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    1、仁爱英语仁爱英语七七年级年级下下短文填空训练短文填空训练 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词, 要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 一一 Mr.Green is from England.He and his wife(妻子) are teachers.They teach English 1 Xiamen.They have a son and a daughter.Their names 2 (

    2、be) Jack and Mary.Jack is ten.He is a student in a school. 3 Mary isnt a student.She is only five.They have two bikes and a car.One bike is big,and the other is small.The big one is for Jack,and 4 small one is for Mary.Mr.and Mrs.Green go to work in 5 (they) car.On weekdays,Jack likes 6 (play) socce

    3、r with his classmates.And Mary would like to 7 /wt / TV at home.But all of them dont like to stay at home on Sundays.They sometimes go to the 8 /p(r)k/.Sometimes they go to their 9 (friend) homes.They have a lot of friends in China.They think their life in China is 10 /greit/. 二 It is Sunday morning

    4、.Mr.and Mrs.Green are at home.Their two 1 (kid) stay with them. One is their son,Jim, 2 the other is their daughter,Kate.The brother and sister are in 3 same school.They study hard(努力学习) and have good grades.But they dont have 4 (some) classes today.Now, they are 5 (play) games in the room.They are

    5、very happy.Mr.Green is reading a 6 /njuzpeIp(r)/ in the sitting room(客厅)And he is drinking a glass 7 juice.He knows there is going to be a 8 /wnd(r)fl/ basketball game in Beijing next week.He likes basketball very much and he 9 (want) to watch it.Mrs.Green is cooking.She wants to make great food for

    6、 her family.She wants to have lunch 10 /(r)li/, because she doesnt want to miss(错过) her favorite TV show! 三 What do people do in their 1. time? Some people like to stay at home. Some would like to go for a 2. pknk. Others like to do sports. My friend Bruce works hard in an office from 3. mnde to Fri

    7、day. On weekends, he does some housework(家务活) 4. (one) a week. He 5. (clean) his house on Saturdays. And on 6. he goes to his uncles farm with his family 7. car. The farm is not big, but there is much work to do on it. The kids 8. :lwez help with the animals. Bruce and his wife help in the field (田地

    8、). When the work is over, they are very happy. Look, they are 9. (have) a big dinner now. After dinner, they drive back home. They have an 10. (interest) weekend. 四 Lin Hong is my new friend.Her father has a shop near the factory.The 1 /Iz/ in his shop are all nice.And his family are kind 2 the work

    9、ers.So they like to buy 3 /smI/ there.Its Saturday today.Lin Hong doesnt go to school.She knows her father is busy, so she gets up early.She does her homework and then goes to the shop to help her father.There 4 (be) many people in it.She sells(卖) bananas,apples, 5 (orange) and drinks to the workers

    10、.A car stops(停) in front of the shop.The 6 (drive) comes in and buys some hamburgers and then goes away.Lin Hong finds his bag on the 7 /fl(r)/.She runs out, 8 she cant see his car. “I know Mr.Yang.We can take 9 bag to him this evening, ” says Mr.Lin.Its nine and the shop is closed(关闭的) Lin Hong and

    11、 her father go to Mr.Yangs home.The man and his family thank 10 (they) very much. 五 There is good news for the children in the countryside.We may still 1_ /rmemb/ the girl with big eyes.Her big eyes are 2_ (tell) us her dreamI wish to go to school! In China, there are still a lot of girls and 3_ lik

    12、e her.They want to go to school, but their families are too 4_ /p(r)/.If the family has two 5_ three children,it is harder to pay the money for all the children.So the 6_ (parent) often ask girls to stay at home,and boys to go to school. Now they neednt worry 7_ the money.From this year on, children

    13、 can go to school for free in some poor places.They 8_ (not) have to pay for books and other things.Some of them can even get money from the government(政府) to make their life 9_ (good) Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free.All families are very 10_/hp/ with the news.It

    14、is really great. 六 Smiling is the best way of making friends. When I was thirteen 1_ old,my father found a job in the city.So my 2_/fml/ moved there.I also 3_(come) to a new school near where we lived.At first,I did not know anyone in my class.I was very lonely because I was afraid to make friends 4

    15、_ my classmates.I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem,and I didnt want my parents to5_ /wr/ about me. Then one day,something good happened.I was 6_(sit) at my desk as usual while my classmates were talking happily with each other.At that moment, a boy came into the classroom.I didnt know 7_ he w

    16、as.He passed me and then turned back.He looked at me and without a word, smiled.Suddenly, I felt happy, lively and 8_/wm/.That smile changed my life.I started to talk with the other 9_ (classmate) and made friends.Day by day,I became closer to everyone in my 10_. 七 It is February 12th.Its my friend

    17、Jennys 1 (thirteen) birthday.She has three good friends.They are Lily, Jack 2 me.She asks us to come to her party.And we want to buy some 3 (present) for her. Lily knows Jenny likes 4 (play) basketball very much, so she buys a basketball for her.Jack 5 (think) Jennys favorite fruits are apples and p

    18、ears,so he buys some apples and pears for her.For me,I buy her a red skirt.She likes skirts and her favorite 6 /kl(r)/ is red.I think she will like the skirt.We also make a birthday cake for her.Its different 7 other cakes.The shape of the cake is a 8 /bl/. At seven, we go to her home.When she sees

