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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit2 Period One学案(含答案)

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit2 Period One学案(含答案)

    1、English Around the WorldAlthough English is so widely used,there are communication problems between English speakers of different nations.Here,I am sharing a few tips I have learned on my travels. Pay attention to your listeners body language.If he does not fully understand what you say,express it i

    2、n a clearer way. Although there are dictionaries which explain idioms used in American,British and Australian English,avoid idioms entirely. There is rarely a joke that is understood by all cultures.Humor can be properly used without telling a joke. Often your listeners are a mixture of native Engli

    3、sh speakers as well as those who have learned English as a foreign language.If you have carefully prepared your speech,everyone should be able to learn from what you say. It can be unpleasant for others when all of your examples are from your own culture.Personal examples can be useful,however. Peop

    4、le of different cultures can learn much from each other.Being able to speak the same language is a huge advantage,but consideration and modesty(谦虚) should always be present in the conversations.根据短文内容,把下面的主题句放入文中恰当的位置AEnjoy the experience.BStay away from jokes.CDo not use idioms(习语)DUse fewer exampl

    5、es from your own culture.EKeep in mind the possibility of misunderstanding.FTake special care if you are teaching or speaking to a group.Period One Welcome to the unit & Reading.重点单词1 n词汇2 vt.占领;占用 (时间、空间等)3 vi.组成,构成4 n混合,混合体vt.使混合5 adv.除之外6 adj.官方的,正式的n办公室n官员,军官7 n词组,短语8 n贡献,促成因素;捐赠9 vt.击败;战胜10 vt.

    6、替换,代替,取代11 adj.完全的,整个的adv.完全地,整个地12 vt.养育,培养;举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及13 adv.因此,所以14 n过程;进程 15 n区别,差别16 n口音,腔调;着重点.重点短语1 由组成(构成)2 和不一样3 事实上4 由组成(构成)5 以命名6 除之外7 控制,取得对的控制8 导致9 引起,导致10 充当11 也12 广泛使用13 经历;仔细检查;完成;(法律、法案等) 被正式通过 14 继续做某事15 在这种情况下.重点句式1the way 作先行词的定语从句Language,in a broad sense , is .从广义上讲,语言是表达信息的

    7、一种方式。2even though 引导的让步状语从句,French did not replace English as the first language.尽管诺曼人在统治英格兰的整整 250 年间一直讲法语,但是法语并没有取代英语成为第一语言。3while 作并列连词,表转折或对比关系After the Norman Conquest,highclass people spoke French .诺曼征服后,上流阶层说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。4It is certain that.,and people will keep inventing new words and new wa

    8、ys of saying things.可以肯定的是,这一进程将会继续,而且人们还将继续发明新词和新的表达事物的方式。.课文阅读理解1Which of the people played the least part in Old English?AThe Celts. BThe Angles.CThe Saxons. DThe Vikings.2What is the main reason for Englishs development?AThe borrowing from other languages.BThe mixing of different languages from

    9、different countries.CThe invasions.DAll of the above.3The base of Old English is .ACelticBAngloSaxonCthe languages of Denmark and NorwayDAngloSaxon mixed with the languages of Denmark and Norway4According to the text,we can infer “the Renaissance” resulted in the changes of in English.AvocabularyBpr

    10、onunciationCspellingDaccent5The text mainly tells us .Awhen English began to changeBwhen English began to come into useChow English will change in the futureDhow English changed throughout its history.课文阅读填空Time EventsBefore the middle of the 5th century People in Britain all spoke a language called

    11、 1. .At the end of the 2. century The Vikings invaded Britain and brought their languages.By the 10th century Old English had become the 3. language of England.In 1066 The Normans 4. England and took 5. of the country.By the 6. half of the 14th century English had been adopted by all classes in Engl

    12、and.In 1399 Henry became King of 7. and used 8. for all official events.During the 9. in the 16th century 10. English appeared.阅读课文,并试着以约 30 个词概括最后一段(P 23,Ls 5258 )的段落大意。重点词汇1The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.英语是由这些人带到英国的语法和词汇构成的语言。归纳拓展be m

