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    1、2018 中考模拟测试题(四)第一卷选择题(60 分)I.词汇测试 (15 分)i.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)()1. Why did Tom cry yesterday?Because he regretted arguing with his mother.A. felt happy about B. felt afraid ofC. felt sorry for()2. It is reported that three people died when they skied last month.Im sorr

    2、y to hear that. Its important for us to avoid being hurt when we play sports.A. keep away from B. look forward toC. be famous for()3. Why do more and more old people live on their own?Because their children are so busy with the work that they cant spend much time with them.A. quietly B. aloneC. happ

    3、ily()4. How many visitors are waiting for the lunch?Twenty-four. In addition to the six children inside, eighteen adults are sitting here.A. Besides B. ExceptC. Without()5. Dad, I am afraid I cant pass the exam.If you keep on studying hard, you will make it.A. succeed B. failC. produce()6. I have wa

    4、ited for Fast & Furious 8 for a long time! I am dying to watch it! Me too! Lets go to the movies together tonight.A. cant help watchingB. cant wait to watchC. dislike watching()7. Sandy is not attracted by visiting the Great Wall.Maybe she enjoys visiting somewhere quiet.A. has no interest inB. feel

    5、s ashamed ofC. is excited about()8. The house price has driven many Chinese young people mad.Yes, especially in Shenzhen. My uncle has left here because he cant afford a house.A. made . excited B. made . cryC. made. crazyii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)()9. If your answer to

    6、 a question is correct, it means your answer is _.A. regular B. usualC. right()10. The_ is a movement of part of your body, especially your hands, to show what you mean.A. method B. gestureC. expression()11. What happened to the old cinema?It was _ by a fire last year.A. developed B. destroyedC. hur

    7、t()12. Paris is _ a city full of romance (浪漫).A. known as B. famous forC. made of()13. Did you go home very early yesterday?No, I _ missed the last bus here!A. never B. hardlyC. nearly()14. Your mobile phone is _.Maybe, but it works well.A. out of date B. in troubleC. at the front()15. Linda gets a

    8、cold again! I will ask her to wear more clothes tomorrow.But she never listens to us. I hope your suggestion wont _ again.A. put out B. fall on deaf earsC. take action II.完形填空( 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-25 各小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分)People have wondered what happened to Queen Nefertit

    9、i. She 16 and died in the 14th century BC in Egypt (埃及) . Nobody knows where her body was buried. It remains a 17 . But now archaeologists (考古学家)think they 18 be close to the answer. They think the queen might be behind the walls, in a hidden room, inside King Tutankhamuns tomb (墓穴).An X-ray machine

    10、 was brought in to 19 the archaeologists. With cameras recording the event, a Japanese expert used modem technology to make the ancient tomb 20 its secret.Egyptian Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty told reporters before the X-ray worked, there was a 60 percent chance that something was behind t

    11、hose 21 . Now, he says, “Its 90 percent likely there is 22 there.”British archaeologist Nicolas Reeves said the tomb of Tutankhamun was actually a tomb within a tomb. But 23 ? King Tut died when he was 19 years old. Queen Nefertiti, his stepmother, had died earlier. There wasnt enough time to build

    12、a tomb 24 Tut, so some believe he was buried in a room off a larger tomb. Is it Nefertitis?If the mystery is solved, it will be the largest 25 in Egypt. And that could mean more tourists will return to the Valley of the Kings.()16. A. breathed B. remainedC. lived()17. A. problem B. questionC. myster

    13、y()18. A. should B. mightC. must()19. A. fight B. touchC. help()20. A. give up B. sell outC. take up()21. A. houses B. tombsC. walls .()22. A. anything B. nothingC. something()23. A. why B. whereC. what()24. A. with B. forC. to()25. A. invention B. productionC. discovery III.阅读理解(30 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的

    14、A、B、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)AOpera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs from May to July, with other performances in March and September. The opera welcomes any of its lovers.Telephone: 241-2742 1Website: Blue Moon Orchestra (管弦乐队):The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406

    15、 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March to June. Call 723-1182 for more information.Website: Riverbend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave (大街) .Large outdoor theater with the closest seats to the stage. Performances will last all summer long!Telephone: 232-6220 :Website: College Conservat

    16、ory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus (校园)of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a number of events by some famous musicians. Students with ID cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the bo