    19、us, she is very happy.She thanks us for the 9 /Iz/ we give her and coming to her party.We have dinner at her home.And we say “Happy birthday” 10 her!We are all happy at the party. 八 Its early evening.Paul Jones is sitting in the living room of his house near 1 /lndn/.He is reading to his daughter,an

    20、d his son is playing 2 his dog.You may think Paul just 3 (come) back home from work and he is having a good time with his children. 4 you are wrong.Paul is a househusband(家庭主夫).He looks after the children at home,and he does 5 same things as any housewife does.He makes breakfast and takes the childr

    21、en to school.Then he cleans the house,does the 6 (shop),and bring the children back from school.He makes dinner for his family. He can cook very 7 (good).Then he puts the children to bedall when Mrs.Jones is at work. Mrs.Jones is an 8 /fIs/ worker.She works long hours,so she 9 /seldm/ sees her child

    22、ren when she works.But on Saturdays and Sundays the family have a good time together.“Many people dont understand(理解) me,but I like my life.Im 10 (do) what I want to do, ” says Paul. 九 There are two boxes under Alices bed. Some of her birthday 1 (present) are in them. The blue box is 2 /skwe/, and t

    23、here is a basketball in it. She 3 (get) the basketball at the age of five. Her brother bought it for 4 (she). Alice often plays basketball 5 her brother. The shape of the red 6 is round. You can see a 7 /pe/ of ballet shoes and a skirt in it. Alices mother gave her the shoes on her 8 (ten) birthday.

    24、 Now Alice can 9 /pfm/ ballet well. The skirt is from Alices father. He bought it 10 Alice was thirteen. Theyre all Alices favorite birthday presents. 十 I had a great time with my family this summer holiday.We played in different places.On Monday,the weather was sunny and 1 /ht/ and we went to White

    25、 Beach(白沙滩)Here is 2 picture I took that day. Look!I am 3 (swim) in the water.And my parents are sitting on the beach.They are drinking juice.On Tuesday,it was 4 (cloud)We just visited two aquariums(海洋馆)And we saw many beautiful 5 (animal) there.There was also an animal show that day. Look 6 this pi

    26、cture!Some dolphins(海豚) are playing balls in the water.On Wednesday and Thursday,we wanted to go hiking(远足)But the 7 /prblm/ was that the weather was rainy and windy.So we just bought some 8 (interest) things and ate some delicious food there.On Friday,the weather was fine,so we went hiking.We got t

    27、here at 7:00 am. 9 went back at 5:00 pm.The five- day 10 /trip/ was over soon.I want to go there again. 十一 There was a boy and his family was very rich(富有的)One day his father took him on a trip.He wanted to show his son 1 poor people were there.They decided to 2 /steI/ on the farm for seven days.The

    28、re 3 (be) many poor families living on the farm. On 4 (they) way home,the father asked the son, “How was the trip?” “It was 5 /greIt/,Dad, ” the son said. “Did you see how poor people were there?” asked his father. “Oh,yes, ” said the son. “So,tell me, ” said his father. The son said, “Well,we have

    29、one dog but they have four.We have a pool in our garden, 6 they have a river(河流)We have some lanterns(灯),but they have many stars 7 night.We have only a small 8 /has/ to live in,but they have a big farm.We buy our food,but they grow theirs.” Hearing this,the father didnt say 9 (something) Then the b

    30、oy said, “Thank you for 10 (let) me see how poor we are.” 十二 Yesterday was Mary and Joes 23rd wedding anniversary(结婚纪念日). They went to Green Restaurant for dinner. The restaurant is a very 1 /spel/ place for them because they went there on their first date(约会). Mary and Joe 2 (wear) beautiful clothe

    31、s and sat at a 3 /kwat/ table in the corner. They had some water 4 then they ate dinner. They wanted fish, a potato salad(土豆沙拉), some 5 (bread) and spaghetti(意大利面条). They were their favorite food. Then they 6 (order) two glasses of juice. They talked 7 (happy) and enjoyed their dinner a lot. The pot

    32、ato salad was great, the spaghetti was 8 /dls/ and the juice was sweet. After dinner, Joe gave 9 gift to Mary. Mary and Joe had a 10 time there. They hoped to go there the next year. 一 1.in 2.are 3.But 4.the 5.their 6.playing 7.watch 8.park 9.friends 10.great 二 1.kids 2.and 3.the 4.any 5.playing 6.n

    33、ewspaper 6.of 7.wonderful 8.wants 9.early 三 1.free 2.picnic 3.Monday 4.once 5.cleans 6.Sundays 7.by 8.always 9.having 10.interesting 四 1. things 2.to 3.something 4.are 5.oranges 6. driver 7.floor 8.but 9.the/his 10.them 五 1. remember 2.telling 3.boys 4.poor 5.or 6.parents 7.about 8.dont 9.better 10.

    34、happy 六 1.years 2.family 3.came 4.with 5.worry 6.sitting 7.who 8.warm 9.classmates 10.class 七 thirteenth and presents playing thinks color from ball things to 八 London with comes But the shopping well office seldom doing 九 presents square got her with box pair tenth perform when 十 hot a swimming cloudy animals at problem interesting and trip 十一 how stay were their great but at house anything letting 十二 special wore quiet and bread ordered happily delicious a good/wonderful


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