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    1、第二部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分分)  第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。  A   Come on a magical hot air balloon flight over Melbourne - one of the few cities in the world that you can fly above in a hot air balloon! Admire Melbournes city skyline at early

    2、 dawn as your balloon flies for approximately one hour and then have your nice breakfast.  Highlights:  Instant confirmation  Enjoying fantastic views  Romantic experience, perfect for couples  Free hotel pickup and drop-off included The route: You will be transported to the

    3、 launch site for your Melbourne balloon flight where you may help with the launch, or stand back and take pictures. In the early morning your balloon will drift over Melbournes parks, gardens and the Yarra River as the city comes to life. As your balloon floats above Melbourne youll look down on som

    4、e of the citys famous venues including the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne Park and Albert Park racetrack. Your balloon flight over Melbourne will last for approximately one hour. After the final landing and packing the hot air balloon away, head back to the centrally located Pullman on the Park

    5、 where you can then stay for breakfast or take a quick 10-minute walk back to the city center.  Attention: Balloon flights in Melbourne are weather dependent and your route will be determined by the winds. Your balloon may fly over Melbournes CBD. Alternatively, your Melbourne balloon flight ma

    6、y head over the inner suburbs, parks and gardens to  分 数   班级:_     姓名:_     考场:_     座号:_  .密封线   discover why Victoria is labeled the Garden State. 21. When does the flight begin? A. In the morning          B. At noon C. In

    7、 the afternoon          D. At night  22. Where will you enjoy your breakfast? A. In Pullman.           B. In Melbourne Park C. Near the Yarra River       D. In the Melbourne Cricket Ground 23. What will be the key factor if you wa

    8、nt to experience the flight? A. The flights price.         B. The flights service. C. The landing location.       D. The weather condition.  B  A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because poliomyelitis (小儿麻痹症)

    9、 made his leg lame and his teeth uneven. He seldom played with his classmates; and when the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always lowered his head without a word. One spring, the boys father asked for some saplings (树苗) from the neighbor. He told his children to plant a sapling each perso

    10、n. The father said, “Whose seedling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite gift.” The boy also wanted to get his fathers gift. But seeing his brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees happily, anyhow, he hit upon an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it

    11、 once or twice, he never attended to it. A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was surprised to find it not only didnt wilt, but also grew some fresh leaves, and compared with the trees of his brother and sister, his appeared greener and more vital. His father kept his

    12、 promise, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said to him: from the tree he planted, he would become an outstanding botanist when he grew up. Since then, the little boy slowly became optimistic. One day, the little boy lay on the bed but couldnt sleep. Looking at the bright moonlight outside

    13、 the window, he suddenly recalled what the biology teacher once said, plants generally grow at night. Why not go to see the tree? When he came to the courtyard on tiptoe, he found his father was splashing(泼洒) something under his tree with a ladle (勺子). He returned to his room, tears running down his

    14、 face. Decades passed. The little boy didnt become a botanist, but he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt. 24.Why didnt the boy answer the teachers question? A. He couldnt concentrate on the class. B. All the students looked down on him. C. He lacked confidenc

    15、e because of his illness. D. He was an unfortunate boy with learning disability. 25.Why did the father ask the children to plant trees? A. The neighbor required him to do it. B. He expected them to be botanists. C. He wanted to encourage the disabled boy. D. The children asked for their favorite gif

    16、ts.   26.What does the underlined word “wilt” mean? A. Become weak.       B. Become strong. C. Become beautiful.     D. Become green. 27.Whats the best title for the passage? A. An Unfortunate Boy B. Nutrition of Growth C.A Loving Father D. The Unselfish Love   &nb

    17、sp; C Ask people in the UK what the words “Sunday roast” mean to them, and theyll probably take you back to their grandmothers dining rooms -maybe with a few stories of “the greatest puddings” and “the best ever steak”. But now the traditional Sunday roast seems to have been left back in the old day

    18、s. According to the Daily Mail, just one in 50 British families sits down to this weekly meal together. There are many reasons why the roast is becoming less popular. In the busy modern world, where breakfast is a slice of toast eaten on the way to work or school and lunch is a quick sandwich in fro

