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    1、1课 题 8A Unit 7 Welcome to this unit 课型 New教学目标1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe seasons2. To guess meaning from context3. Talk about your favourite seasons4.To master different ways of talking about weather教学重点 Talk about your favourite seasons教学难点 To master different ways of talki

    2、ng about weather教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step 1 PresentationTeach the new words such as sunny, cloudy ,windy and so on with the help of media Ask questions:Whats the weather like today?Its sunnycloudywindyPresent our students a picture of the rain. Look, Its raining . The ground is all wet. Its rainy.Look

    3、, Its snowing heavily. The ground is all white. Its snowy.Look! There is a lot of fog. We cant see anything clearly. Its foggy.Step2 PracticeDo the game one by one.Whats the weather like?Its sunny.Now lets play a game. The first student in each group will show the second student a weather card and a

    4、sk him or her the question Whats the weather like? The second student will answer the question and then ask the third one the same question. The team which finishes first and does the best will win the game.Step3 PresentationWhats the weather like in spring?Its the windy and rainy. Its the best time

    5、 for trees and flowers to grow. Its the best time to fly kites.Whats the weather like in summer? Its sunny and hot. Its the best time to go swimming.Whats the weather like in autumn? Its sunny and cool. Its the best time to plan a day out.Whats the weather like in winter? Its cold and snowy. Its the

    6、 best time to play with snow.2Now lets listen to a conversation and then answer some questions.1Which season does Simon like best? Why?2Which season does Amy like best? Why?Step4 Practice Now work in groups of four and make a similar conversation.Comic stripStep1 PresentationWinter is coming. Eddie

    7、feels very cold. What does he want to do? Now lets listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo, and then find out the answer. He wants Hobo to bring him clothes.Does Eddie look cool with the clothes? Hobo thinks hell look cool and feel cool with nothing on.Step2 DrillsListen to the tape and re

    8、peat after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.These two teams will read Eddies part and these two will read Eddies part and these two will read Hobos part.Step3 DisplayWork in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your ideas.Step 4 HomeworkFind more i

    9、nformation about wild animals and finish the exercises.板书设计教学反思3课 题 8A Unit 7 Reading (1) 课型 New教学目标 1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details教学重点 To identify specific information about different people form the poem教学难点 To use wo

    10、rds to describe the change of the four seasons教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step 1 Revision.Whats your favourite season? Why?I like winter . It often snows in winter. Its the best time to play with snow.Step 2 Presentation1.T: Spring is the best season of the year. Its warm and windy. Its the best time to fly

    11、kites. Bees and butterflies play among flowers. 2.If the rain comes, they hide from the April showers. 3.Summer is hot ,but we can enjoy a long summer holiday. What can we do in summer? We can go swimming. We can eat an ice cream. There are also quiet streams, trees and shade. I like chatting or rea

    12、ding in the middle of the day. The temperature rises quickly at that time.4.What colour are the leaves? They are yellow, red, golden and brown. In autumn, the leaves turn brown. they fall into piles upon the ground. Its the best time for farmers to harvest crops.5.As the days are shorter and the tem

    13、perature drops, winter is coming.Its cold in winter. Sometimes its snowy. the ground is covered with snow. Birds fly far away.Step3 DrillsNow please open your books and turn to page 83.Look at Part B2.We are going to listen to the poem. Write down the correct seasons in the blanks. Then match each s

    14、eason with the description in the poem.1Its spring. what a perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers.2 Its autumn. Brown leaves fall on the ground. Farmers harvest crops.3Its winter. Winter days are full of snow. Birds fly far away.4 Its summer. There are quiet streams, tre

    15、es and shade. We can eat 4ice cream.Step 4 Practice1What can we see in winter2Can trees and flowers grow in winter?3Why do the birds fly far away?4What can we do in spring?5what do bees and butterflies do in sping?6What can we do in summer?7where can we often play in summer?8. Where can we see piles

    16、 of autumn leaves?9What are the farmers busy doing in autumn?Read the poem again and find the rhyming words.Read the poem again ,and then discuss and find the sentences in which the writer uses personification.Step 5 ActivitiesPlease repeat the poem after the tape.Pay attention to your pronunciation

    17、 and intonation.Please read the poem together and express your feelings about each season.Im going to divide you into four groups.Each group will read one of the seasons.Step6 Homework1. Read the text correctly and fluently.2. Do the exercises. 3. Retell the passage.板书设计教学反思5课 题 8A Unit 7 Reading 2