    13、ade up of 由 组成,由 构成make up 编造;弥补;化妆;构成,组成make.out of.用做成;把 改制成be made of 由 制成(从制成的物体上可看出原材料)be made from 由制成(从制成的物体上看不出原材料)be made into 把 制成语境助记(1)The Earth is made up of seven continents and four oceans.地球由七大洲和四大洋组成。(2)One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪。(3)Jack can make an airplane out o

    14、f a piece of paper.杰克可以用纸折飞机。(4)Grapes can be made into wine.葡萄可制成葡萄酒。题组训练(1)用适当的介、副词填空Butter is made milk.Many trees are cut down and made chopsticks.All furniture in this room is made wood.The performance is made of five parts.She made a skirt for her daughter of her old dress.(2)The committee fiv

    15、e wellknown experts put forward a valuable proposal at the end of the conference.(2016扬州宝应高一期中) Awas made up of Bconsisted ofCmade up of Dmade from2Then two Germanic groups from the European mainlandthe Angles and the Saxonsoccupied Britain.然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族盎格鲁人和撒克逊人占领了不列颠。归纳拓展(1)occupy vt.占领;占用( 空间

    16、、时间等)occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于(做) 某事(2)occupied adj.忙碌的;占用的be occupied with sth./in doing sth.从事于某事/ 忙于做某事(3)occupation n占领;消遣;职业语境助记(1)They failed in their attempt to occupy the island.他们占领这座岛屿的企图失败了。(2)All the seats on the bus were occupied.公共汽车上所有的座位都有人了。(3)He is occupied in lookin

    17、g after three children.他忙于照看三个孩子。(4)He carries on several occupations at a time.他同时从事几种职业。题组训练(1)一句多译她整天忙于办公室的日常工作。She routine office tasks.She routine office tasks.(2)It is said that he is a translation of a French novel.(2017射阳二中高一调研)Aoccupying in Boccupying withCoccupied in Doccupied with(3)Jane

    18、has been so in getting used to everything that she hasnt had time for social activities.Aconfused BworriedCdevoted Doccupied3Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages.古英语由他们的语言的混合体构成。归纳拓展consist vi.组成,构成consist of(be made up of) 由组成( 构成)(无被动语态,一般不用进行时态 )consist in 在于,存在于consist with 与一致语

    19、境助记(1)Our dinner consisted of two courses only.我们的晚餐只有两道菜。(2)Happiness consists in hard work.幸福存在于努力的工作中。(3)Theory should consist with practice.理论应与实践相一致。题组训练(1)句型转换The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.The English language the grammar and voca

    20、bulary these people brought to Britain.(2)Would you please tell me something more about the Group of Eight?Well,the G8 is an international organization the richest countries in the world.(2017淮安宿迁名校高一联考)Amaking up of Bconsisted ofCconsisting of Dmade of4Aside from place names such as London,very few

    21、 Celtic words became part of Old English.除了像“London”这样的地名外,很少凯尔特语中的单词成为古英语的一部分。归纳拓展表示“除之外”的短语:aside/apart from 除之外,根据上下文的不同,可以分别相当于 besides,except 或 except for。besidesin addition to 除之外(还,也),常与 also,more,other 等连用。except 除 外 (都),常与 all,every,no,none,nothing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。except for 除以外,其后所跟的词往往与前

    22、面的不是同一类,是指整体中除去的一个细节或某一方面。语境助记(1)Aside from helpful tips,the book also contains a guide to the citys hotels.(besides)除了有用的小贴士之外,这本书还包括这个城市的酒店指南。(2)Aside from my host,I didn t know a single person there.(except)除了我的主人,在那儿我一个人也不认识。(3)Aside from that little problem,the day was perfect.(except for)除了那个小

    23、问题外,那天过得好极了。题组训练(1)用 aside from/apart from,besides,except,except for 填空We study French English.He goes to work Saturday and Sunday.The room is almost empty a chair or two. this young man,I can find no one to help you.(2)Nowadays,skiing, being a sport,has become a big industry and a notable feature o

