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    人教版高二英语必修五:Unit 4 Learning about language 优秀课件

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    人教版高二英语必修五:Unit 4 Learning about language 优秀课件

    1、2018/11/20,人教课标 高二 必修 5 Unit 4,2018/11/20,Learning about language,2018/11/20,What is an idiomatic way?,2018/11/20,He is above himself.,自个儿上天自高自大,2018/11/20,Which teacher can help him above water?,摆脱困境;没有经济困难,2018/11/20,1. In the reading passage several expressions are used in an idiomatic way. Find

    2、them and fill in the chart.,Discovering useful words and expressions,2018/11/20,cover a story,trick of the trade,get the facts straight,get to the wrong end of the stick,this is how the story goes,get a scoop,2018/11/20,2. Match the words and expressions which have the opposite meaning.,by accident,

    3、deliberately,not get absorbed,concentrate on,untrained,professional,not interested,eager,2018/11/20,light,thorough,defend against,accuseof,acquire,lose,didnt do anything wrong,guilty,2018/11/20,Complete Sentence B using a word or phrase from the reading passage which has the opposite meaning to the

    4、words underlined in Sentence A. 1. A. By accident she broke that beautiful bowl.B. She _ broke that beautiful bowl.,deliberately,2018/11/20,2. A. He did not steal the vase so he didnt do anything wrong.B. He did steal the vase so he is _. 3. A. She does not get absorbed in her studies for long.B. Sh

    5、e can _ her studies for a long time.,guilty,concentrate on,2018/11/20,4. A. The journalist went out with an untrained photographer.B. The journalist went out with a/an _ photographer.,professional,2018/11/20,5. A. Chris is not interested in starting his new job. B. Chris is _ to start his new job. 6

    6、. A. “This room needs a light clean,” explained the housewife. B. “This room needs a _ clean,” explained the housewife.,thorough,eager,2018/11/20,7. A. The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge. B. The law does not allow people to _ themselves _ a crime. 8. A. I dont mind losing th

    7、at skill if it is not useful. B. I dont mind _ that skill if it is useful.,accuse,of,acquiring,2018/11/20,2018/11/20,adj. 【英】习惯(或倾向于)怀疑的,He gave a sceptical grunt. 他怀疑地嘟哝了一声。,Mary is sceptical about the solution. 玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。,2018/11/20,be sceptical about be sceptical that ,Im very sceptical about

    8、 the results of the survey. 我十分怀疑调查的结果。,Many are sceptical that this rule makes much practical difference. 许多人都怀疑这样的规定会产生多大的实际区别。,2018/11/20,n. C 截止期限,最后限期,Can they finish this before the deadline? 他们能不能在最后期限之前完成这项工作?,The deadline for making an application is next Friday. 申请于下星期五截止。,2018/11/20,set a

    9、 deadline forextend the deadline,My boss set a deadline for the project. 我的主管为专案设定了一个期限。,We hope the boss can extend the deadline. 我们希望主管可以延长期限。,2018/11/20,n. C 同事,同僚,同行,Marlin is getting along very well with his colleagues. 马林跟他的同事相处得很好。,My colleague was fired yesterday. 我的同事昨天被解雇了。,2018/11/20,v. 出

    10、版,刊印;公布,发表,The publishing house has published five dictionaries. 这家出版社已出版了五部字典。,Martin would publish their findings at once. 马丁会立即公布他们的调查结果。,2018/11/20,public adj. 公众的; 公共的,公用的,the public 公众;大众,You mustnt do that in a public place. 你不该在公共场所做那事。,The public was provoked to anger. 公众被激怒了。 The museum is

    11、 open to the public. 这个博物馆对大众开放。,2018/11/20,n. C 困境,进退两难,Mary is facing the dilemma of obeying her father or marrying the man she loves. 是服从父亲还是嫁给自己所爱的人是玛丽面临着的难题。,2018/11/20,face the dilemma ofin the (a) dilemma,I detest facing the dilemma of quitting or staying. 我痛恨面对闪人或死赖著不走的困境。,We are often in a

