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    2018年秋牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit5 Task 学案

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    2018年秋牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit5 Task 学案

    1、- 0 -七年级上册 Unit 5 Task 学案主备:赵昌慧 审核: 日期:2018.8.2学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 通过范文,学生能归纳写作的段落结构;2. 通过制定写作提纲,培养学生良好的写作习惯;3. 能模仿范文,运用新单词或短语写作自己最喜欢的节日。教学重点、难点1. 使用写作提纲来组织信息。2制作写作计划和完成海报样本来培养学生写作的创新技能。二、词汇、短语 1. important(adj.) 重要的,例如, an important holiday(一个重要的假期) ;2. Most 大多数,大部分,例如,most Chinese fami

    2、lies ;3. Let off 使(炸弹等)爆炸,例如 let off fireworks(放烟花)相当于 set off4. Packet (n.) 小包 ,例如 a packet of ; red packet ;5. Have lots of fun 玩的很开心。 6 at this time of year 每年这个时候三、句型(语法) 1It is often cold at this time of year, but people are happy.It is,but.2Usually our parents get new clothes ready for us.get

    3、ready for 为准备什么3Learn about the information about your favourite festival.4We get red packets from our grandparents.getfrom 从中获得- 1 -七年级上册 Unit5 Task 学案主备:赵昌慧 审核: 日期: 2018.8.2学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】一、翻译词组。1. 庆祝春节 _2. 放烟花 3. 一个重要的节日 _4. 在一月或二月 5. 大多数的中国家庭 _6. 家庭成员 7. 在一年的这个时候 _ 8. 聚在一起 9. 春节联欢晚会 _10.

    4、 真的很精彩 11. 新衣服和红包 _12. 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 _ 13. 为我们准备好礼物_ 14. .得到来自我们爷爷奶奶的红包 _ 二、思考以下问题1. Which is your favourite festival?2. When do people celebrate it?3. How do people celebrate it?4. Why do you like it?【课堂学习】Step1. Pre-writing (Oral practice)Which festival is the most important in China?Which month is it

    5、in?Step2. While- writing1. After reading Millies writing plan, try to finish Part B.2. Discussion: What does Millie write about in each paragraph?Para1:Para2:Para3: 3. Ask: Which is your favourite festival? Why?4. Make a writing plan like Millie first, then write an article with its help.Step3. Post

    6、-writing Self-editingPeer-editing (Pair work/ Group work)32 字写作评价标准:段落分明,要点齐全。时态恰当,结构正确。句式多样,过渡自然。观点合理,书写规范。【语言点解析】1. Out of sight, out of mind.【谚语】 眼不见,心不烦。2. There is no smoke without fire. 【谚语】无风不起浪。解析 without - 没有(介词) 反义词是 - with smoke - 烟 fire - 火 练习 a. People cant live without air or water. 译:

    7、b.He goes out without a word(话语). 译: c. 他每天不吃早饭就上学了。 He _ to school _ _ every day.d. 我和我的父母在这个周末去公园玩了。 I go to the park _ my parents at this weekend.3. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. 每年电视上都会有盛大的春节晚会。- 2 -4. Usually our parents get new clothes ready for us, and we get red pac

    8、kets from our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. 通常我们的父母会为我们准备好新衣服,我们从祖父母、父母、叔叔阿姨那里得到红包。解析 1: getfrom- 从-获得,得到 练习 a. Children always get love from their parents. 译:b. 他经常收到他的网友的邮件。 He often _ an _ _ online friends.解析:2: be ready for sth / to do sth. 准备好做某事 get ready for sth / to do sth 为做某事做准备

    9、5. We like to let off fireworks at night at the Chinese New Year. 我们喜欢在春节的晚上放烟花。let/set off fireworks 放烟火 at night 在夜里 in the evening 在晚上解析 let off = set off - 燃放 like to do = like doing - 喜欢做 at night - 在夜间 (比 evening 晚些)练习 a. They let off fireworks to celebrate the Spring Festival. 译:b. 女孩子不喜欢放炮。T

    10、he girl _ like _ _ _.6. Each student in Class 1, Grade 7 has to write about his or her favourite festival. 译:解析 each student in Class 1,Grade 7 每一个七年级一班的每个学生 (介词短语作后置定语)练习 a. some students in Class1 译: b. 四班的两名学生译: 复习:穿红色外套的女孩_解析 have to - 不得不; 必须,后接动词原形,其三单形式为 : has to练习 a. 我们不得不照看那个婴儿。 We _ _ _ _

    11、that baby.【课后拓展】1、词汇 A.根据首字母、音标、中文提示写出正确的单词。1. J_ is the first month of a year.2. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in F_.3. Id like to buy three_(包)of salt.4.He always goes to an _ (mptnt)meeting every month.5. _(mst) children enjoy let off fireworks at the Spring Festival.B、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1

    12、. It _ (take) her half an hour _ (read) English in the morning.2. He hopes _ (be) a happy boy.3. Everyone except (除了) the twins _ (worry)about their lessons.4. Maybe you need _ (practise) _ (make) lanterns out of oranges.5. We often have too much homework _ (do).6. You should do your homework (one).

