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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit2(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit2(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 2 This is my sister第二课时 Section A (3a3c)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1Paul wants to have_a good time after school.2There are 365 days_in a year. 3What are these? They_are oranges.4Who_is that boy? Hes my friend.5My family_has four people: my grandmother, my parents and me.6My parents have two chil

    2、dren(孩子): my sister_ and me.7Are those your _brothers_ (兄弟)?8She isnt my aunt. She is my _mom/mother_(妈妈).单项选择。( B )1._ is the girl?My sister, Linda. AHow BWhoCWhere DWhat ( B )2.Is she your _? Yes, she is.Abrothers BsisterCbrother Dsisters ( C )3.Those _ her grandparents. Aam BisCare Dbe ( A )4.Thi

    3、s is _ sister, Jenny.Amy BmeCI Dhe( D )5.Hes your friend. _? Theyre his parents. AWho is it BWho are youCWho is he DWho are they ( D )6.Kate, are _ your pencils? Yes, _ are.Athese; these Bthose; thoseCthey; those Dthose; they( C )7.Are they your parents?_. AYes, I am BYes, he isCYes, they are DYes,

    4、she is( D )8.Hi, Josh! Have a good day! Thanks. _AFine BIm OKCAnd you DYou, too.根据汉语意思完成句子。1他们是谁? 他们是我的祖父母。_Who_ are they?Theyre my _grandparents_2这是我的朋友简。This _is_ my _friend_, Jane.3好吧,祝你们拥有愉快的一天。Well, _have_ a good _day_4那是我的家庭。Thats _my_ _family_5这是我的姐姐凯特。_This_ _is_my _sister_ Kate.6那些是你的父母吗?_A

    5、re_ _those_ your parents?7珍妮是你的妹妹吗?_Is_Jenny _your_younger _sister_?B 语法扬帆 .用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空。his, my, he, she, her, I, your, is, are1.This is a boy. _He_ is Tony. I am _his_ friend.2Linda is my sister. _She_ is ten. I am _her_ brother.3Hi. My name is Nick. Whats _your_ name?Hi. _I_ am Kim. 4I am a s

    6、tudent. _My_ first name is Jack. 5Look at that girl. Whats _her_ first name?6_Are_ those maps?No, they _are_ not. They _are_ pictures.7This _is_ his ruler. Where _is_ my ruler?8_Are_ these her parents? 9Those _are_ their grandparents. 10_Is_ your friend a boy?.按要求完成下列各题。1This is my brother. (改为复数句)_

    7、These_are_my_brothers._2Those are my friends. (改为单数句)_That_is_my_friend._3They are my grandparents. (改为一般疑问句)_Are_they_your_grandparents?_4He is my_little_brother. (对画线部分提问)_Who_is_he?_5new, his, friends, are, these(.)(连词成句)_These_are_his_new_friends./These_new_friends_are_his._C 提升冲浪 .用所给单词的正确形式填空或

    8、根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Hello! Im Mary Brown. Im 1._an_English girl. Im 14 2._years_(year) old.Look!This 3._is_ (be) a photo of my family. We are at the park. This is 4._my_ (I) sister. 5._Her_ (she) name is Mona. She is 6._in_Class One, Grade Seven. 7._These_ (this) are my parents. My fathers 8._first_

    9、(one) name is Bill. 9._He_(his) is a teacher. My mother is Linda. She is a housewife. 10._Who_ are they? Theyre my grandparents. We are having a good time!.完形填空。Look at this _1_! The boy in it is my little brother. _2_ name is Tom Smith. He is _3_ years old. He is _4_ Class Two, Grade Three. His _5_

    10、 number is 3369788. Look! That is a schoolbag. _6_ is it? Its red. Is it _7_ schoolbag? No, it isnt. Its _8_ schoolbag. The purple one is _9_. And the pencil box is Toms, _10_. ( D )1.A.book Bcard Cmap Dpicture( D )2.A.Her BMy CYour DHis( C )3.A.two Bthree Cnine Dfour( A )4.A.in Bat Cof Don( A )5.A.

    11、telephone Bfax CID Demail( D )6.A.What BWhat classCWhat grade DWhat color( B )7.A.Tom BToms CToms DToms( A )8.A.my BI Cyou Dhis( A )9.A.his Bhe Chim Dhes( B )10.A.to Btoo Cplease Dthanks.阅读理解。My name is Ann White. Im an English girl. Im twenty. I learn Chinese in Zhejiang University. I have a good f

    12、riend. Her name is Lucy King. She is nineteen. She comes_from the USA. We are in the same grade. But we are in different classes. We have the same Chinese teacher. His name is Wu Hong. Mr. Wu is a good teacher. We all like him.( A )1.Ann and Lucy are _. Afriends BsistersCbrothers Dteachers( C )2.Ann is from _. AJapan BCanadaCEngland DAmerica( C )3.Lucy is a(n) _ girl.AEnglish BChineseCAmerican DJapanese( D )4.Wu Hong is a(n) _ teacher.AEnglish BmusicCmath DChinese( A )5.Ann and Lucy are in _ now.AChina BJapanCEngland DUSA猜出画线词语的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展1University _ n大学_2comes from _来自_


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