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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit1 Section Ⅳ教学案

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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit1 Section Ⅳ教学案

    1、Section_ Grammar_ appeared Btravels; appearsCtravels; will appear Dtravelled; would appear解析:选 B 虽然主句谓语动词用的是过去时态,但是间接引语陈述的内容为客观真理,时态仍用一般现在时。.把下列直接引语变为间接引语1The teacher said, “The earth is round not flat.”The teacher said that the earth is round not flat.2Mum asked, “Whats the matter?”Mum asked me wha

    2、twas the matter.3The monitor said, “Stand up!”The monitor asked us tostandup.4 “Dont spit in the park, ” my father said.My father ordered me notto spit in the park.5 “Where were you yesterday?” the teacher asked.The teacher asked whereIhadbeen the day before.6She said to me, “Im studying English the

    3、se days.”She told me that shewasstudying English thosedays.7She asked, “Are you preparing for it now?”She asked me whether/ifIwas preparing for it then.8He asked her, “Can you speak English?”He asked her whether/ifshecould speak English.9My parents asked me, “How are you getting along with your work

    4、?”My parents asked me how Iwas getting along with my work.10The history teacher said to them, “The Chinese Communist Party was founded on July 1st, 1921.”The history teacher told them that the Chinese Communist Party wasfounded on July 1st, 1921.完成句子1我妈妈叫我去帮她的忙。My mother asked_me_to_go_and_help_her.

    5、2卫兵问我们在那里做什么。The guard asked_us_what_we_were_doing_there.3她问她妈妈是否可以和她一起去购物。She asked her mother if/whether_she_could_go_shopping_with_her.4他告诉我们不要站在那里不说话。He told_us_not_to_stand_there in silence.5他告诉我这本书他已看过三遍了。He told_me_that_he_had_read_the_book three times.6他问我是否是学生。He asked whether/if_I_was_a_st

    6、udent.7老师告诉我们不要浪费时间。The teacher told_us_not_to_waste our time.8她问我这本书是我的还是他的。She asked me whether_the_book_was_mine_or_his.9汤姆的妈妈问汤姆是否已经完成了家庭作业。Toms mother asked Tom whether/if_he_had_finished_his_homework.10她说她在等公交车的时候已经读了这本书。She said she had_read_the_book while she was waiting for a bus.单项填空1He as

    7、ked me _.Awhen would I come backBwhy I didnt attend the meetingChow much did I pay for the mobile phoneDwhom was I going to the cinema with解析:选 B 空格处所填的是 ask 的宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序,四个选项中只有 B 项是陈述语序,故选 B 项。2I dont know _.Athe reason why can beBwhy the reason may beCwhat the reason can beDthe reason what ma

    8、y be解析:选 C 宾语从句要用陈述语序, the reason 是从句的主语,be 的表语应该是what,而不是 why。3Is Mr Wu from Beijing? I dont know_.Awhere does he come fromBfrom where does he comeCwhich city he comes fromDwhere city he comes from解析:选 C 宾语从句要用陈述语序。表示 “他来自哪座城市”用 which city he comes from, which 既起引导词的作用,又在从句中作定语。4Do you happen to kn

    9、ow _ ?Awhere is her addressBin which place is her addressCwhat her address isDthe place her address is解析:选 C 提问 address 要用 what,且宾语从句要用陈述语序。5Can you make sure _?Athat he will come here todayBwhen will he come here todayCwill he come here todayDwhether will he come here today解析:选 A 句意:你能确定他今天要来这儿吗? m

    10、ake sure 后接一个由 that 引导的宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序。6When we are away from home for several days we should let our parents know _.Awhere are we Bwhere we areCthat we are Dwe are where解析:选 B 空格处所填的是 know 的宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序,且疑问词应放在句首,所以排除 A、D 两项;表示地点应用 where,不用 that,故选 B 项。7He asked me _ I would go to Beijing by air

    11、the next day.Athat if BifCthat whether Dhow解析:选 B 根据句意“他问我第二天我是否坐飞机去北京”知应用 if 或 whether 来引导宾语从句。8The little boy told his teacher that he _ born in 2010.Awas Bhad beenChas been Dis解析:选 A 直接引语中有明确的表示过去的时间状语,所以变为间接引语时,其时态仍用一般过去时。9Mother asked the youngest kid _ with his toy car.Awhat the matter was Bwh