    13、Then you can watch TV.7. Is it time for us _ (take) a walk?8. Thank you for _ (give) me a flower. 2、选择填空( ) 1. do you have an English class? Once a day.A. How old B. How many C. How long D. How often( ) 2. Its fine today. What about ? Good idea!A. walk B. walking C. walks D. to walk( ) 3. The Mid-Au

    14、tumn Festival is usually _ autumn .Chinese people celebrate it _ that day.A. in, on B. on, in C. in, in D. on, on- 3 -( ) 4. _ do you exercise every day? For an hour.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many( ) 5. The girl _ glasses _ my best friend.A. with; is B. with; are C. in; is D. in; a

    15、re( ) 6. I give him a special book _ a birthday present.A. as B. for C. to D. of( ) 7 I dont have _bread. Would you please give me _?A. any, any B, any, some C. some, any D. some, some( ) 8.Eating too many candies _ not good for your health.A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 9 .Which group is with the s

    16、ound/au/?A. dear; near B. hi; buy C. sure; February D. how; now( ) 10. -What do you have _ lunch? -Some fish and fruit.A. at B. on C. for D. during( ) 11.- How does your brother go to school? -He usually _ there. A. walks B. walks to C. by bus D. take a bus( ) 12. -Would you like to come to the part

    17、y today? - Id love to, _Im not free.A. so B. but C. if D. and( ) 13. -_ is it today? -Oh, its October 10.A. What day B. What date C. When D. what time( ) 14. -Why do all the boys love October? -Because they can_.A. watch the Spring Festival Gala B. have a party to celebrate Childrens DayC. eat rice

    18、dumplings D. play games and shout “trick or treat”( ) 15. If children do not get _ candy, they play a trick _ others.A. some, on B. some , with C. any, on D. any, with( ) 16.The woman_ the USA is my sons English teacher.A. is from B. from C. comes from D. of三、翻译下列句子,每空一词。1. 在中国,春节是一个很重要的节日。The is fe

    19、stival in China.2. 大多数的中国家庭庆祝中秋节。_ celebrate the 3.我们从父母那得到新衣服和红包。We and _ our parents.4.我们喜欢在晚上燃放烟花。We like _ _ _ _ at night.5. 每天早上妈妈都为我准备好早饭。My mother _ every morning.四、句型转换 1. They often eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.(划线提问)_ _ they often _ on Thanksgiving Day?2. There is a moon cake on the desk

    20、. (划线提问)_ _ moon _ _ there on the desk?3. I would like the red one . (划线提问)_ _ you like?4. My mother is happy today because it is her birthday . (划线提问)_ _ _ mother happy today?- 4 -5. These are Amys books. (划线提问)_ _ are these?6. Children use pumpkins to make lanterns on Halloween. (同义句)Children _ la

    21、nterns _ _ pumpkins.五、阅读A woman drives to work every day. She usually parks her car in the street outside her office. She got into her car and started driving home. Suddenly, she noticed(注意) a yellow van(货车)at her back. The driver was a man. When she turned left, the yellow van turned left. When she

    22、 turned right, the yellow van turned right. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow van stopped behind her.She was afraid so she drove quickly to our police station. She was very surprised (惊奇)when she saw the van stop behind her. At that time, I was standing outside the police station. T

    23、he woman was very happy to see me. She knew that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to me. She asked me to arrest the man inside the van so I walked towards the man.The man didnt try to escape(逃跑) when he saw me. He just smiled and sai

    24、d to the woman, “ I want to give this purse(钱包 ) back to you, madam. I think you dropped(丢掉) it on the street.”( ) 1. Where was the woman driving when she saw the man?A. Her office B. Her home C. The airport D. The sta tion( ) 2. What kind of car does the man drive? A. A truck B. A bus C. A van D. A

    25、 taxi( ) 3. Where did the woman decide to go after stopping at the traffic lights?A. The police station B. The womans home C. The poli cemans home D. Her office( ) 4. What did the man do when the policeman walked towards him?A. He was surprised and left B. He drove quickly to the police station.C. H

    26、e was afraid and escaped D. He talked to the woman( ) 5. What does “ arrest” mean in Chinese?A. 追赶 B 逮捕 C 逃跑 D 盘问六、 请根据下列提示,以“The Dragon Boat Festival”为题,写一篇 70 词左右的短文, 可以适当发挥。 (字迹、段落层次、所学句型、适当发挥等)1. 龙舟节是一个古老的中国节日,通常在五月或六月来临。2. 在那一天许多地方有龙舟赛(dragon boat race)。龙舟很长,人们将其涂上鲜艳的颜色,看起来很漂亮。3. 人们还吃一种特殊的食物粽子,味道很好。4. 我喜欢这个节日,因为我可以观赏比赛,为我喜欢的龙舟呐喊助威,还可以.(至少写出一点)提示:呐喊助威 cheer for_- 5 -_


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