    24、f leisure culture.(2017启东中学高一月考)Aexcept for Bapart fromCfar from Ddue to 5The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于 1066 年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。归纳拓展 1(1)contribution n贡献;促成因素;捐献,捐款make contrib

    25、utions/a contribution to 为做贡献(2)contribute vt.&vi.贡献;捐助(献) ;(给报刊)投稿contribute to 有助于;捐献;促成,导致;投稿contribute.to/towards.把贡献给语境助记 1(1)The invention of paper is a great contribution to human civilization.纸的发明对人类文明是一个很大的贡献。(2)As mayor,he made many positive contributions to the growth of the city.作为市长,他对这

    26、个城市的发展做出了许多积极的贡献。(3)Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?(4)She often contributes to some magazines.她经常给一些杂志投稿。题组训练 1(1)众所周知,古英语也为中世纪英语做出了重大贡献。As we know,Old English Middle English as well.(2)In our daily life,everyone fails every now and then.It is how you react that makes a .(2017南菁高级中学

    27、高一检测)Acontribution BprogressCsense Ddifference(3)The volunteers huge amounts of their own time to the project.Aspent BtookCused Dcontributed归纳拓展 2defeat vt.击败,战胜;使落空;n.失败;挫败语境助记 2(1)The mayor defeated all opponents in the last election.在上次竞选中市长打败了所有对手。(2)The hopes were defeated.希望落空了。易混辨析 defeat,bea

    28、t,win(1)defeat 多指击败敌军或入侵者。(2)beat 多指打败或战胜对手,后可接人名或地名。(3)win 多指赢得比赛、辩论、战斗等。题组训练 2(1)用 beat,defeat,win 的适当形式填空The challenger the champion in three sets.Im sure that he will the game.Iraq army was quickly by America in 2003.I could always my brother at chess.(2) in running for head of the department,wh

    29、ich most colleagues had not expected,made her parents very upset.ALucy was defeatedBLucy being defeatedCLucys been defeatedDLucy s being defeated归纳拓展 3take control of 控制,取得对的控制lose control of 对失去控制get out of control 摆脱控制under control 受控制out of control 失去控制in control of 控制;掌握in the control of 受控制beyo

    30、nd ones control 超出某人的控制范围语境助记 3(1)There must be someone who can take control of these naughty children.应该有人能管住这些淘气的孩子。(2)With the help of firefighters,they got the fire under control.在消防员的帮助下,他们控制住了火情。(3)Who do you let be in control of your class while youre out?你出去的时候,让谁来管理你的班级?题组训练 3(1)目前警察失去了对人群的

    31、控制。Police at present the crowd.(2)Students are encouraged to their own learning,rather than just depending on the teacher.Abe out of control Blose control ofCgo out of control Dtake control of6However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 y

    32、ears earlier,which led to Old English replacing Celtic.然而,诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约 600 年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。归纳拓展 1lead to 导致;通向(to 为介词)lead sb.to.带某人去lead sb.to do sth.引领某人做某事语境助记 1(1)His carelessness led to his failure.他的粗心导致了他的失败。(2)All roads lead to Rome.(谚)条条道路通罗马。(3)What led you to think

    33、 so?什么使你这么想呢?题组训练 1(1)根据提示语填空With him (带路),we got there without any difficulty.But for him,we would have been lost,which would (导致) serious consequences.His action (使我们相信 ) that he was our true friend.(2)Working hard success,while success working hard.Alead to;lie in Bleads to;lies inClie in;lead to

    34、 Dlies in;leads to归纳拓展 2(1)replace(take the place of) vt.取代,代替,替换replace sth.with/by sth.用某物代替某物replace sb.as 取代某人而成为(2)take ones place 取代;就座take place 发生in place of 取代;代替take the place of 代替语境助记 2(1)Nothing can replace a mothers love and care.没有什么东西可以取代一个母亲的爱和关心。(2)I replaced the old tyres with new

