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    1、unit 1unit 4一、单项选择(共 12 分,每小题 1 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. This is _ useless subject learned in _ University because will not be used in real work.A. an; an C. an; a C. a; an D. a; a( ) 2. Thank you a lot for inviting me to your 20th birthday party. I was moved by your fathers speech. _

    2、. Were closest friends at college. A. Thats right B. All right C. Dont mention it D. With pleasure( ) 3. Why not do _? I agree. Lets go to the new museum, but Im not sure when it _. A. anything fun; will be open B. something funny; will be openedC. anything funny; will open D. something fun; opens (

    3、 ) 4. He has broken his leg. _ he will have to be away from school for two or three weeks. A. So B. As a result C. Therefore D. Anyway( ) 5. Look! There are several children playing happily over there. There is nothing for them _ in fact.Youre right. The children are now living with light heart from

    4、 care(无忧无虑). A. to worry about B. taking notice of C. worrying D. to take notice( ) 6. When we want to highlight one part of a text, we are always having it colored with dark lights color ,such as blue or red, so that people give it more attention in class. Here “highlight” means _ in Chinese. A. 记录

    5、 B. 强调 C. 点亮 D. 着色( ) 7. Which of all the dresses would you like to choose? I think they all look very nice on you. _ is OK. They look nearly the same and I just need one. A. None B. Neither C. Either D. Any ( ) 8. Help others and devote love to others _ you can, and you will make a contribution (贡献

    6、) to making the word better and better. A. as B. whenever C. wherever D. as soon as( ) 9. _ my brother Jim _ yours Jack wants to share the best art with people. So they are always searching for _ something better and different. A. Both; and B. Either; orC. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor ( ) 10.

    7、Steve Jobs has influenced us teenagers most because he has devoted most of his effort _ it possible for poor children and poor women _ better education. A. to make; to receiving B. to making; to receiveC. to make; accepting D. to making; to accept( ) 11. What are you talking about, Jim and Mary? Wer

    8、e discussing _ in the following 5o years. A. how I think will life be like B. what I think will life be likeC. how I think life look like D. what I think life will be like( ) 12. I heard that they got lost in the forest when they were watching the wild animals.Yes. But its hard to believe _ the diff

    9、iculties they were facing. A. what they dealt with B. what did the deal withC. how to deal with D. how to do with二、完形填空(共 12 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Maggie started of the junior year of high school with great energy. She had no trouble 13 up with her schoolwork and took part

    10、in several after-school activities. 14 after the Thanksgiving break, she began to have trouble getting through her reading and had to work harder to apply herself (专心学习). Her grades began to 15 , and she rarely (很少) felt like making friends any more. Even though Maggie was always punctual (按时的) befo

    11、re, she began t have trouble getting up 16 time for school during the winter. At first, Maggies parents thought she was lazy. They were quite worried about her, but they thought it was just a period of timeespecially because her energy finally seemed to 17 in the spring. But when the same thing happ

    12、ened the next November, and Maggies mood and her grades fell again, they took her to the 18 , who diagnosed (诊断) her with a type of depression (情绪低落 ) called seasonal effective disorder (季节性情绪失控症), or SAD. SAD appears and 19 at the same time each year. People with SAD have the depression as winter c

    13、omes and daylight hours become 20 . When 21 returns and the days become become longer again, they become well again. Like other forms of depression, the symptoms (症状) of SAD 22 be mild, severe, or somewhere in 23 . Milder symptoms slightly influence someones ability to take part in everyday activiti

    14、es, but more severe symptoms can influence much 24 . ( ) 13. A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D, kept( ) 14. A. While B. So C. But D. Because ( ) 15. A. drop B. rise C. raise D. stop( ) 16. A. in B. on C. off D. through( ) 17. A. go B. return C. disappear D. leave( ) 18. A. teacher B. farmer C. doctor

    15、D. police ( ) 19. A. disappear B. appear C. arrive D. leave( ) 20. A. long B. short C. longer D. shorter( ) 21. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 22. A. can B. must C. should D. have to( ) 23. A. between B. among C. in D. across( ) 24. A. little B. less C. many D. more三、阅读理解(共 26 分,每小题 2 分

    16、)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)Readers Digest is a monthly magazine. Before the 1980s, it belonged to a privately?held company, which was started in 1922 by Lila Bell Wallace and Dewitt Wallace. This magazine is small and easy to carry, just half the size of most American magazines, which

    17、 caused a phrase in 2005, “America in your pocket.” It is the best?selling magazine in the USA. At present, its circulation(发行量) in the USA has reached 10 million copies and the number of the readers there is 38 million. Its global circulation outside the USA has reached 40 million people throughout

    18、 more than 70 countries in 21 languages.This magazines focus(焦点) is not news but more of cultural views because the editors think people now can get timely news from somewhere else. They hope this magazine can give readers something that is about special personal experiences, something the readers c

    19、an share with their families. In different countries, this magazine provides a window to the world for the local readers. Some parts of the magazine are about the local customs and interests of the local readers. The other parts give the local readers information from all over the world.This magazin

    20、e actually used to be a family business until the Wall-aces died in the 1980s. Because they had no children, there was no one to take over the company. Sixteen years ago, this company went public and became a public company.( ) 25. How often does Reader?s Digest come out in the USA?A. Once a year. B

    21、. Once a month. C. Once a week. D. Once a day.( ) 26. What?s the number of the readers of this magazine all over the world?A. 38 million. B. 40 million. C. 78 million. D. 108 million.( ) 27. This magazines focus includes the following topics except .A. something about the timely news B. some special

