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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1 My name’s Gina单元质量评估试卷(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1 My name’s Gina单元质量评估试卷(含答案)

    1、Unit 1 质量评估试卷时间:90 分钟 满分:120 分第一部分 听力(共四节,满分 30 分)第一节 听句子,选图片(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)( C )1.A B C( A )2.A B C( B )3.A B C( A )4.A B C( B )5.A B C听力材料1Hi, my name is Jenny.2Good morning, Ms. Brown.3My friend is in China.4His telephone number is 9838720.5My first name is Alice.第二节 听句子,选答语(共 5 小题,每小题 1

    2、分,满分 5 分)( A )6.A.Yes, I am. BNo, she isnt.CYes, he is.( B )7.A.Hello,Alice! BHello, Helen!CIm fine.( B )8.A.Its white. BIts 3218396.CIm Eric.( C )9.A.Thank you. BFine, thanks.CNice to meet you, too!( A )10.A.His name is Jack.BHer name is Gina.CMy name is Mike.听力材料6Are you Cindy?7Hello, Alan. Im Hel

    3、en.8Whats your phone number?9Nice to meet you.10Whats his name? 第三节 听短对话,回答问题(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)( C )11.What is the girls first name?AMia. BSara.CMary.( B )12.What is the boys last name?AMiller. BBrown.CGreen.( A )13.What color is the quilt?AWhite. BBlack.CRed.( C )14.What color is the boys rul

    4、er? AGreen. BWhite.CYellow.( A )15.What is Toms telephone number? A21828467. B21882467.C21828476.听力材料11M: Hello, my name is Tony Miller. TONY, MILLER.W: Oh, hello. Im Mary Smith. MARY, SMITH.12W: Whats your full name?M: My full name is Jack Brown.W: Spell it,please.M: JACK, Jack, BROWN, Brown.13M: W

    5、hats this in English?W: Its a quilt.M: What color is it?W: Its white.14W: My ruler is green. What color is your ruler?M: My ruler is yellow.15W: Whats Toms telephone number?M: His telephone number is 21828467. 第四节 听长对话或独白,回答问题(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)听一段对话,回答第 16 至第 17 小题。对话读两遍。( B )16.What is the bo

    6、ys last name?ABrown.BSmith.CMickey.( C )17.What is the boys phone number?A18890553321.B18990055321.C18890055321.听力材料M: Good morning, Miss Brown.W: Good morning. Whats your name?M: My names Mickey.W: Nice to meet you, Mickey. Can you spell your name, please?M: MICKEY.W: Thank you. And whats your last

    7、 name?M: My last name is Smith, SMITH.W: OK. Whats your telephone number?M: Its 18890055321.W: OK. Thank you.听一段独白,回答第 18 至第 20 小题。独白读两遍。( B )18.What is the speakers last name?AWilliam. BChen.CWhite.( A )19.What is the speakers home phone number?A77924650. B15010327456.C77924670.( C )20.What color i

    8、s the speakers quilt?AYellow. BWhite.CBlue.听力材料Hi, Im William Chen. My first name is William, WILLIAM. My last name is Chen, CHEN. My home phone number is 77924650. My phone number is 15010327456. Look! My ruler is white and my pen is black. My key is yellow. My quilt is blue. I know how to spell “r

    9、uler, pen, key and quilt” in English. Do you know?第二部分 基础知识(共三节,满分 25 分)第一节 单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C 三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( C )21.How are you?_, thank you.AHello BGoodCFine( C )22.Im your English teacher, Dale Miller. Good morning, _Miller.AMs. BMrs. CMr.( A )23._?My name is Tiantian.AW

    10、hats your nameBAre you LucyCIs he Tiantian( C )24.My father has _children(孩子), my two brothers and me.Aone BtwoCthree( A )25.Are _ Lucy?Yes, I am. Ayou BsheChe( B )26.Is Mary _ China now?_, she is.Aon; Yes Bin; YesCin; No( C )27.I _ Danny. He _ Tom. We are good friends.Aam; are Bis; areCam; is( C )2

    11、8.Is this your cup? No. Its _ cup. My cup is on my desk. Amy ByourCher( C )29.I am a girl. My name is _ABob BTonyCLinda( A )30.My last name is Smith. Oh, my last name is Smith, _Atoo BtoCtwo第二节 对话匹配 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)A(I)31.How are you?(J)32.Good afternoon, Cindy.(D)33.What color is it?(H)34.

    12、Whats this?(B)35.Hello!(F)36.Whats her last name?(G)37.Is his name Alan?(C)38.Whats Johns telephone number?(E)39.Are you Cheng Liang?(A)40.Whats five and six?BAEleven.BHello!C89765781.DIts red.ENo, I am Cheng Hai.FSmith.GYes, it is.HIts C.Im fine, thanks.JGood afternoon, Dale.第三节 句型转换 (共 5 小题,每小题 1

    13、分,满分 5 分)41His name is Tom(对画线部分提问)_What_ _is_ his name?42James is my friend.(改为否定句)James_is_ _not_ my friend.43Im Jenny.(改为同义句)_My_ _name_ is Jenny.44Lindas telephone number is 6054279.(改为一般疑问句)_Is_ Lindas_telephone_ number 6054279?45Is that a black jacket?(作否定回答)No, _it_ _isnt_第三部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分 25