    35、 ones.我用新轮胎替换了旧轮胎。(3)Mary replaced Susan as the school teams captain.玛丽取代苏珊当了校队的队长。(4)The accident took place on Friday.这场事故发生在周五。题组训练 2(1)一句多译他将代替汤姆参加会议。He will Tom to attend the meeting.He will attend the meeting Tom.He will to attend the meeting.(2)Do you think the Internet will finally newspaper

    36、s?No one knows for sure.(2016东台创新高级中学高一月考)Amove BplaceCremove Dreplace7Therefore,the words we use for most animals raised for food,such as cow,sheep and pig,came from Old English.因此,我们所使用的大多数表示养来食用的动物的单词,如“cow” “sheep”和“pig” ,都来自古英语。归纳拓展raise vt.养育,培养;举起;唤起;提高;提出;使出现;筹集;养殖;饲养;种植语境助记(1)Please raise y

    37、our hand if you know the answer.知道答案的话请举手。(2)Many shops have raised their prices.许多商店已经涨价了。(3)He is a farmer and raises cows.他是一位农民,饲养奶牛。易混辨析 raise,rise(1)raise 及物动词,过去式 raised;过去分词 raised。意为:举起;提高;提出;饲养;养育;筹集;种植。(2)rise 不及物动词,过去式 rose;过去分词 risen。意为:上升;起身。题组训练(1)写出下列短语或句子中 raise 的汉语意思raise chickens

    38、and corn He raises his family on his salary. raise funds raise the subject (2)On July 18th,2013,the giant panda,Hua Mei, in the WoLong Center,gave birth to a male baby panda, 92g.(2017如东高级中学高一月考)Arisen;weighing Braises;weighsCraised ;weighing Draising;weighed(3)With few people pigs,the price of pork

    39、 .Arising;rises Braising;raisesCraising;rises Drising;raises8However,by the latter half of the 14th century,English had come into widespread use among all classes in England.然而,到了 14 世纪后半叶,英格兰各阶层已广泛使用英语了。归纳拓展come into use 开始使用be (still) in use(仍)在使用中be out of use 废弃不用make use of 使用;利用put.to good use

    40、 好好利用be of much/no use 很有用/没用语境助记(1)When did this word come into common use?这个词是什么时候开始普遍使用起来的?(2)All the machines are in use at the moment.眼下所有的机器都在用着。(3)She had an opportunity to put her medical training to good use.她有一个将她所接受的医学培训很好地付诸实践的机会。(4)The dictionary is really of much use.字典确实非常有用。题组训练(1)那座

    41、新桥梁下个月开始使用。The new bridge next month.(2)去年这个火车站已不再使用。The railway station was last year.(3)I think this is the best use that we can the money.Ause BspendCmake use of Dmake of经典句式After the Norman Conquest,highclass people spoke French while common people spoke English.诺曼征服后,上流阶层说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。归纳拓展(1)wh

    42、ile 在此句中作并列连词,意为“而,却” ,前后分句为对比的关系。(2)while 还可以作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“ 尽管,虽然” 。(3)while 常用作从属连词,意为“当的时候,在 期间” ,引导时间状语从句。这时while 表示时间段,不能表示时间点。语境助记(1)Some people waste food while others havent enough.有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。(2)While I like the color of the hat,I dont like the shape.虽然我喜欢这个帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的样式。(3)Whil

    43、e we were talking about him,he came in.我们正在谈论他时,他进来了。题组训练(1)当他阅读时,他总是仔细做笔记。He always makes careful note .(2)Excuse me.Did you notice whether the No.108 bus had gone by?Not Ive been standing here.Aas BwhenCsince Dwhile(3) some people are motivated by a need for success,others are motivated by a fear of failure.(2016江苏,26)A Because BIfCUnless DWhile难句分析1The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.句式分析:句中 a Frenchspeaking people 作 the Normans 的 ,who 引导 从句,修饰 。自主翻译: 2Even though


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