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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit1 Section Ⅴ教学案

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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit1 Section Ⅴ教学案

    1、Section_ Project原文呈现读文清障How do you build an ad campaign?Unlike a single advertisement, an ad campaign is a planned programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience . When you start a successful ad campaign, you must have a clear aim and an audience in mind . It is i

    2、mportant to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do . In an ad campaign you may need to employ different kinds of media , including posters, newspapers, magazines, radio and television.There are three major questions you must first consider:1 W

    3、ho is the audience for your ad campaign?The people you want to reach are your target audience. In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance. You will need to explore what the audience already thinks. It is very important to know your audience so

    4、you can create the right message for the right people.unlike prep.不像,与 不同过去分词 planned 作定语,修饰 programme。using .是现在分词短语,作 advertisements 的后置定语。various adj.各种各样的,多样的audience n受众;观众;听众;读者have . in mind 对于(某一目的)心里已有figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出句中 It 为形式主语,其中有两个 what 引导的宾语从句。employ vt.使用media/midI/n.大众传播媒介,大众传播工具

    5、poster/pst(r)/n.海报you must first consider 是省略了关系代词 that 或 which 的定语从句,修饰questions。you want to reach 是省略了关系代词 that 或 who 的定语从句,修饰 people。target/tIt/n.目标;靶子 vt.瞄准;以为目标determine/dItmIn/vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决analysis/nlsIs/n.分析,分析结果in advance 提前如何策划广告宣传活动?与单个广告不同的是,广告宣传活动是预告策划的系列广告,利用各种广告形式去影响特定的受众。当你开始一个成功的广告宣

    6、传活动时,你的心里必须有一个清晰的目标和受众。重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么、想让他们做什么。在广告宣传活动中,你可能需要运用包括海报、报纸、杂志、收音机和电视在内的不同种类的媒介。首先你必须考虑三个主要问题:1谁是你广告宣传活动的受众?你期望引起注意的人群就是你的目标受众。为了确定你的受众,你将需要提前做一点调查和分析。你将需要探索受众已有的想法。必须要了解你的受众,这一点非常重要,因为这样你才会为所针对的人群创造出恰当的信息。2 What do you want your ad campaign to say?After you have decided who your aud

    7、ience is, it is time to decide what you want the audience to know or think about. It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way. You can gather this information from your research. When 21 planning a public welfare campaign , you may want to a

    8、sk yourself: 22 What does my audience already know about this problem? What aspects of this problem would they care about or be concerned with ? 23 Is there some history behind the problem that they would be interested in ? 24 How does the problem personally affect their lives? 25 3 How do you reach

    9、 your audience?There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together 26 an ad campaign. You must decide what approach you want to use . This decision should 27 28 29 depend mainly on your target audience and which kinds of ads reach that group best.It is time to d

    10、o sth.是固定句式,意为“到了做某事的时候了” 。decide 后接 what 引导的宾语从句。appeal to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁appeal/pil/vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请 n.吸引力;呼吁It is important .中 It 为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式 to always try to。react/rIkt/vi.做出反应,回应react to 对做出反应gather vt.搜集,收集;使聚集 21 本句为省略了 you are 的时间状语从句。在 when, while, if, as if, though, as, until, once, 22 wheth

    11、er, unless 等引导的状语从句中,常省略跟主句相同的主语和 be 动词。be concerned with .对关心、关注或感兴趣 23 定语从句 that they would be interested in 修饰 some history。 24 personally/psnlI/adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自 25 get something across 把表达清楚 26 put together 组织,汇聚,组装 27 approach n方法,途径(后常接介词 to) 28 句中 what 引导宾语从句;you want to use 为省略了关系代词 that

    12、或 which 的定语从 29 句,修饰 approach。2.你希望你的广告宣传活动说什么?在确定了你的受众后,就该决定你想让他们知道什么或者思考什么了。为了让受众做出预期的反应,努力去吸引他们是很重要的。你可以通过自己的调查研究来搜集这种信息。在设计一个公益广告宣传活动时,你可能会想问自己:有关这个问题我的受众已经了解到什么了?,他们关注或担心这个问题的哪些方面?这个问题有没有一些让他们感兴趣的历史背景?,这个问题是如何影响他们的个人生活的?3.如何引起你的受众的注意?当组织一场广告宣传活动时,有许多不同的方式可用来传递讯息。你必须决定你想采用什么样的方法。这一决定应该主要取决于你的目标受