    14、 分)第一节 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分, 满分 20 分)AA: Good morning! I am Li Ming. Whats your name?B: My name is David Smith. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.B: Is Ming your last name?A: No, Ming is my first name. My last name is Li.B: My first name is David, and Smith is my last name.A: I see. Whats that i

    15、n your hand?B: Its a pen.A: What color is it?B: It is blue.A: Oh. By the way, my phone number is 13477345677. Whats your telephone number?B: My telephone number is 13568840599.( A )46.Li Ming and David meet in the _Amorning BafternoonCevening( B )47.Li Mings first name is _ALi BMingCDavid( B )48.Whi

    16、ch is TRUE?ADavids phone number is 13477345677.BA pen is in Davids hand. CA telephone is in Li Mings hand.BI am Jenny Brown. I am 12 years old. I like white and pink. My telephone number is 87652214.I have two friends. One is Linda, and the other is Peter. Look at the girl! She is Linda Strong. She

    17、likes white. Her telephone number is 60122078.That boy in black is Peter. He is 12, too. White is his family name. He likes black. His telephone number is 60422807.We often play together.( B )49.Jennys last name is _AStrong BBrownCWhite( A )50.The last number of Peters phone number is _Aseven Beight

    18、Cnine( C )51.The passage(文章) is about _AJenny and some colors BJenny and her phonesCJenny and her friendsCEveryone has a family name. In China, the family name comes before the given name, but in English countries the family name comes last. Do you know how English people get(得到) their family names?

    19、 And what do they mean(意思)? English people usually get their names in these ways(方法)Some family names come from the places(地方) of their homes. For a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England, peoples family name may be Wood or Lake, because they live near the wood or the l

    20、ake. Some family names come from a persons job. If a person is a cook, his family name may be Cook. And many people get their family names from their fathers family names. If you see the name Jackson, you can know he is the son of Jack.( B )52.In the passage,how many ways can English people get thei

    21、r family names?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.( C )53.A man lives near a lake. His family name may be _AHill BWoodCLake DCook( B )54.Jacks family name is Cook. His family name may come from the _Aplace Bjob Ccountry Dschool( C )55.The best title of the passage is “_” AEnglish peopleBChinese peopleCFamily

    22、 namesDHills and lakes第二节 任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分)This is Miss Brown. Her full name is Alice Brown. She is from America. Her telephone number is 8257 6632. She is in Shanghai No.2 Junior High School. She is beautiful and nice. She teaches us English.She is a good teacher. I like Miss Brown very

    23、 much. I want (想要)to be her friend.根据短文内容,完成下面的名片。Full name56._Alice_Brown_Nationality (国籍) 57._American_Job58._a_teacher_Telephone number59._82576632_Work place60_Shanghai_No.2_Junior_High_School_第四部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 20 分)第一节 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)通读下面的对话, 掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Danny

    24、: Good morning, Mr. Wang.Mr. Wang: Good morning! _61_your name? Danny: _62_name is Danny. Nice to meet you.Mr. Wang: Nice to meet you, _63_, Danny. Whats your _64_name?Danny: Smith.Mr. Wang: I _65_. Danny Smith. What class are you in?Danny: Class Three.Mr. Wang: Oh, you are in my class.Danny: Eric a

    25、nd Frank _66_my friends. They _67_ in your class, too.Mr. Wang: Thats_68_. Whats _69_ telephone number?Danny: _70_ 8385623.( B )61.A.What BWhats CHow( A )62.A.My BHis CYour( C )63.A.two Bto Ctoo( A )64.A.last Bfirst Cmiddle( B )65.A.say Bsee Cspell( C )66.A.am Bis Care( B )67.A.arent Bare Cis( B )68

    26、.A.bad Bgood Csorry( B )69.A.her Byour Cmy( A )70.A.Its BIt CIts第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)阅读下面的短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。Hello, everyone. My name is Linda Miller. Linda is my 71._first_(one) name. Im in Greenland Middle School. I have a picture in my hand. Look at the p

    27、icture. Who 72._is_ (be) the girl? 73._She_ (her) is my friend. Her name is Lucy Smith. She is 74._an_ English girl. She is a student in 75._my_(I) school. She is 76._in_ Class 5, Grade 7. But Im in Class 2, Grade 7. Lucy is a good girl. She has many 77._friends_(friend) at school. So she likes our

    28、school. Lucys telephone 78._number_ (number) is 88786754. She likes blue 79._and_ white. And at home she has 80._two_ dogs. Their names are Bobby and Tony. Lucy likes them very much. 第五部分 写作(共两节, 满分 20 分)第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。81Whats your telephone_ number, please?Its 1529

    29、8579371.82At school I meet_ my English teacher and say “Good morning” 83Jenny is in Guangzhou, China_84Eight_is a good number for Chinese.85Erics last_name is Green. 86I am Jane Miller. Jane is my first_ name.87This is Tom. His_ phone number is 3586589.88Five minus(减) five is zero_89One and five is

    30、six. Two and four is six, too_90Your bag is very nice_. Thank you.第二节 书面表达(满分 10 分)91学期伊始, 你一定很想有很多好朋友吧? 根据下表的内容, 请你用英语介绍你自己。要求:1.不少于 5 句话。2.必须包括下表中的所有信息。 First name: JodieLast name: CooperAge: 12Class: 4Grade: 7Telephone number: 6754567Hello, I am Jodie Cooper. Jodie is my first name and Cooper is my last name. You can call me Jodie.I am 12 years old. Now I am a student in Class 4, Grade 7. My telephone number is 6754567.


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