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    【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 选修7 Units 3 Under the sea 练案 Word版含解析

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    【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 选修7 Units 3 Under the sea 练案 Word版含解析

    1、第一部分 选修七 Unit 3.完形填空(2016江西省重点中学协作体第一次联考) 导 学 号 42492706One early morning,in June,last year,it was sunny.I was_1.B_my son at school when I saw a little girl wearing a Tshirt with the word “Titanic” written on the front._2.D_the school uniform policy, I believed this meant that the girl belonged to a

    2、 class team called “Titanic”As I pulled out of the school,I couldnt_3.A_but ask myself why the students would_4.A_their team “Titanic” and expect it to be_5.B_.I watched the movie,_6.A_my kids who forced me to watch it with them.Looking at the screen,the_7.B_came to me: What sunk the Titanic? Was it

    3、 because the ship was not well_8.B_?Or was it because the owner was overconfident?In my view,the ship sunk due to a_9.D_of many reasons.To start with,the owner of the ship assumed his ship was too modern and too solid to sink.That was his first mistake.In life, nothing is_10.B_.Life can change in th

    4、e_11.C_of an eye and however prepared you are, you might need to_12.B_the possibility of a sinking ship.Mistake number two was that the ship had more people_13.A_than the lifeboats on the ship could carry._14.B_,this was because the owner was overconfident about his vessel.Or he was just careless an

    5、d_15.C_of the danger of not having enough rescue tools.The biggest lesson we learn from this mistake is this: never_16.C_more than you can chewlike somebody said, “Nobody looks_17.D_when spitting it back out.”This goes for _18.C_,too.Those overconfident attitudes and lazy tendencies are icebergs _19

    6、.A_to hit and sink your ship.Keep in mind that confidence is good but overconfidence always_20.D_the ship down in the end.文章大意:作者看到学生穿着印有“泰坦尼克”的 T 恤,回想起看过的电影泰坦尼克号,并分析了泰坦尼克号沉没的主要原因,并由此联想到人际关系。1A.leaving Bdropping Cpicking Dtaking解析:根据 One early morning 及 As I pulled out of the school.可知,此处指一天早上作者开车送儿

    7、子到学校。drop 有“( 开车) 顺路送(某人)到( 某 处) ,放下车”的意思,符合 语境。故选 B 项。 leave 意为“离开” ;pick 意为“挑选;采摘” ;take 意为“带走” 。2A.Following BHearing CNeglecting DKnowing解析:作者了解学校的校服制度,因此认为这个女孩属于一个叫 “泰坦尼克”的班级团队。故选 D 项。follow 意为“遵守;跟随” ,hear 意为“听见” ,neglect 意为“忽视” ,均不符合语境。3A.help Bimagine Cthink Dwonder解析:作者在看到女孩穿着印有 Titanic 字样的

    8、 T 恤时,情不自禁地问自己,学生 们为什么会将自己的团队命名为“泰坦尼克” 。cant/couldnt help but do sth.是固定结构,意 为“禁不住做某事” ,符合语境。故选 A 项。 imagine 意为“想像” ,think 意为“思考;认为” ,wonder 意为“想知道” ,均不符合语境。4A.name Baward Cfix Dset解析:根据上文的 a class team called“Titanic”可知,该空与 called 同义,指 “命名为” ,故选 name,在此作动词,意为“ 命名,取名 ”。award 意为“授予;奖励” ,fix 意为“修理;固定”

    9、 ,set 意为 “放置;嵌入;以为背景” ,均不符合语境。5A.smooth Bsuccessful Cuseful Dreliable解析:泰坦尼克号是沉没的船,作者想知道为什么学生们给 自己的团队取这个名字,但同时又期待这个团队能够成功(successful)。故选 B 项。 smooth 意为“光滑的;顺利的” ;useful意为“有用的” ;reliable 意为 “可信赖的” 。6A.thanks to Bfollowed by Cresulting in Dcaused by解析:作者观看了泰坦尼克号这部电影, 设空处后是作者解 释看这部电影的原因,即孩子们强迫作者跟他们一起看的