    19、nt of the computer screen, people just dont seem to have the time or patience to make a roast. And Sunday was once a day when people could easily go to the kitchen to cook. Nowadays, people are often out shopping or at the cinema until its far too late to start thinking about heating the oven(烤箱) up

    20、. However, a recent article from The Telegraph warned against being carried away by our tight schedules: “It would be a shame to let this fine old tradition disappear.” The Guardian further explained that the eating of the big meal is only the half of it. The Sunday roast also makes for relaxed morn

    21、ing activities in the kitchen, and the table becomes the perfect place to share good food and chat with family and friends. “For busy moms and dads, even if you can manage to turn off your mobile phone and the TV only once a week and turn the Sunday roast into a real family event, children can have

    22、fun cooking the food and clearing up together.” 28. The best title for the passage is probably _. A. SundayBest Time for Family B. Sunday Roast Dying Out C. Its the Perfect Time for Us D. Lets Sit Down Together 29. Why do people pay less attention to Sunday roast? A. They have a busy lifestyle. B. T

    23、hey have no interest in cooking. C. They dont think it worthwhile. D. They are living in the modern society. 30. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to? A. A recent article. B. A traditional kitchen. C. The fine old tradition. D. Sunday morning activity.   31. How doe

    24、s the author feel towards Sunday roasts dying out? A. Doubtful.   B. Positive. C. Sorry        D. Uncertain.    D People who drink a lot of sugary drinks have a high risk of developing cancer, researchers announced last week. However, the evidence cannot yet establ

    25、ish a direct connection between the two. Drinking sugary drinks has become more common worldwide in the last several decades. Sugar drinks are linked to the condition of being extremely overweight, which increases a persons cancer risk.  The study looked at data from just over 100,000 French ad

    26、ults  21 percent of them men and 79 percent women. The researchers noted how many sugary drinks each of them had, and followed them for up to nine years  between 2009 and 2018. The researchers measured their risk for all types of cancer, such as breast, colon and prostate cancers. The rese

    27、archers adjusted for other possible cancer risks in each individual, including age, sex, educational level, family history, smoking and physical activity levels. They found that a 100-milliliter increase in sugary drinks was linked to an 18 percent increased risk of overall cancer and a 22 percent i

    28、ncreased risk of breast cancer. The researchers looked at those who drank fruity juices and those who drank other sweet drinks. Both groups, they found, showed a higher risk of cancer overall. For prostate and colon cancers, no link was found. The researchers said this might have been because there

    29、were only a limited number of cases of these cancers in the study group. Amelia Lake, an expert at Britains Teesside University, said while this study doesnt provide a clear cause and effect between sugar and cancer, it does add to the importance of efforts to reduce sugar intake. Many countries, in

    30、cluding Britain, France and Mexico, have introduced taxes on sugar with the aim of improving peoples health. 32.What does the underlined word “establish” in paragraph 1 mean? A. deny    B. confirm   C. spread  D. affect 33. What do we know about the study? A. It took over ten yea

    31、rs to carry out the research. B. More evidence is needed to support the result. C. The subjects of the study are mainly British. D. Some countries are doubtful about the study. 34. What can we infer from the text? A. Fruity juices are not related to cancer. B. Amelia Lake doesnt agree with the study

    32、. C. Sugary drinks may increase the risk of cancers. D. Men are more likely to develop cancer. 35. In which section of a magazine might the text appear? A. Health.   B. Business.    C. Environment.  D. Culture.  第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)   根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳

    33、选项。 选项中有两项为多余 选项。  Tips on Learning a New Language Before Travelling Whenever you travel to a foreign place, it is helpful knowing a bit of the local language.  36  But speaking the local language shows you care and it will help you mix with the locals easily. To learn a language, you

    34、 do not have to take full time classes. You can follow some of the tips to pick up some basics quickly before that trip.  Practice. The more you study the language, the better.  37  Think of it like learning an instrument or training for a marathon. The amount of time youll need depen

    35、ds on the language youre learning, how often you practice and your learning style. 38  One good way to practice is to use the language youre learning. And who is better to speak a language with than a native speaker who can train you better and correct your mistakes? Find one on the Internet or

    36、 in real life and start a conversation with them. There are some free language exchange websites where you can find native speakers to practice with.   39  Download a language app. Your app store offers a vast amount of options for language learning. Apps like Google Translate, Duolingo, B

    37、ilingual or Hi Native  can help you to learn languages quickly.  40  But they are not necessarily the best choice if youre short on time and trying to master the basics. They can also help a lot when youre struggling to communicate while on vacation.  A. Speak to native speakers.

