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    冀教版英语九年级上Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning精品课件

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    冀教版英语九年级上Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning精品课件

    1、Lesson 26,Unit 5 Look into Science,5,Unit,Lesson 26 Keep the Candle Burning,学习目标,objectives,Master the new words and phrases: holder, shallow, lighter, match, examine, oxygen; use up Learn to do the experiment with candle. Know more about science.,holder n. 支托物 candle holder n. 蜡烛座 shallow adj. 浅的 l

    2、ight v. 点燃 lighter n. 打火机;点火器 match n. 火柴 burn v. 燃烧 examine v. 检查 oxygen n. 氧气 use up 用完,Words,Lead in,match,burn,candle holder n.,Think about it,Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not? Name one or two famous Chinese scientist. What do you know about them?,Science is so interesting! Im

    3、 sure youll like this experiment!,What do you need?,A candle A candle holder A big glass jarA shallow dish with water matches,While-reading,What do you do?,1. Put the candle in the candleholder. 2. Put the candleholder in he dish. 3. Fill the dish half full of water. 4. Light the candle . 5. Let the

    4、 candle burn for two or three minutes. 6. Carefully put the jar over the candle until the top of the jar rests on the dish . 7. Look at the water in the jar. What observation can you make?,What is happening?,As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air. When the candle stops burning, it has use

    5、d up all the oxygen in the jar. The water inside the jar then rises. How far did the water rise? There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar.,Language points,Keep the candle burning! 让蜡烛燃烧! keep sth. (sb.) doing, 使某物(某人)保持做某一动作。e.g. Dont keep t

    6、he water falling. 不要再让水继续流了。She kept me holding the far with my hand. 她让我一直用手握住瓶子。,1. Do you think science is interesting? 你认为自然有趣吗? science 科学;scientist自然科学,科学家e.g. Wang Peng loves science very much. He wants to be a scientist. 王鹏非常喜欢科学。他想成为一名科学家。,2. a shallow dish with water一个装水的浅盘 shallow adj. 浅的

    7、 反义词:deep深的e.g. Please pass me a shallow dish (plate). 请递给我一个浅盘子。 The idea of the passage is very shallow. I can understand it. 这篇短文的意思很浅显,我能读懂它。, light v. 点燃,照亮Its time to light up. 该点灯了。Its cold in the room. Lets light a fire. 房间里太冷了。咱们把火生起来吧。,3. light the candle 点亮蜡烛= make the candle burn使蜡烛燃烧, l

    8、ight n. 光,光线(不可数);电灯(可数)The moon light comes into the room through the window. 月光透过窗子照进了房间。Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave. 当你离开的时候不要忘了关灯。, light adj. 颜色浅的(反义词dark);(分量)轻的(反义词heavy)Rose likes the light green skirt. 罗斯喜欢那件淡绿色的裙子。The bag is very light. Mary can carry it easily. 那个包很轻

    9、。玛丽能轻易地把它搬起来。,4. Carefully put the jar over the candle. 小心地把瓶子倒扣在蜡烛上。 carefully adv. 仔细地,小心地 careful adj. 细心的,认真的 care v. 关心;在意care(v.) + ful = careful (adj.) careful ( adj. ) +ly = carefully (adv.) Jenny is a careful girl. She does everything carefully. She often cares for others. 詹妮是一个认真的女孩。她做任何事情

    10、都非常仔细。她经常关心他人。,5. As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air. 当蜡烛燃烧的时候,需要消耗空气中的氧气。, as 在此为“当的时候”。它有着多重意义。Please do it again as I did. 请像我做的那样再做一遍。(像一样)As it is late, I have to leave now. 由于天太晚了,我得走了。(由于,因为)You will find the building as you reach the end of the street. 当你走到这条街那头,你就会看到那座大楼。 (当时

    11、候), use up用光,耗尽。表示完全,彻底。He was hungry and ate up the bread. 他饿了,把面包全吃光了。(eat up吃光)Jim used up his money to buy the computer. 吉姆为了买电脑花光了所有的钱。,6. The water inside the jar then rises. 这时瓶子里的水就会上升。rise v. 上升,升起(不及物) The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 The river is rising after the heavy rain. 大雨后河水上涨。注意

    12、:raise“提高,升起”(及物) Liu Fei raised her hand and asked a question.刘菲举手问了一个问题。,7. * There is about one fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar. 氧气在空气中占五分之一,所以水面上升并且占据了瓶子的五分之一。 *分数的表达:,分数 =,分子,分母,基数词,序数词,1,序数词,1,序数词+s,e.g. 1/3,one third1/5, one fifth3/4, three fou

    13、rths2/5, two fifths,Post-reading,Lets do it,Finish the exercises on page 69 and check them.,1. The water here is s_, not deep. 2. Let the fire b_ for a few hours. The room will be very warm. 3. Look! The boy is playing with some _ (火柴). 4. There is little _ (氧气) at the top of the mountains. 5. Mr. B

    14、lack sat down and _ (点燃) a candle.,I. 根据首字母或汉语提示,完成下列句子。,lit / lighted,hallow,urn,matches,oxygen,Practice,1. Please pass me the bottle full _ water. 2. He is so hungry that he has eaten _ all the food on the plate. 3. I usually put the candle _ the candleholder. 4. Mr. Gao came into the classroom _

    15、a book in his hand. 5. The rainy day will last _ three days.,II. 用适当的介词填空。,for,of,up,in,with,1. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它已用光了空气中所有的氧气。 When the candle _ _, it _ _ _ all the oxygen in the air. 2. 我们班里五分之三是女生。 _ _ of the students in our class are girls. 4. 为了完成那项工作,他工作了十个小时。 _ _ the work, he has worked _ ten hours.,III. 根据汉语提示,翻译下列句子,每空一词。,stops burning,up,Three fifths,To finish for,has used,Homework,Choose a experiment that you did before, and describe it in English.,Homework,


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