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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 Section Ⅲ教学案(含答案解析)

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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 Section Ⅲ教学案(含答案解析)

    1、Section_ Word_power,_Grammar_and_usage_ to be emailedBreferring to; emailedCreferred to; be emailedDreferring to; being emailed解析:选 C 句意:我的要求是在我的报告中所提到的信息应该毫无拖延地用电邮发送给布朗先生。第一个设空处作 information 的后置定语,且表被动,故可排除 B、D 两项;第二空为从句的谓语,省略了 should。故选 C 项。3What courses are you going to do next semester?I dont kn

    2、ow. But its about time _ on something.AId decide BI decidedCI will decide DIm deciding解析:选 B Its (about) time (that) .是固定句型,从句谓语动词用一般过去时或“should动词原形” ,should 不可省略。因此选 B。4The government promised to _ the nuclear plants within twenty years.Aclose down Bclose inCclose off Dclose to解析:选 A 句意:政府许诺 20 年内关

    3、闭核电站。close down“关闭,停业” ;close in“(夜幕 )降临 ”;close off“隔离” ;close to“几乎,接近” 。根据语境可知 A 项正确。5Although we had told them not to keep us _, they made no attempt to speed up deliveries.Ato wait BwaitingCwaited Dwait解析:选 B 句意:虽然我们已经告诉他们不要让我们等,但是他们没有试图加快发货速度。在“keep宾语宾语补足语”结构中,宾语 us 与动词 wait 之间为主动关系,故用现在分词。6Th

    4、e _ engineer had planned to design the blueprint the way no one else had ever done, but failed.Amain BchiefCmajor Dtotal解析:选 B 句意:这位总工程师想以别人不曾用过的方式设计这幅蓝图,但失败了。chief“首席的” ,chief engineer 指“总工程师,主管工程师” 。main“主要的” ;major“主要的,较多的” ;total“全体的,总的” 。7A group of Chinese writers posted a letter on the websit

    5、e to accuse Baidu, Chinas largest search engine, _ copyright violations.Aover BofCagainst Dabout解析:选 B 句意:一群中国作家在网上发了帖子指责百度,中国最大的搜索引擎,有侵犯版权行为。accuse sb. of sth.“因为某事而指责某人” 。8Ralph W. Emerson would always _ new ideas that occurred to him.Aset off Bset aboutCset up Dset down解析:选 D 句意:Ralph WEmerson 总是

    6、把他想到的新观点写下来。 A:出发,动身;使爆炸;B:着手做,开始做; C:建立,拾起;D :写下,记下。根据句意,此处是“写下,记下”的意思,故选 D 项。9With some technical problems to be solved, it will be a while before _ cars are put into actual use.Aelectric BelectricalCelectronic Delectricity解析:选 A 句意:因仍有一些技术问题尚未解决,电动汽车的真正使用还要过一段时间。electric“电的,电动的” ,符合语境。electrical“

    7、与电有关的” ;electronic“电子的” ;electricity“电” 。10As is well known, the brain performs a very important _, which controls the nerve system of the body.Amotion BactionCfunction Dfact解析:选 C 句意:众所周知,大脑执行着非常重要的功能,它控制着身体的神经系统。function“ 功能” ,符合句意。motion“动作” ;action “行为” ;fact“事实” 。.选词填空end in, look into, last bu

    8、t not least, set up, concentrate on, get changed1Last_but_not_least,_best wishes to all my friends.2A driver should concentrate_on the road when driving.3The argument between the two men ended_in a fight.4A fund will be _set_up for the dead mens families.5A working party has been set up to look_into

    9、 the problem.6Please wait a while.Ill just go and get_changed.二、勤练语篇阅读,多练自能生巧AMany people mistakenly think Canada stopped hunting baby seals decades ago. But as many seals are killed today as during the 1950s and 1960s when overhunting significantly pushed seals down the road to extinction.Each spri

    10、ng, on the east coast of Canada female harp seals gather by the hundreds of thousands on newly formed sea ice to give birth to their pups. The newborn pups will be transformed into fat, soft “white coats” in about a week, thanks to the highfat content of their mothers milk.After about 12 days, the m

    11、other leaves her fully fed pup to join adult males for the annual mating ritual. The baby seals remain on the ice, crying for their mothers at first, then becoming extremely quiet and still. During this time the pups survive on the thick layer of fat they have got during nursing. A few days later, t

    12、heir white coats are lost to take on the smooth, blackspotted, silvery fur, which they will soon be beaten or shot to death for.The scene is extremely attractive and impressive a world built entirely of blue, grey and white. The only sounds are the wind, the ice cracking and rising, and the soft mew

    13、s of the pups.Yet just days later, this pure wonderland is transformed into a factory for the mass killing of baby seals as sealers attack them in boats, helicopters and snowmobiles, armed with clubs and guns.Over the past three years, the government has allowed over 300,000 seals to be killed each