    12、at was the matterCwhat the matter is Dwhat is the matter解析:选 B what is/was wrong; what is/was the matter 变间接引语时,语序不变,what在从句中作主语。10She asked me _.Awhether had I gone to the cinema last nightBwhether I have gone to the cinema the night beforeCwhether I had gone to the cinema the night beforeDwhether

    13、have I gone to the cinema last night解析:选 C 直接引语变间接引语时,宾语从句要用陈述语序;若主句用的是一般过去时,则从句的时态要作相应的变化。直接引语中的 last night 在间接引语中要变为 the night before。一、基本结构一般来说,一篇广告可分标题(the headline)、文字说明或广告正文(the body text)、图像(the illustration)和厂商名称(the signature)四个部分。1广告标题,往往是广告中最重要的部分。它起着引起读者的好奇心,吸引读者注意力的作用。下面是标题常用的几种表达方式:(1)


    15、容,如商品名称、牌号、特点等应在标题和正文中反复强调;(6)为了加强广告的吸引力,有时用谐音词或押韵的词句,来加强宣传效果。二、增分佳句1The products sell wellall over the world.这些产品畅销全球。2Liying Camera attracts people by its modern and various models and also, it is small insize and light in weight.“丽影”相机以其款式新颖、品种多样、体积小、重量轻等性能而吸引顾客。3Do you want to hear fastmoving wa

    16、ter crash onto the big rocks below?Do you want to see colorful birds, flowers and butterflies? Please join us, the Blue Sky Travel Agency.你想聆听碧水飞流直下,撞击巨岩的声音吗?你想欣赏鸟语花香,彩蝶飞舞吗?请联系我们蓝天旅行社。4Call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.周一至周日随时来电垂询。5The earlier you get one, the faster you will improve your

    17、 English.越早买,你的英语水平就能提高得越快。6When you buy one, youll get another one for free.买一赠一。7Our products are of high quality and can be offered by everyone.我们的产品质优价廉。题目要求假设你是 Haizi Clothing Store 的经理李华,你打算在某英语电视台上给自己的商品做广告。请根据以下提示写一篇英文广告。Spring Salesweaters 60 yuanbags 20 yuansocks 5 yuanshoes 30 yuanTshirts

    18、 2530 yuan注意:1.词数 150 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第一步:审题构思很关键一、审题1确定体裁:本文为英文广告,是应用文;2确定人称:本文应使用第三人称;3确定时态:本文应用一般现在时。二、构思第一段:点明主题。第二段:介绍商品。第三段:发出号召。第二步:核心词汇想周全1big_sale, _great_sale 大甩卖2goods,_products 商品3all _kinds_of,_various,_a_variety_of 各种各样的4as_well _as 和,以及5regret 后悔,遗憾6at_a_reasonable_price,_at_a_goo

    19、d_price 价格合理7wonderful,_fine 精致的第三步:由词扩句雏形现1海子服装店正在春季大减价!Haizi_Clothing_Store_is_on_spring_sale!2我们这里有各种商品。We_have_all_kinds_of_goods_here.3一切物品件件超值。Everything_is_at_a_very_good_price.4我们有各种颜色的运动衫,它们每件 60 元。(and 连接并列句 )We_have_sweaters_in_all_colours_and_you_can_get_one_for_just_60_yuan.5我们有漂亮的包,每件仅

    20、需 20 元。We_have_wonderful_bags_for_only_20_yuan_each.6我们有各种颜色的袜子,每双仅售 5 元,还有鞋子,每双仅售 30 元。(and 连接并列句)We_have_socks_in_all_colours_for_just_5_yuan_a_pair,_and_we_have_shoes_for_30_yuan_a_pair.7男式 T 恤每件 30 元,女式 25 元。Tshirts_for_boys_are_30_yuan,_and_Tshirts_for_girls_are_25_yuan.8快来海子服装店(选购)吧!你不会后悔!Come

    21、_to_Haizi_Clothing_Store!_You_wont_regret_it!第四步:句式升级造亮点1用简单句改写句 4We_have_sweaters_in_all_colours_for_60_yuan_each.2用 as well as 改写句 6We_have_socks_in_all_colours_for_just_5_yuan_a_pair,_as_well_as_shoes_for_30_yuan_a_pair.第五步:过渡衔接联成篇Haizi_Clothing_Store_is_on_spring_sale!We_have _all_kinds_of_goods



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