    12、dilemma. 我们经常处于进退两难的境地。,2018/11/20,n. C 摄影师,照相师,He is a photographer for life magazine. 他是生活杂志的摄影师。,The photographer posed him carefully. 摄影师细心地指点他摆好姿势。,2018/11/20,adj. 高兴的,快乐的,My parents will be delighted to see you. 我父母见到你会很高兴。,He was very much delighted with the results. 他对这个结果感到非常满意。,2018/11/20,

    13、+ at / with / by be delighted + to-v. + (that),Cell phone makers are delighted at this trend, of course. 当然,手机制造者对于这个趋势是很欣喜的。,I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers. 清凉的溪水从我张开的手指间流过,使我欣喜无比。,2018/11/20,n. 其时,其间 adv. 其间;同时,In the meanwhile Ill visit an old frien

    14、d of mine. 在这期间我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。,Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house. 母亲去买东西; 我打扫屋子。,2018/11/20,n. 其时,其间 adv. 其间;同时,考试中的题: 英语中 “同时” 的表达:in the meanwhile / in the meantime / meantime / meanwhile。,一般都是说meanwhile,和in the meantime,而不会说in the meanwhile和meantime。,请问哪些是对的,哪些是错的?,2018/11/20,v.

    15、帮助;协助援助,We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge. 我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。,He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。,2018/11/20,assistant n. 助手,助理;助教;店员 adj. 助理的;辅助的,He worked as an assistant to the President. 他当过总统助理。,He is an assistant cook. 他是个助理厨师。,assistance n. 援助,帮助U (+in),Your tec

    16、hnical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated. 您对这个项目的技术援助大受赞赏。,2018/11/20,v. 呈送,提交;主张;屈服,He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council. 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。,Well submit ourselves to the courts judgments. 我们将听从法庭的裁决。,2018/11/20,submit一般和介词to搭配:She submits to her boyfriend.

    17、她总是听她男朋友的。,submit 的过去式和过去分词:t 要双写: submitted,2018/11/20,n. 业余从事者 adj. 业余的;外行的,不熟练的,Our actors were all enthusiastic amateurs. 我们的演员都是热情的业余爱好者。,The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer. 这些照片是一位业余摄影师拍的。,2018/11/20,adj. 不平常的, 与众不同的,It was not unusual for me to come home late. 回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。,He

    18、 is an unusual child. 他是个与众不同的孩子。,2018/11/20,反义词:usual,as usual 像往常一样,As usual, she had bread and egg for breakfast. 她照例吃面包和鸡蛋作早餐。,They were going to meet as usual. 他们会像往常一样见面。,2018/11/20,n. 编辑,主笔,My sister is an editor for a local newspaper. 我姐姐是当地一家报社的编辑。,He bargained with the editor for a hundred

    19、 dollars per thousand words. 他与主笔讲价,要100元1000字。,2018/11/20,vt. 估计;评估;评价,The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百万元。,It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。,2018/11/20,3. Complete the passage using the words below in the correc

    20、t form.,sceptical deadline colleague publish dilemma photograph delighted meanwhile assist submit amateur unusual assistant editor assess,My first assignment was as a(an) _ to a famous fashion _, who was going to take photos of a model by the name of Wang Li. I felt _ as I was to _ him. We had not g

    21、one far,assistant,photographer,delighted,assist,2018/11/20,sceptical deadline colleague publish dilemma meanwhile submit amateur unusual editor assess,when our _ called. “Be sure to finish your task before the _.” My _ laughed. “He wants to concentrate on the time because Ive missed deadlines before

    22、,” he said to me. When we arrived, we found Wang Li was extremely charming.,deadline,colleague,editor,2018/11/20,She explained that as an _ photographer she expects all the photographs to be _ to her before they were _. This was a _ as there was little time before the deadline.,amateur,submitted,pub

    23、lished,dilemma,sceptical publish dilemma meanwhile submit amateur unusual assess,2018/11/20,My colleague _ the situation and announced that as this was _ he would have to refer the matter to his editor. _ he would get ready. At first Wang Li was _, but when our editor rang to,assessed,unusual,Meanwhile,sceptical,sceptical meanwhile unusual assess,2018/11/20,inform her that she would have her photographs before they were published, she was satisfied.,2018/11/20,


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