    14、year. But many more have died without being accounted for, leaving more than a million seals killed, all in the name of profit.语篇解读:在加拿大东海岸,每年都有上百万只小海豹惨遭屠戮,只因为它们长了一身如丝般光滑的皮毛。1From the passage, we can know that when spring comes, _. Aadult seals start to change skinBhundreds of thousands of baby seal

    15、s are born into the worldCbaby seals swim southward with their mothersDpeople stop hunting seals for a while解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句 “Each spring, on the east coast .give birth to their pups.”可知,每年春天,有成千上万的格陵兰小海豹降生。2After mother seals leave, _.Afather seals take care of the baby seals insteadBbaby seal

    16、s eat nothing for a period of timeCbaby seals have to hunt for food by themselvesDsealers come and hunt baby seals at once解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句 “During this time the pups survive on the thick layer of fat they have got during nursing.”可知,妈妈离开后,小海豹没东西可吃,靠体内积蓄的脂肪存活。3The fourth paragraph is written to

    17、show _.Ababy seals peaceful life at firstBbaby seals poor living conditionCdangers around the baby sealsDbeautiful scenery on the east coast of Canada解析:选 A 推理判断题。通读全文,可以看出作者写此段的目的是描绘小海豹静谧的生活,反衬下一段“海豹捕猎者”的野蛮入侵、血腥杀戮。4We can infer from the passage that _.Aless and less seals are being killed todayBman

    18、y baby seals die of hunger and diseasesCthe killing of baby seals is allowed in CanadaDfather and mother seals look after their babies together解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据最后一段 “.the government has allowed over 300,000 seals to be killed each year.”可推知,捕猎海豹在加拿大是被允许的。BSeveral Chinese films and documentaries (纪录片)

    19、at a famous film festival in Houston, were warmly received by native audience and drew attention from film professionals. The 48th Houston International Film Festival, the third largest film festival in North America, had its “China Day” Saturday as seven Chinese films made or were about to make the

    20、ir US first show at the event. Organizers said it was the first time that films made by Chinese producers are shown in the festival as a unit. The unit, called Panorama (全景) China, is made up of four films and three documentary shorts.WalkingtoSchool tells the story of a sevenyearold boy of Lisu in

    21、Chinas Yunnan province who had to glide (滑行) along steel cable (绳索) across the river to get to school. But finally he could be able to walk to school for the first time in his life thanks to a new bridge built from donations given by people of all walks of life. The films director Peng Chen told Xin

    22、hua that he hopes the film can touch American audience as well and broaden their view about China. “People here are more familiar with big Chinese cities like Beijing or Shanghai, but they may know practically nothing about life in deep mountains in Yunnan. This is what my film is all about, ” the d

    23、irector said.Other Chinese films include SoYoung, directed by famous actress and producer Zhao Wei, ChinaWomen and HuaMulan in which Zhao played the muchloved female warrior.The Houston International Film Festival, founded in 1961, is one of the three international film festivals in North America, a

    24、fter San Francisco and New York. It is the only international film festival in North America to be devoted completely to independent films, as it does not accept films from major studios.语篇解读:本文介绍了在休斯敦国际电影节上,中国电影和纪录片以“全景中国”的名称作为竞赛单元参与其中,吸引了美国观众和一些职业电影人。5What is Panorama China consist of?AFour films

    25、and three short documentaries.BWalkingtoSchool and ChinaWomen.CChinaWomen and HuaMulan.DWalkingtoSchool and HuaMulan.解析:选 A 细节理解题。通过文章第一段最后一句 “The unit, called Panorama (全景) China, is made up of four films and three documentary shorts.”可知, “全景中国”由四部电影和三部纪录短片组成,故答案为 A。6What does WalkingtoSchool show

    26、to American audience?AThe rich life in big cities in China.BThe peaceful life in Yunnan in China.CThe life in deep mountains in Yunnan in China.DThe experience of going to school in Yunnan in China.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第二段的 “. they may know practically nothing about life in deep mountains in Yunnan. This

    27、is what my film is all about .”可知,影片走路上学想要展示的是中国云南省的深山生活,故答案为 C。7Which is WRONG about the Houston International Film Festival?AIt has a history of more than 50 years till now.BThe festival accepts films from major studios.CIt is the first time for Chinese films to form a unit in the festival.DIt is

    28、one of the three international film festivals in North America.解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,电影节只接受独立电影,故答案为 B。8What is the best title of the passage?AThe History of the Houston International Film FestivalBThree International Film Festivals in North AmericaCChinese Films Attracting American AudienceDPanorama China in the Houston International Film Festival 解析:选 D 标题归纳题。本文介绍休斯敦国际电影节上,中国电影和纪录片以“全景中国”的名称作为竞赛单元参与其中,吸引了美国观众和一些职业电影人。故答案为D。


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