    13、众以及哪些类型的广告才能最大限度地引起所选择的人群的注意。Antismoking ad campaign 30 Every year millions of people around the world die due to smoking. Everypacket of 31 32 cigarettes contains poisonous chemicals that can result in lung cancer and heart disease . 33 34 35 36 This costs countries a lot of money and causes great

    14、damage to the welfare of the people. There 37 are huge numbers of smokers in Asia. This is why we have chosen antismoking as the subject 38 of our ad campaign . 39 The target audience is highschool teenagers . Our main aim is to discourage young people 40 from smoking . Our research shows that young

    15、 people care about their health and future. We 41 42 will educate them about the bad physical effects of smoking and how smoking affects those people around them. We will explain all the advantages of not smoking, such as saving money which can then be spent on other things . Our interviews also ind

    16、icate that young people are 43 44 concerned about what is cool and what their friends like . We will show how smoking is not 45 46 cool or attractive , because it makes people smell terrible, and gives them bad teeth, skin 47 48 49 and fingernails . If we can convince young people not to start, they

    17、 might then urge their 50 51 52 parents and other people to give up smoking, too.antismoking/ntIsmkI/n.反对吸烟 30 due to 因为,由于 31 packet/pkIt/n.小包,小盒 a packet of 一盒,一包 32 poisonous/pIzns/adj.有毒的 33 lung/l/n.肺 34 cancer/kns(r)/n.癌症 35 定语从句 that can .修饰先行词 poisonous chemicals。 36 cause damage to 对造成损害 37

    18、 smoker/smk(r)/n.吸烟者 38 从句 why we have .ad campaign 作表语。 39 teenager n青少年 40 discourage sb. from doing sth.劝阻某人做某事 41 care about 关心,担心 42 which 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 money。 43 indicate v表明 44 be concerned about 关心;挂念 45 that 引导宾语从句;what is cool 和 what their friends like 是两个宾语从句,作介词 46 about 的宾语。attractive a

    19、dj.有吸引力的;引起注意的 47 make sb. do sth.使某人做某事 48 smell linkv.闻起来 49 fingernail/fIgneIl/n.手指甲 50 convince vt.说服;使确信,使信服 51 convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事urge/d/vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张 n.强烈的欲望,冲动 52 urge sb. to do sth.催促/力劝某人做某事反对吸烟的广告宣传活动每年全世界有数百万的人死于吸烟。每包烟都含有能导致肺癌和心脏病的有毒化学物质。这种情况花费国家大量资金且给人民的福利带来巨大损害。亚洲有很大数目的吸烟者。这

    20、就是我们选择反对吸烟作为我们广告宣传活动的主题的原因。目标受众是高中的青少年。我们的主要目标是阻止年轻人吸烟。我们的研究表明,年轻人关心他们的健康和未来。我们将教育他们(认识到) 关于吸烟对身体的危害以及吸烟对周围人的影响。我们将解释不吸烟的所有的益处,例如能省下钱来用在其他事情上。我们的采访也表明,年轻人也关心什么是时尚以及他们的朋友喜欢什么。我们将向他们展示吸烟是如何不时尚以及如何没有吸引力,因为吸烟使人们闻起来很糟糕,且损坏牙齿、皮肤和指甲。如果我们能说服年轻人不要开始(吸烟) ,那么他们有可能力劝他们的父母和其他人也戒烟。Our campaign will start on 31 Ma

    21、y, World No Tobacco Day . We will put large posters 53 54 around the school with our logo and slogan. Our website will provide students with more information about smoking. We will also publish an article in the school magazine informing students about the dangers of smoking , and we will organize a

    22、n essay competition as well. 55 56 Our slogan: Smoking kills!Many people think that smoking is cool or enjoyable, but they are not fully aware of the 57 damage that it does to their health . This is why we chose this picture as our logo. We want to 58 shock people into realizing that many smokers di

    23、e all too soon from illnesses and diseases 59 60 61 related to smoking . 62 tobacco/tbk/n.烟草,烟叶 53 World No Tobacco Day 世界无烟日( 每年的 5 月 31 日) 54 现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 an article。 55 essay/eseI/n.论说文,小品文; (学生为某门课程写的)文章,短文 56 be aware of 知道;意识到 57 定语从句 that it does to their health 修饰 the damage。 58 shock/k/vt