    18、课型 New教学目标1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe seasons2. To guess meaning from context3. To learn how to describe the weather.4.To learn some useful expressions and use them in different context教学重点 To learn how to describe the weather.教学难点 To learn some useful expressions and use the

    19、m in different context教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step 1 RevisionT: We have learnt some words to describe the seasons. can you describe each season with the words in the poem.introduce your favourite season to us? Others please guess which season it is? Ask 3-4 Ss to read their articles.Step 2 Some more exer

    20、cises1What can we see in winter2Can trees and flowers grow in winter?3Why do the birds fly far away?4What can we do in spring?5what do bees and butterflies do in sping?6What can we do in summer?7where can we often play in summer?8. Where can we see piles of autumn leaves?9What are the farmers busy d

    21、oing in autumn?Step3 ExplanationBe full of =be filled withForget to do sth, forget doing sthWhat a perfect time toWhat a perfect time to go on a tripWhat a perfect time to go swimmingWhat a perfect time to walk by a streamAs: while sth else is happening Pay as you leaveDrop: to become or make sth we

    22、aker,lower or less The price of the car has dropped a littleRise to come or go upwards;to reach a higher level or positionThe river has risen by several metersShower: a short period of rain or snowThere will be showers this afternoon6Temperature: a measure of how hot or cold it is Winter has come an

    23、d the temperature has dropped below zeroUpon:onHe set the plates upon the table.Step 4 DrillsLook!Miss wang (_)these children.they are happy.It is getting cold. The temperature_will drop below zero_tomorrow.Susan forgot to do her homework yesterday.She has to finish it nowFarmers work hard in the fi

    24、elds to harvest crops every autumn.When winter comes,birds fly far away to find a warm place.The box is full of books.It is so heavy that I cannot carry it.Step 5 ActivitiesWhich season do you like best? Why?Please make a poster about your favourite seasonPlease come to the front. Show us your favou

    25、rite season.Nature is full of pleasure and beauty.We should protect nature and make our world more beautiful.Step 6 Homework1. Read and retell Reading.2. Remember words, phrases and sentences.3. Complete the exercises on books.4. Preview Grammar.板书设计教学反思7课 题 8A Unit 7 Grammar 课型 New教学目标 To master th

    26、e usage of different kinds of verbsThe difference between of Intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, linking verbs .教学重点 To master the usage of different kinds of verbs教学难点 The difference between of Intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, linking verbs .教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1 Lead-inT: We are going to

    27、 look at three sentences.Pay attention to the verbs1.The snowy season will begin.2.Children can eat ice cream3.The autumn leaves turn brownThey are three kinds of verbs.They are intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and linking verbs.Step 2 work out the rules1 .An transitive verb does not take an obj

    28、ect,but can have a prepositional phrase after it2.A transitive verb takes an object.3.A linking verb links the subject and the adjective phrase that describes it.Linking verb: be,become,feel.get.look,seem,sound,stay,smell,taste,turn1.An intransitive verb does not take an object,but can have a prepos

    29、itional phrase after it2.A transitive verb takes an object3.A linking verb links the subject and the adjective phrase that describe it.Step 3 DrillsRead these sentences.pay attention to the underlined verbs. Which are transitive verbs?Which are intransitive verbs? And which are linking verbs?1.My si

    30、ster works.2.Lucy is reading a book.3.My father bought me a new bike.4.The students keep healthy by cycling at weekends5.Where does the boy live?86.The fish tastes delicious.7.A terrible traffic accident happened on a rainy evening.8.I am a member of the dancing clubStep4 ConsolidationWeve learned a

    31、bout three kinds of verbs.Each word or phrase after a verb plays a different role in the sentence because of the type of the verb.1. The boy is swimming.S+V2.Sandy watches clouds.S+V+O3.The film was interesting.S+V+PStep5 Sum upIntransitive verb: S+VTransitive verb: S+V+OLinking verb:S+V+PStep 6 Hom

    32、ework1. Review Grammar.2. Remember words,phrases and sentences.3. Complete the exercise on book.4. Preview Integrated skills.板书设计教学反思9课 题 8A Unit 7 Integrated Skills 课型 New教学目标To get specific information from a listening materialTo talk about a friend.To talk about future plansTo listen for detail a

    33、nd extract specific information教学重点 To get specific information from a listening material教学难点 To listen for detail and extract specific information教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1. Revision:Help the students to revise the sentence structuresStep2. lead- inChina is a big country. In the south of China, Its w