    10、。 thanks to 意为“多亏,由于” ,符合 语境。故选 A 项。followed by 意为 “被跟随 ”;result in 意为“导致” ;caused by 意为“由引起” 。7A.suggestion Bdoubt Ccuriosity Ddemand解析:根据下文的问句 What sunk the Titanic?Was it because.was overconfident?可知,此处指作者的疑问(doubt)。故 选 B 项。 suggestion 意为“建议” ;curiosity 意为“好奇心” ;demand 意为“需要;需求” 。8A.lucky Bprepar

    11、ed Cgood Dadvanced解析:根据下文第 11 空后的 however prepared you are 可知,此处指作者问自己船沉没是不是因为船没有作好准备(prepared)。故 选 B 项。9A.mixture Bcause Cresult Dcombination解析:根据设空后的 many reasons 可知,此 处指在作者看来,船只沉没是很多原因的综合作用。mixture 意为“混合体” ;cause 意为“原因;起因” ;result 意为“结果” ;combination 意为“结合;联合;混合” 。故选 D 项。易混:mixture 与 combination

    12、的用法区别(1)mixture 指“(几种不同物质、思想、特质等的) 混合(体) ,结合( 体)” 。如:Pour the mixture into the cake pan and bake for 50 minutes.把混合材料倒入蛋糕烤 盘,然后烘烤 50 分钟。(2)combination 指 “(两种或两种以上不同事物、物质等的)结合,混合” ,不一定是相互融合。如:A combination of factors may be responsible for the increase in cancer.各种因素的综合作用可能导致了癌症发病率的上升。10A.safe Bguara

    13、nteed Cunexpected Dimpossible解析:上文提到,船的主人认 定自己的船足够现代和坚固,不会沉没,但后来船却沉了,由此可知,在生活中,没有什么是有保证的(guaranteed)。 safe 意为“安全的” ;unexpected 意为“出乎意料的” ;impossible 意为“不可能的” 。故选 B 项。11A.opening Bstaring Ctwinkling Dglancing解析:句意为:生活瞬息万变,无 论你准备得多么充分,你可能都需要应对沉船的可能性。twinkle 意为“ 闪烁” ,与眼睛所做的动作相符, in the twinkling of an

    14、eye 用于形容时间短促,为固定搭配。故选 C 项。12A.show up Bcope with Cleave behind Dcover up解析:句意见上一题解析。show up 意为“出现” ;cope with 意为“处理, 对付” ;leave behind 意为“丢 弃,留下” ;cover up 意为“掩盖” 。根据句意可知选 B 项。13A.on board Bin line Con the top Don upload解析:根据空前的 the ship 可知,此处指“在船上”(on board),故选 A 项。句意为:第二个错误是船上的人数超过了船上救生船所能承载的人数。in

    15、 line 意为“成一排;成一条直线” ;on the top 意为 “在顶部” ;on upload 意为“在上传” 。14A.Meanwhile BAgain CInstead DBesides解析:上文已经提到船主过于自信,此 处再一次强调。句意为:这一次又是因为船主对船过于自信。meanwhile 意为“与此同时” ;again 意为“再一次 ”;instead 意为“相反地” ;besides意为“而且” 。根据句意可知选 B 项。15A.forgetting Bunknowing Cignorant Dnonreminded解析:句意为:或者他只是粗心,忽 视了缺少足够的救生工具存

    16、在的危 险。此 处更进一步分析船主的错误。be ignorant of 意为“不知道;对一无所知” 。16A.put off Bcut off Cbite off Dcall off解析:根据设空后的 more than you can chew 可知,此 处指从这个错误中我们学到的最大的教训是:永远不要咬超出你所能咀嚼的量。put off 意为“推迟” ;cut off 意为“切断” ;bite off意为“咬掉;截去” ;call off 意 为“取消” 。故选 C 项。17A.humorous Bgenerous Csmall Dattractive解析:根据设空后的 when spit