    22、 personal experiencesC. some information from all over the worldD. the local customs and interests of the local readers (B) The children at the top of the class succeed by knowing a few basic (基本的) skills that others can easily learn. Here are the secrets of top students. Study is the first thing. O

    23、nce the books are open or the computer is on, phone calls are unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks unnoticed. Study is business; business comes before everything. Study anywhere or everywhere. Study times are different for different children. Some work late at night when the house s quiet. Others

    24、wake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school, all agreed that consistency (持之以恒) is needed. Get organized. Dont waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. Keep everything right where one can put ones hands on it. Even for a student who doesnt keep his own study area or

    25、ganized, a bag or a drawer is needed to put things in to save time. Learn how to read. The secret of good reading is to be an active readerone who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the writers message. Plan your time. If you want to be a top student, make sure to finish

    26、 all your tasks before the deadline (最后期限).Take good notes and use them. Reading the text is important, but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized (强调). Thats what you find in your notes. Another kind of important “secret” of the top students is not so secret at all. For almos

    27、t all of them, their parents help is important. ( ) 28. According to the third paragraph, as students, we should all _. A. study late into night B. study in the early morningC. study in our favorite time with consistencyD. as soon as we get home( ) 29. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _ o save t

    28、ime for study. A. to look for our stationery B. to organize ourselves into groupsC. to keep everything in hand D. to get everything organized( ) 30. How can we be an active reader?A. Take good notes. B. Ask questions continually.C. Study everywhere. D. Arrange our time well.( ) 31. From the passage,

    29、 if a task should be completed next Wednesday, a top student will complete it _. A. next Tuesday B. next Thursday C. next Friday D. next Saturday( ) 32. According to the writer, the real secret in becoming a top student lies in _. A. the good teacher B. the good education expertsC. some basic learni

    30、ng skills D. our parents help(C)When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my fathers friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul.Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernies place. Wed sit on

    31、 the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal.Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then wed bury (埋下) our faces in watermelon, eating only the heartthe reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-fre

    32、e partand throw away the rest.Bernie was my fathers idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernies wealth (财产、财富) itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, ge

    33、t together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon.What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter(无论) how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you dont take the time to dangle your feet over t

    34、he dock and enjoy lifes small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life.For many years, I forgot that lesson Id learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could.Well, Ive relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasur

    35、e in the day. Thats the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw t he rest away.( ) 33. We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling _.A. relaxed B. worried C. hungry D. Proud( ) 34. How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon?A. They ate it

    36、 in a polite way. B. They only ate its best part.C. They ate every part of it. D. They shared only one piece.( ) 35. In the eyes of the writers father, Bernie _.A. was just a rich businessman B. worked hard all the timeC. lived a rich but healthy life D. knew how to make money( ) 36. The underlined

    37、part “the heart of the watermelon” in the last paragraph refers to _.A. the best part of the watermelon B. the writers busy lifeC. the writers decision of making money D. the writers hope of enjoying life( ) 37. It can be learned from the passage that _.A. one has to work hard to reach his goal B. a

    38、 friend in need is a friend in deedC. watermelon is the healthiest fruit D. one should keep work-life balance4、阅读表达(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面短文,并根据所读短文内容在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。I once believed that a friend is a friend “all the way”. Now i have changed my ideas about friendships. Friends of convenience (便利). Th

    39、ey can be the people who live next door or the members of our childrens closet friends. Friends of convenience are emotional (令人动情的 ) indeed. Theyll help us when we need it. Theyll look after our cats when we go on holiday. But we dont ever get too close or tell too much. We keep our public face and

    40、 emotional distance, which means that we will talk about being overweight but not about being sad or disappointed. However, people still feel these friendships valuable to them. Special-interest friends. These friendships arent deeply personal or emotional. Their value lies in some shared interest,

    41、so we may have an office friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend. Historical friends. We all have a friend who knew us when ., maybe when we were back in the second grade of primary school, when our family lived in that two-room flat downtown (市中心). He or she was the first or the only fri

    42、end we told our secrets to. The years have gone by, and we have gone different ways. We have little in common now, but we are still a personal part of each others past. We know how we looked before our teeth were straightened (张直了), and our getting together reminds us of an earlier part of ourselves

    43、, which is important and never lost. Cross-generational friends. There are friendships that form across generations (一代人). I have in my own life a precious (珍贵的) friend, a woman of 65, who is wise, who listens well, and who represents not only an ideal mother but also the person Id like to be when I

    44、 grow up. Best friends, i believe, totally (完全地) love, support, and help each other. Type of friends Description of friendsFriends of convenienceThey can be the people or the members of our childrens closet friends. They can help us when we are in 38 . Though we dont talk about emotional topics, thi

    45、s doesnt mean that there isnt any value to be found in these friendships. 39 friendsWe usually share some interests with our special-interest friends, so we may have an office friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend. Historical friendsThis kind of friendship was usually formed when we wer

    46、e children, so we know how we 40 before our teeth were straightened. Although we have little in common now, our getting together can remind us of each others happy old days. Cross-generational friendsCross-generational friends usually arent from the 41 generation. A friend like this may 42 an ideal

    47、mother or the person we want to be when we grow up. 38. _ 39. _ 40. _ 41. _ 42. _五、词汇(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 。A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。43. You can choose a career in which you can help others or make others have better lives. _ (create) work makes you happy.44. After _ (graduate) from university, he c

    48、hose to be volunteer doctor to in order to get more medical knowledge.45. I need _ (silent) when Im studying. I dont know where I can find a quiet place. 46. Some aspects of your personality are passed onto you by your parents, for example, _(lively) and impatience. 47. I noticed that light color, such as blue, make rooms seem _ (large) and make us feel relaxed. B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。48. The Diary of a You


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