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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit4(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit4(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag第四课时 Section B (2a2c)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1My room is very _tidy_ (整洁的)2The pictures are _ours_ (我们的)3Where are her books?They are _everywhere_ (到处)4My brother always_ asks me, “Where are my books?”5Their_ names are Tom and John.单项选择。( D )1.My pencil box is in the scho

    2、olbag, _ my tape player isnt. Aand BorCso Dbut ( A )2.Kate is _. Her room is clean (干净的). Atidy BbadCwell Dfine ( C )3.Your books are _, on your bed, on the sofa and under the chair. Ahere BthereCeverywhere Dwhere ( B )4.Is the white model plane Ginas?Yes, its _. Ahis BhersCher Dshes ( A )5.My clock

    3、 is _ on the desk, but I cant find it now. Aalways BfirstCnot Dlast.用方框中所给的正确单词或短语填空。 hers, are, Come on, and, but1I have a radio, _but_he doesnt have one.2Here _are_ some apples.3_Come_on_, or well be late!4The white model bike is _hers_5My dictionary _and_ my radio are on the desk.根据上下语境填入恰当的单词补全对

    4、话。(TTommy, MMother) T: Where are my books, Mom? M: 1._Theyre_ on the sofa. T: Where are my pencil box 2._and_ baseball?M: They are 3._in_ your schoolbag. T: OK. And 4._wheres_ my computer game? M: Its under your bed. T: Great! Where are my keys? M: Look! They are on the dresser. Please put away your

    5、 things and keep your room 5._tidy_B 语法扬帆 .从下列句子中找出一个语法错误,画线并改在下面的横线上。1My friend Tina always ask, “Where is my English book?”_ask_改成 asks_2We arent know his name. _arent 改成 dont_3Some things are in the bed. _in 改成 on_4On our room, my radio is in the bookcase. _On_改成 In_5I am tidy and Gina is not. _a

    6、nd 改成 but_C 提升冲浪 .用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Hi, I am Tom. I have 1._a_ nice room. It is a tidy room. I put everything 2._in_ the right(合适的) place. In 3._the_ room, I have many good things. My radio is on the desk and 4._my_(I) tape player is on the desk, 5._too_. Some CDs and many books 6._are

    7、_ (be) in the bookcase. 7._What_ is on my bed? They are some nice clothes. My baseball is under 8._the_ bed.Can you see that big clock? It is 9._on_ the wall. It tells me time every day. I like maps. 10._They_(their)are on the walls, too. I like my room very much.完形填空。Hi Tina,My family has a new hou

    8、se. And I have a nice _1_. Here is a _2_ of it. My room is orange. And all the furniture (家具) is orange, too. I like the _3_ very much. There is a _4_ and a chair in my room. On the desk there is a _5_. I play computer games in the evening. I love books. And _6_ are everywhere in my roomon the bed,

    9、on the desk and _7_ the bookcase. So Im not_8_. There are two _9_ in my room. One is mine, and the other is my sisters. But my sister is not _10_ at home. So you can sleep(睡觉) in my room. We can have a good talk. Welcome to my house.Yours,Kate( D )1.A.friend Bschool Cteacher Droom( A )2.A.photo Bnum

    10、ber Cphone Dcard( B )3.A.name Bcolor Corange Dpencil( C )4.A.clock Bbox Cdesk Dsofa( A )5.A.computer Bbook Cdictionary Dpencil( D )6.A.you Bwe Cit Dthey( A )7.A.in Bat Cunder Dfor( C )8.A.nice Bgood Ctidy Dmiddle( B )9.A.photos Bbeds Cbags Dboxes( B )10.A.too Balways Csome Dwell.阅读理解。Miss Lee is onl

    11、y twentyone. She is tall and thin, and she has brown, long hair. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children English classes. After school, she helps children clean the classroom. So the classroom is always very clean and nice. The thirt

    12、ythree desks and chairs are on the floor. Twenty books are in the bookshelves. There are two big plants at the back of the classroom. Six nice pictures are on the wall. Miss Lee has much work to do, but she often plays games with her students after school. Shes a nice teacher. The children like her

    13、very much. After work, she often runs by_the_lake( A )1.Miss Lee is a (an) _ teacher.AEnglish BChineseCmath DP.E.( A )2.Which is right?AMiss Lee gives children classes from Monday to Friday.BMiss Lee plays with the children from Monday to Sunday.CMiss Lee plays games with her students in class.DMiss

    14、 Lee always (总是) works, but doesnt play at all.( B )3.How many plants are there in the classroom?ASix. BTwo.CTwenty. DThirtythree.( C )4.Miss Lee likes _Adriving BcookingCrunning Dsinging( D )5.The children like Miss Lee because _Ashe is youngBshe is a teacher Cshe plays games with themDshe is nice猜出画线短语的中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展by the lake _在湖边_


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