    17、ting it back out“将多吃的东西吐出来”可知,这时没有人看起来是有魅力的(attractive)。 humorous 意为“幽默的” ;generous 意为“慷慨的” ;small 意为“小的” 。故选 D 项18A.contributions Bcontests Crelationships Dcelebrations解析:此处为作者由此获得的启发:这也适用于人与人之间的关系(relationships)。contribution 意 为“贡献” ;contest 意为“竞赛” ;celebration 意为“庆祝会” 。故选 C 项。19A.waiting Bbeginni

    18、ng Cwanting Dexpecting解析:根据设空后的 sink your ship 可知,此处指那些过于自信的态度和懒惰的倾向是等待(waiting)击沉你船只的冰山。根据语境可知选 A 项。 begin 意为“开始” ;want 意为“想要” ;expect 意 为“预 料;预计” 。20A.overturns Bdestroys Cdisappears Ddrops解析:根据前文讲述泰坦尼克号的沉没及第 19 空后的 sink your ship 可知,此处指过度自信最终会让船沉没。drop down 意为“使下降” ,符合语境。.阅读理解(2016合肥市第二次质检) 导 学 号

    19、 42492707I dont think I can recall a time when I wasnt aware of the beauty of the ocean.Growing up in Australia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side.The first time I went to Halfmoon Bay, I_suddenly_had_the_feeling_of_not_being_able_to_feel_the_ground_with_my_feet_ anymore.For my 10t

    20、h birthday, my sister and I were taken out to the Great Barrier Reef.There were fish in different colors, caves and layers of coral.They made such an impression on me.When I learned that only 1 percent of Australias Coral Sea was protected, I was shocked.Australian marine (海洋的) life is particularly

    21、important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth.But sadly, only 45% of the worlds reefs are considered healthy.This statistic is depressing, so its important for us to do everything to protect them.The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete ecosystem has led

    22、me to take action.Ive become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world.It would serve as a place where the oceans species will all have a safe place forever.Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire peop

    23、le to be a part of the movement.Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy, who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.文章大意:在澳大利亚长大的作者对海洋有着深厚的感情,当他得知珊瑚和海洋生物正处在非常危险的状态时,他决定 为保护海洋环境作出自己的努力。1From the underl

    24、ined sentence in Para.1, we can learn the author_D_.Aseldom went surfing at the seaBforgot his experiences about the oceanCnever went back to his hometownDhad a wonderful impression of Halfmoon Bay解析:推理判断题。在文章第一段中作者提到,自己永远不会忘记海洋的美丽,当他第一次来到半月湾时,他有一种自己的脚无法感受到地面存在的感 觉。由此可推断,半月湾给作者留下了非常美好的印象。故选 D 项。2Acc

    25、ording to the second paragraph, Australian marine life_C_.Ais escaping from the Coral Sea graduallyBdepends on reefs for living greatlyCmay be faced with dangerDis protected better than that in other oceans解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,作者来到大堡礁时,十分激动,但当得知只有1%的珊瑚海受到保护时,非常震惊。澳大利亚的海洋生物很重要,因为珊瑚中有更多的生物种类,但是全世界只有 45%

    26、的珊瑚是健康的。由此可知,澳大利亚的海洋生物正处在危险之中。故选 C 项。3The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended to_B_.Acontribute to a complete ecosystemBprevent more marine species being endangeredCset up a large nature reserve for reefsDraise more teenagers environmental awareness解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句 It would serve as a pla

    27、ce where the oceans species will all have a safe place forever.可知, “保护我们的珊瑚海”活动的目的是防止更多的海洋生物遭受危险。故选 B 项。4Angus and the author created a little video to_A_.Aurge more people to take action to protect the marine speciesBinspire more people to explore the secret of the oceanCshare their childhood exper