    24、.使震惊,使惊愕 n.震惊,惊愕 59 shock sb. into (doing) sth.使某人震惊从而做某事all too soon 太快,过早 60 die from 死于 61 die from 通常指死于车祸、地震等外部因素,did of 通常指死于饥饿、寒冷、年老等身体内部因素。后接疾病时可以通用。过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 illnesses and diseases。 62 我们的宣传活动将从 5 月 31 日,即世界无烟日开始。我们将在校园张贴带有我们徽标和口号的大海报。我们的网站也将为学生提供关于吸烟的更多信息。我们还将在学校的杂志上发表一篇文章,使学生了解吸烟的危害,

    25、并且我们还将组织一次征文比赛。我们的口号:吸烟有害健康!,很多人认为吸烟很时尚,很有乐趣,但他们没有完全意识到吸烟对他们身体的危害。这就是我们选择这幅图画作为我们的徽标的原因。我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许多吸烟者过早地死于与吸烟有关的疾病。Step 1 Choose the best answers according to the text.1What do you know about an ad campaign?AAn ad campaign is only a single advertisement.BIts not very important to know your au

    26、dience in an ad campaign.CAn ad campaign is a planned programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience.DIn an ad campaign you must only employ one medium.2What must you keep in mind when you start a successful ad campaign?AA clear aim and an audience.BAttraction to

    27、the people.CThe benefit of the products and service.DThe ways of reaching the aims.3Why do you need to do research on your audience?ABecause the designer doesnt know them.BBecause the designer doesnt like them.CBecause the right message needs to be created for the right people.DBecause the audience

    28、will like what they get.4When you decide what approach you want to use in an ad campaign, the decision should depend mainly on _.Athe people who will buy the products and the serviceBthe target audience and which kinds of ads reach that particular group bestCthe quality of the productsDwhat the audi

    29、ence believe5The main aim of the antismoking ad campaign is _.Ato warn people of the harm of smokingBto show people smoking is bad for their healthCto get the young people to realize the damage of smokingDto convince the young people not to smoke and urge the others to stop smoking答案:15 CACBDStep 2

    30、Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text.Definition of an ad campaignA planned programme of advertisements which 1.uses various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience.Three major questions worth2.consideringWho is the audience for your ad campaign?What is your ad campaign 3.mean

    31、t to say?How do you reach your audience?The 5.reason for choosing antismoking as the subject of an ad campaign Every packet of cigarettes contains poisonous chemicals that can 6.result in diseases, which cannot only cause millions of people to die, but also cost countries a lot of money.The target a

    32、udience Highschool teenagers7.Aim To persuade young people to give up smokingAn 4.exampleAntismoking ad campaign8.Approaches to getting the message acrossPutting large posters around the school with the logo and slogan9.Providing more information about smoking on websitesPublishing an article in the

    33、 school magazine 10.informing students about the dangers of smokingOrganizing an essay competition一、这样记单词记得准写得对 记得快记得多.基础词汇1.median 大众传播媒介,大众传播工具2.targetn. 目标;靶子vt. 瞄准;以为目标3.packetn. 小包,小盒4.appealvi. 有吸引力;呼吁,恳请n. 吸引力;呼吁,恳求5.urgevt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主张n. 强烈的欲望,冲动.拓展词汇1.determinevt.确定,查明;决定;裁决determined adj.坚决

    34、的,有决心的 determination n决心2.analysisn分析,分析结果analyse vt. 分析3.reactvi.做出反应,回应reaction n反应,回应 4.personallyadv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自personal adj.个人的,私人的 person n人5.poisonousadj.有毒的poison n有毒物;毒药6.smokern吸烟者smoke v吸烟 n.烟7.shockvt.使震惊,使惊愕 n震惊,惊愕shocking adj.令人震惊的 shocked adj.(人)感到震惊的1.关于媒体的常见词汇morning/evening edi

    35、tion 晨/晚报big news 头条新闻 hot news 热点新闻feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论editorial 社论 classified ad 分类广告2.target n目标;靶子 vt.瞄准;以为目标记法 他(tar 的谐音)能得到(get)的目标(target)词块 shoot at the target 打靶set a target 定目标off/on target 不切/切题target date 预定日期use sth.as a target 把 当作靶子同义 aim n目标 goal n目标3.appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请 n吸引力;

    36、呼吁,恳求记法 ap(to)peal( 鸣响)发生响声引起注意有吸引力词块 appeal to the government for help 求助于政府同义 demand n要求 request n要求beg n请求易混 appear v出现二、这样记短语记牢固定短语 多积常用词块1.figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出2.in advance 预先,提前3.appeal to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁4.be concerned about 关心5.get sth. across 把表达清楚6.give up 放弃,戒掉7.result in 结果,导致8.discourage sb.

