policemen on the streets when the heat rises. “Calls for service always increase from May, June, July and August, ” said New

    33、 Bedfords Captain Richard Spiriet. “The longer period of time you have the heat, the worse it is. Its just the opposite in the winter time.”Craig Anderson, a professor and specialist in social psychology at Lowa State University, argues the evidence is clear. “As the temperature goes up, people beco

    34、me more uncomfortable. They become easier to get angry, ” he said. “That increases the possibility that a small conflict will be interpreted as more major.” Anderson conducted a couple of studies looking at crime rates over the course of several years within the same area to see when most violent cr

    35、imes occurred. He found that violent crimes were more likely to occur on hot days and hot months even hot years had higher violent rates than cold years, according to his research.Other researches show it is not so much the physical climate, but rather the social climate, that causes increased viole

    36、nce. “During the summer months, people stay up later. They talk with their neighbors. They party with their friends, ” said Jack Levin, director of the Brudnick Centre on Violence at Northeastern University. “There are more likely to be large numbers of people interacting, and they are more likely t

    37、o argue.”Perhaps the realization that there is a link will help people who are arguing step back and say, “Lets cool off” both literally and figuratively.Title Heat and ViolenceTheme Violence possibly has a (1)_ with heat.FactsJuly and August witness the (2)_increase of murder rate.More policemen ar

    38、e called in with the heat (3)_People get angry more (4)_ as the temperature goes up.(5)_ of the researchFewer violent crimes occur on (6)_days. The (7)_ climate causes increased violence. People usually go to (8)_later during the summer months. There are more likely to be (9)_ when people chat with

    39、each other.Conclusion (10)_ the link will help people in an argument cool off.答案:1.connection/relationship/relation/link 2.constant3rising/rise 4.easily 5.Findings/ Results6cold/winter 7.social 8.sleep/bed 9.arguments 10.Realizing.书面表达上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展览,现就展出场所(博物馆还是社区图书馆) 征集公众意见。假设你是王敏,请给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法

    40、。你的信必须满足以下要求:1简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;2说明你的理由(从便利性、专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比) 。注意:1.词数 150 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam,_Yours,Wang Min参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Ive learnt that youre collecting suggestions on the location of the coming art exhibition. I am now writing to express my opinion.In my view, it is m

    41、ore advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows: Firstly, citizens will have easier access to Shanghai Museum because it is located in the centre of the city. Besides, it entitles people to a more comfortable environment for apprecia

    42、ting art. Secondly, Shanghai Museum is professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions, which is bound to live up to peoples expectations. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.To sum up, I am sure the show will be fantastic if it is held in Shanghai Museum. I hope you can give a thought to my advice which I believe will help.Thank you!Yours,Wang Min


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