    17、x office at 556-4183. Website: ()26. When can you go to a concert by Blue Moon Orchestra?A. In January. B. In May.C. In September. D. In December.()27. How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?A. It gives performances all year round.B. It welcomes any music lovers.C. It has sea

    18、ts in the open air.D. It has the best service.()28. Where can students go for free performances with ID cards?A. At Music Hall.B. At Memorial Hall.C. At Riverbend Music Theater.D. At Patricia Cobbett Theater.( ) 29. What can we know from the passage?A. All the musical events are held in a university

    19、.B. All the musical events will last at least half a year.C. All the musical events are mainly for university students.D. You can learn more about all the musical events by calling or going online.BThis morning I woke up being a little bit worried. Too many unlucky things happened and I needed to ma

    20、ke many decisions. I decided to go for a walk and try to relax. On the way, I kept repeating to myself “Dont stop being kind”. Others may have worse situations than me. I already felt better when walking in the park enjoying the beautiful trees and the smiles to and from strangers. I decided to go s

    21、hopping on my way back.After paying, I sat down for a while and got a coffee. An elderly man sat next to me and started talking very loudly. I noticed that he had hearing aids (助听器)in both ears. He had a coffee too. I tried talking with him but I realized he could not understand anything. I stayed a

    22、nyway and he told me about his difficulties with hearing, his son who worked in the supermarket and that he was at the age of 89! He felt happy to still be able to do the shopping on his own.He said he liked talking to people and he apologized many times. I told him it was lovely to talk to him and

    23、after a while I said goodbye, shook his hands and wished him a good day. He was so happy and grateful. He thanked me many times and the last thing he said was “Thank you for listening”. I thought the whole point was “I just stayed and listened”.()30. Why was the writer unhappy at first?A. Because he

    24、 was too busy.B. Because he needed to walk on his own.C. Because he thought himself unlucky.D. Because he was afraid of making decisions. ()3 L How did the writer comfort (安慰)himself?A. He thought others were luckier than him.B. He thought others may be less lucky than him.C. He thought he must be k

    25、ind to others.D. He thought he should listen to the old man.()32. Which is the right order according to the passage? The writer went shopping alone. The writer wished the elderly man a good day. The elderly man said sorry to the writer many times. The writer enjoyed the beautiful trees in the park.

    26、The elderly man talked with the writer happily.A. B.C. D.()33. What does the writer want to tell us?A. Never talk with a person with hearing problems.B. We should spend time being a good listener.C. We should stop to talk with the old whenever we see them.D. Never tell others what you think when the

    27、yre talking.CAre you still reading paper books? If so, you are out! Nowadays more and more people prefer to read novels online. This new way of reading is convenient. For example, when people take a subway or wait for the bus, they just need to read on their mobile phones instead of opening books. A

    28、nd it also costs little, as many of the online novels are free to readers.Some online novels have attractive plots and they have made their writers famous and rich, such as Liu Lianzi and Gu Man. These writers have many fans on the Internet and many of their works have been made into films and TV pl

    29、ays, such as Empresses in the Palace and My Sunshine. And a new TV play A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated written by Feng Nong has been a big hit since its first episode on January 2, 2017.However, not all the online novels are good to read, especially for teenagers who are less able to

    30、 tell the right from the wrong than adults. Melody, a woman from Shenzhen, said, “Parents and teachers should pay more attention to what teenagers read online. In fact, some online novels were written so hurriedly and randomly (随便地) that they are full of improper plots which may be harmful to teenag

    31、ers, so I dont think its good for my students to read online novels.”Thats true. Reading online novels may be a good way to kill time, but if you want to learn something, why not borrow some good books from libraries? ()34. Why did the writer write the second passage?A. To tell us his / her favorite

    32、 online novels.B. To tell us the most successful online novels.C. To tell us the online novels have interesting plots.D. To tell us some successful online novels.()35. What does Melody do?A. She is a writer. B. She is a teacher.C. She is a director. D. She is an actress.()36. What does the underline

    33、d word “hurriedly” mean?A. Carefully. B. Suddenly.C. Clearly. D. Quickly.()37. Which of the Mowing is the writers opinion?A. Parents and teachers should pay attention to what teenagers read online.B. Reading online novels is a good way to relax.C. Teenagers shouldnt read online books because they ar

    34、e bad for their lessons.D. Parents and teachers shouldnt allow teenagers to read online novels.D Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, opened a public account on Chinas WeChat early this year and greeted his followers in Chinese. He will share information on health, energy innovation (创新) )and educa

    35、tion through this account.Gates,username is “gatesnotes” and he welcomed his followers to his account through a video message. “Hello. Welcome to my official WeChat account, he said. “This is my personal blog, where I will talk about the people I meet, the books I am reading, and what I am learning.