    37、from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事9.provide . with 给提供10.inform sb. about 通知/告知某人11.put together 组织;整理出;组装12.die from 死于,因而死1.start a successful ad campaign 开始一个成功的广告活动2.have a clear aim 有一个明确目标3.employ different kinds of media 利用各种不同的媒体4.major question 主要问题5.do a little research and analysis 进行一些研究和分析6.publis

    38、h an article 发表文章7.gather this information 搜集这种信息8.behind the problem 问题的背后9.affect their lives 影响他们的生活10.contain poisonous chemicals 含有毒化学物质11.cause great damage to . 对造成巨大损失三、这样记句式先背熟 再悟通 后仿用1.It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get t

    39、hem to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么、想让他们做什么。Itisadj.to do sth.中 it 为形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。In many families it_is_necessary_to_put a limit on the time the children can watch TV. 大多数家庭对孩子看电视的时间加以限制是必要的。2.After you have decided who your audience is, it is time todecide what you want the audience to know or think a

    40、bout.It is time (for sb.) to do sth.“是(某人)该做某事的时候了” 。Its_time_for_us_to_follow his tips. 是我们该听他的建议的时候了。在确定了受众后,就该决定你想让他们知道什么或思考什么了。3.When planning a public welfare campaign, you may want to ask yourself .在设计一个公益广告宣传活动时,你可能想要问自己When planning 为状语从句的省略。When_very_young,_she began to learn to play the pi

    41、ano. 她很小的时候就开始学习弹钢琴。1(教材 P18)It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么、想让他们做什么。 figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出;想出figure on sth./doing sth.计划、打算、预料到某事/做某事figure up 合计,把加起来;计算出figure in 被计算进,被考虑在;在中出现It didnt take the

    42、 children long to figure out the correct answer.孩子们没有花很多时间就算出了正确的答案。Hes trying to_figure_out how to solve the problem.他正在努力考虑如何解决这个问题。He said he hadnt figured_on getting home so late.他说他没有估计到那么晚才回到家。It may take several hours to_figure_up these expenses.把这些费用加起来也许要用好几个小时的时间。语境串记 My family figures on

    43、staying in Hangzhou for one month. In order to figure out how much we will spend there, Father asks me tofigure up all our expenses. But I dont want to figure in the cost of icecreams.我们家打算在杭州逗留一个月。为了计算出我们将会花多少钱,父亲让我把所有的费用加起来,但我不想把吃冰淇淋的钱计算进去。2(教材 P18)In order todetermine your audience, you will need

    44、 to do a little research and analysis in advance.为了确定你的受众,你将需要提前做一点调查和分析。 determine vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决(1)determine to do sth. 决定做某事determine on/upon sth./doing sth.决定某事/做某事determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下定决心做某事(2)determined adj. 有决心的,坚决的be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事be determined that . 决定We determined o

    45、n going to the railway station at once.我们决定立刻去火车站。The teachers encouraging words determined him to _study hard.老师鼓励的话语使他下定决心努力学习。I was determined_to_succeed and be proud of my daily progress.我下定决心要成功并对自己每日的进步感到骄傲。Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。名师点津

    46、(1)be determined to do sth.表示“决心做某事”的状态;determine to do sth.表示“决心做某事”的动作。(2)表示“决心做某事”的短语还有:make up ones mind to do sth., decide to do sth. 等。3(教材 P18)It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了让受众做出预期的反应,努力去吸引他们是很重要的。 appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请

    47、 n.吸引力;呼吁,恳求(1)appeal to 吸引;引起兴趣;呼吁appeal (to sb.) for sth. 为某事(向某人) 呼吁appeal to sb.to do sth. 恳请/呼吁某人做某事(2)make an appeal to sb. to do sth.恳求某人做某事make an appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁/恳求(3)appealing adj. 有吸引力的,恳求的Does the idea of working abroadappeal toyou?你对出国工作的主意感兴趣吗?He appealed_to the public for support.他向公众呼吁以获得支持。The government is appealing to everyone to_save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.警方呼吁公众保持镇静。 react vi.做出反应,回应(1)react to 对做出反应react by 以方式做出反应react against 反对,反抗react with 与起化学反应react on/upon 对产生影响(2)


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