    28、iences about the oceanDbring back to people their memories of ocean species解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句 Together,Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement.可知,安格斯和作者做了一段视频,希望它能激励人们参与到保 护海洋生物的行动中。故 选 A 项。.语法填空 导 学 号 42492708阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的

    29、正确形式。(2016长春市二检)Two years ago, Boyan Slat, a then 19yearold university student in Holland, made the claim that he_1.would/could_clean up the oceans vast accumulation of plastics in about five years._2.During_a scuba diving holiday in Greece, Boyan Salt, aged 16, found there were_3.more_(many) plasti

    30、c bags than fish in the sea.He started seeking for a solution to ocean plastic_4.pollution/pollutants_(pollute)In 2012, he decided to make his intentions public.It sounded like a pipedream to many when Slat first described his idea, but he felt it was so simple and it just might work.Slat came up wi

    31、th_5.what_he called a floating “Ocean Cleanup Array.”Instead of going after the plastics, he designed an array (阵列) of long floating barriers to let the ocean currents concentrate the plastic_6.itself_(it)The system of floating barriers is over a mile long.The system had its first proofofconcept tes

    32、t, which_7.was_performed_(perform) in the Azores Island.After proving the feasibility (可行性) of the array in doing what it was supposed to do, the real evaluation of the array will take place in the second quarter of 2016, in a twoyear pilot project in realworld conditions off the coast of Tsushima,

    33、an island_8.lying_(lie) between Japan and South Korea.This pilot project is worth watching to see if it_9.works_(work)And if it does work as_10.expected_(expect), we have something even bigger to look forward to.文章大意:本文介绍了一位大学生关心海洋环境,并决定要清理白色污染的事迹,他想出来的漂浮的“海洋清理阵列”方法如果奏效,将会 对海洋保 护起到很大的作用。解析:1考查情态动词。句

    34、意为:两年前,在荷兰当时是一位 19 岁大学生的博扬 斯拉声称,他将/能在五年中清理掉海洋里大量堆 积的塑料袋。本句是 说 博扬 斯拉的计划,根据主句中的made 可知,此处应用过去将来时,故填 would;同时根据句意也可以是他相信自己能 够做到,故也可填 could。2考查介词。句意为:博扬斯拉 16 岁时在希腊斯库巴潜泳度假期间,发现海洋里的塑料袋比鱼还要多。根据句意可知,此处指他在希腊度假期间,故填 During,意为“在期间” 。3考查比较等级。句意见上一题解析。根据句意及 than 可知,此处应用形容词的比较级。故填 more。快解:看到比较级的标志词 than 便可知此处可能要用

    35、比较级。4考查词性转换。句意为:他开始寻找一种解决方法来处理海洋塑料 污染( 物)问题。设空前有形容词 plastic 修饰,且根据上文描述可知,此处指“塑料污染”或“塑料污染物” ,故用名词 pollution“污染”或 pollutants“污染物” 。5考查宾语从句。句意为:斯拉想出一个他称之为漂浮的“ 海洋清理阵列”的主意。come up with 意为:“想出;提出” ,后面跟的是 宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语,结合句意可知填 what。6考查代词。句意为他设计出一种长漂浮物的阵列,目的是让洋流自己把塑料集中起来。此处的代词应该指代前面的 the plastic 自身,故填反身代词 i

    36、tself 作同位语。7考查动词的时态和语态。本句描述的是已经发生过的事情,应用一般过去时;which 引导非限制性定语从句;先行词为前面的 test,和 动词 perform 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填 was performed。8考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作定语修饰 island,它和动词 lie 之 间是主 动关系,故填现在分词 lying。9考查动词的时态。句意为:这次飞行员工程是值得的,看看这个想法是否奏效。根据上一段的内容可知,这项工程现 在正在实施,所以要看 现在的 结果,故用一般现在时。故填works。10考查非谓语动词。句意为:如果这个方法能像预期的那 样奏效,我们会希望去做更大的事情。根据句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,主语 it 和 expect 之间是被动关系,故填过去分词 expected。


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