    34、arm in winter. But in the north, Its cold in winter.Look at the pictures of Australia. The beaches there are very famous .Do you like going to the beach to lie in the sun and eat ice cream?In Australia, you can go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine in December. When its winter in China ,its summer

    35、in Australia.Step3 ListeningNow were going to listen to the weather report about for cities. Listen carefully and complete the table on page 87.Listening A3.Annie is writing about the weather in different places in her diary entry. listen to her conversation with Simon. Help her complete her diary e

    36、ntry.Step 4 ActivityPlay in groups. One is a reporter the other is a student.Winter in the north of China always seems to be so snowy. Therell be a strong snowstorm in Beijing. Its very cold. The lowest temperature will be minus twelve degrees. Winter in the south of China is warm. The temperature w

    37、ill stay above zero, between twenty-five degrees and eighteen degrees in haikou, so it wont snow there.Provide some possible questions1What will the weather be like in Beijing?102What will the weather be like in Haikou?3What will the weather like?Step 5 Presentation Present the task today by listeni

    38、ng to the tapeTell me what his aunts name is1.There was a strong snowstorm in Beijing.2.It is a bit cold and dry in Nanjing.3.There are some snowstorms in Nanjing.4.The wind is blowing hars in Beijing now.5.Aunt Jane will call DanielStep 6 DrillsPlease repeat after the tapeNow this half of the class

    39、 will read Daniels part and the other will read Janes part. Then change partsStep 7 Homework1.Remember the words, phrases and sentences.2.Recite Part B.3.Complete the exercises on book.4.Preview Study skills.板书设计教学反思11课 题 8A Unit 7 Study Skills 课型 New教学目标To find the main points of a passage in order

    40、 to understand and memorize it more easily.To identify keywords in order to develop general understanding of a passage.To guess meaning and generate mental pictures.教学重点 To give the students a chance of practicing their spoken English;教学难点 To give the students a chance of practicing their spoken Eng

    41、lish;教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1. Revision:Help the students to revise the sentence structuresS+VS+V+OS+V+PS+V+IO+DOS+V+DO+OCStep2. Lead- inLook at the picture. Its cloudy.Can you describe the other pictures.Its windyrainysnowy.Cloud-cloudy wind-windyRain-rainy snow-snowySun-sunny fog-foggyStep3 Presen

    42、tationHave luck means luckyHealthsleepshinenoisefunHave health means healthyHave sleep means sleepyHave shine means shinyHave noise means noisy Have fun means funnyStep4 DrillsComplete Millies article with the help of the pictures and the words in the boxRead the article together, please.Step5 Activ

    43、ityPlay in groups. One is a reporter the other is a student.Winter in the north of China always seems to be so snowy. Therell be a strong snowstorm in Beijing. Its very cold. The lowest 12temperature will be minus twelve degrees. Winter in the south of China is warm. The temperature will stay above

    44、zero, between twenty-five degrees and eighteen degrees in haikou, so it wont snow there.Provide some possible questions1What will the weather be like in Beijing?2What will the weather be like in Haikou?3What will the weather like?Whats the weather like in spring?Its so_. Many people have to cover th

    45、eir faces with scarves. It makes them look_.Whats the weather like in summer?Its usually very hot. People feel _in the afternoon. sometimes its _the sudden heavy rain causes many problems.Hows the weather in autumn?People are_ to enjoy many _days. They like to travel around the city in such weather

    46、.Step 6 Homework1. Remember some important words, phrases and sentences.2. Complete the exercises on books.3. Preview Task.板书设计教学反思13课 题 8A Unit 7 Task 课型 Revision教学目标 To plan ideas for writingTo learn the proper and easy ways to write something教学重点 To write a description of the seasons教学难点 To gener

    47、ate personal ideas, plan and organize text to express ones own opinions教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1 RevisionIn this unit, we have learnt a lot about how to describe seasons 1.Which season is it in the pictures?2.What is the weather like?Its cold and snowy3.What do people wear?They wear thick warm clothe

    48、s4.what are people doing?They are making snowmen and having big snowball fights5.What are the rivers and lakes like?Deep,land,exciting,throw,ice everywhere,frozen,snowman,screamStep 2 Lead inHarbin is a city of ice and snow. Winter in Harbin is amazing.Simon is reading an article about it on the Int

    49、ernet.Read the article quickly and find the answers to these questions.1Which season does the author like best?2Why does the author like in winter?3What is the weather like?4 Can you see beautiful flowers and green trees during this season?5 What else does the author enjoy in winter? why?Step 3 PresentationSimon is reading an article ab


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