    38、  B. Constantly use the language.  C. You can also find a private class to attend.  D. Trips can help make the process fun and easy.  E. Learning a language doesnt happen overnight.  F. Those apps can help you learn the language effectively.  G. You may not know how to

    39、pronounce the words correctly.  第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用语言知识运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分 45 分分)  第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。 I was destroyed by the global financial crisis (危机)in 2008.I lost everything, or  41 I thought I did. I kept looking for w

    40、ork in my field as a consultant (顾问). And looking, and looking, but  42 .   A friend of mine owned a couple of car washes. He called to offer me a 43 . It was outside work, taking orders when people drove in to the wash. I  44  because I was worried about being seen as a 45 . But

    41、 reality kicked in when I had no 46 for a nieces birthday present. So I 47 back and asked if I could still have the job at the car wash. My utter failure as a human being was complete, my humiliation (丢脸)final-or so I thought. On my third day of 48 myself to work, my former 49 Id hired five years be

    42、fore pulled in-driving a brand new Lexus. Now my humiliation was complete. There was nowhere to run, no place to 50 . 51 just as I was about to die from 52 , something happened that 53 changed my life. She smiled, jumped out of her car, ran over and gave me a(n) 54 . We chatted for about 10 minutes

    43、55 her car was being done. She said she was happy to see me, that Id been a great boss, and that she was glad I was working, because so many of her friends were 56 .I came to realize how 57 I was. At that moment, I decided that instead of just showing up, I would use all my skills to 58 my friends b

    44、usiness by taking more orders, and I did. Over the next few months, something 59 happened to me. Something I never saw coming, and something that influenced my life and made me a 60 man. 41.A.at last  B.at once  C.at least  D.at most 42.A.nothing B.nobody  C.something  D.som

    45、ebody 43.A.house  B.car  C.ticket  D.job 44.A.announced B.refused  C.argued  D.prayed 45.A.cheat  B.loser  C.beggar  D.driver 46.A.time  B.money  C.chance  D.idea 47.A.paid  B.turned  C.called  D.went 48.A.carrying B.allowing &nbs

    46、p;C.forcing  D.tricking 49.A.customer B.boss  C.athlete  D.assistant 50.A.hide  B.live  C.park  D.work 51.A.However B.Moreover  C.Besides  D.Thus 52.A.shame  B.anger  C.worry  D.fear 53.A.nearly  B.slightly  C.gradually  D.entirel

    47、y 54.A.offer  B.call  C.hand  D.hug 55.A.while  B.after  C.before  D.until 56.A.unemployed B.unrecognized C.unhealthy  D.uncomfortable 57.A.successful B.helpful  C.lucky  D.confident 58.A.save  B.increase  C.ruin  D.start 59.A.shocking B.am

    48、azing  C.puzzling  D.interesting 60.A.crazier  B.quieter  C.better  D.funnier  第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。  My mom was a nurse and often took me along to visit the  61  (family) she was caring for, including one

    49、 who had a series of strokes(中风) and was bedridden (卧床不起的). One afternoon Mom told me that we needed to visit the woman   62 (give) her medications and that we would stop at a store 63 the way. I thought we would stop at a drugstore, but we pulled up to a shopping mall.  My mom 64 (head) t

    50、o the perfume counter and bought the most expensive bottle they offered. She also bought a beautiful nightdress. When I asked her who they were for, she said they were for her patient. She 65 (far) explained although this woman was quite old and bedridden, she was still a lady, and 66 old deserved t

    51、o be treated with respect and grace. When 67 (care) for someone, we should look past the disability or the illness and look into the soul of the human, so we can connect them with sympathy. I soon realized that my moms greatest 68 (strong) was taking care of those who cannot advocate for 69 (they) and need trustworthy care providers. Actually, thats the very reason 70 I wanted to become a doctor myself.  第四部分第四部分 写作写作(共两节,满分共两节,满分 35 分分)  第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处


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