    36、 I hope you will join the conversation.” The post has received more than 100,000 views and 28,000 likes.The kind man also shared a Chinese translation of the 2017 Annual (每年的)Letter written by himself and his wife Melinda Gates. Starting in 2009, they always write a letter at the beginning of each y

    37、ear. This year, it focuses on the progress in global health and development during the past 25 years. As China plays an important role in global affairs (事务),Gates will use the public account to discuss positive examples of international cooperation (合作)in areas of health,energy and charity (慈善).The

    38、 account will accept questions from Chinese users and Gates will choose two to three to answer in later posts.Now WeChat is widely used in China and it has more than 800 million users. More and more famous people from western countries have started to talk directly to their Chinese fans through Chin

    39、ese social media. Through WeChat, Gates is clearly trying to improve the relation between China and him, especially since Chinese Internet users are about 22 percent of the total Internet users in the world.()38. Gates will share the following information EXCEPT _.A. healthB. energy innovationC. edu

    40、cationD. sports()39. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Gates public account on WeChat.B. The video on WeChat.C. The 2017 Annual Letter.D. His dream in 2017.()40. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Gates wrote Chinese sentences to greet his Chinese fans on WeChat.B. Gates will talk ab

    41、out his everyday life on WeChat.C. Until this year, Gates and his wife has written nine annul letters.D. Gates wants the relation between China and him to become better.()41. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Why WeChat is used so widely in the world.B. How famous people from western

    42、 countries talk to their Chinese fans.C. How Gates talked to his Chinese fans through WeChat.D. Why Gates opened a public account on Chinas WeChat.EShirley, an elephant, has something to say. She opens her mouth and speaks. The nearby elephants understand the sound, but its just noise to me.What is

    43、Shirley exactly saying? Scientists are not sure, but they are trying to find out how elephants communicate. I visited Shirley at the Elephant Sanctuary (避难所)in Hohenwald,Tennessee. The sanctuary is home of Shirley and five other elephants Bunny, Jenny, Sissy, Tarra and Winkie. All six animals were o

    44、nce in zoos or circuses (马戏团). Now they walk freely on 2,700 acres of grassland and forests.A noisy groupNot all the elephants at the sanctuary speak like Shirley. Tarra speaks like a sea lion when she is happy. Bunny squeaks (吱吱叫)often. I soon get used to hearing the different voices of the elephan

    45、ts. When one gray giant comes close to me, I know which elephant it is.Elephants also communicate in a way that people cant hear. Infrasound (次声)is a sound that is too low in pitch (音高)for the human ears to pick up. Scientists believe that elephant infrasound can travel for miles. Elephants in a gro

    46、up use it to keep in touch when they are alone.Old friendsThe elephants speak to one another for the same reasons people talk. Sometimes they even shout with excitement. When Shirley first came to the sanctuary, Jenny looked at her and began to shout. Shirley shouted back. At first, the animal keepe

    47、rs had no idea what it was about. Later, they discovered that Shirley and Jenny had stayed together for 20 years earlier in a circus. The elephants,shouts meant they still knew each other._There are two kinds of elephants Asian elephants and African elephants. In the wild, both kinds are endangered.

    48、 In 1970, almost 2 million Asian elephants lived in the wild in Southeast Asia. Now there are only 25,600 to 32,750 elephants living there. Their home is being gradually destroyed. As the population grows, humans are building on more of the land. In Africa, only half of the wild elephants living the

    49、re 20 years ago live there today. Humans have killed the animals for their tusks (象牙).()42. Which of the following does the writer describe in the passage?A. Different sounds made by elephants.B. What it is like to be a circus elephant.C. How to plan a visit to an elephant sanctuary.D. Ways to save the elephants home.()43. Which can be put back into the blank?A. The number of el


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